FOLDING WORKBENCHIn cramped urban apartments to find the place bulky bench is almost impossible. Well, my folded takes up very little space. In addition, it is light enough to carry in the summer the garden area and continue to work on the air. The workbench is made of two separate parts: removable bench Board and folding table base.

BENCH BOARD. For making it platform used Board size 1700x190x35 mm Slide size 350×90 mm connected by means of longitudinal grooves formed overhead slats (spikes) from solid wood.
Adjustable end stops to cut through the nest of size 30×30 mm: in the platform — eight sockets with a pitch of 173 mm, and slide in three increments of 85 mm, which enables installation of workpieces of different lengths. Each adjustable prop is a wooden bar of square section, one side of which is cut and two screws fixed period of I.-shaped steel profile with a thickness of 1 mm. Top shelf profile has a notch in the form of a comb for fixing the workpiece, and the lower limits from falling out of focus from the nest.
Bench Board is equipped with transverse and longitudinal (on the slide) the vise. Used ordinary carpenter’s vise made of light alloy, sold in hardware stores.
Bench Board
Bench Board:
1 — vise longitudinal; 2 — cross vise; 3 — focus adjustable (2 pieces); 4 platform; 5 — slider; 6 — spikes (beech).
Folding table-base

Folding table-base:
1 — Board base (pine 170×25,1Л600); 2 — brace (n. 2); 3 — strap (380x45x20, 2); 4 — crossbar (380x45x35, 2); 5 — (2); 6 — loop (4 pieces); 7 —a lining (plywood s); 8 — separator (3). 9 — a lug (2 PCs).
Bench Assembly

A workbench Assembly.
Longitudinal grip with the slider
Longitudinal grip with the slider.
Cross vise
Cross vise.
Workbench unassembled
The bench disassembled.
Adjustable stops
The adjustable stops.
For joining with table-base to the bottom surface of bench boards with screws attached two straps with cutouts that prevent its displacement in the horizontal plane. It is possible to provide the fixing Board from the offset in the vertical plane, for example, with the pinch bolt.
FOLDING TABLE-BASE. It consists of horizontal boards, two stands frame structure, and detachable braces. The base is mounted in such sequence. On any horizontal plane parallel to each other are placed placket and a bar-crossmember. Them screws is attached to the Board base, on its upper plane are set three trims-separator, the ends of which are connected by a strap of the same section. From below him nailed to the lining of 3 mm plywood (flush with Board), forming the tray or trough of a workbench, is divided into two parts. To the middle and right strips-separators attached wooden lugs, preventing the displacement imposed by the bench boards.
The strut is trapezoidal in shape and mounted on the door hinges. Due to the fact that the strap and cross member are attached to the uprights and the Board of the Foundation not in pairs, the folding legs do not interfere with each other. In the operating position deviating from the vertical at an angle of about 12°.
Table height is determined individually, depending on the growth of the owner.
In the working position, the workbench is a platform of size 2,0×0,63 m. When it is removed verstachnoj to a Board on the table can be mounted a small vise and perform minor mechanical work, to cut a fret saw, cutting wood, soldering, gluing, etc.
A few words about the weight. Bench Board weighs about 8 kg, table -15 kg. When installing on a ground rack bench, you need to provide a thrust bearing with wood or metal tops.

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