BUER FOR TRAVELThe idea is to use the wind power to travel across the icy spaces of the winter Binala I have cherished for a very long time. Even tried to develop a special Buer, tested his design on models. But the final decision was made when I heard that a similar trip was made in 1982, the band of the Moscow Berestov. We have set ourselves a task: to pass a frozen lake, with its southern tip to the North. A preliminary analysis of the conditions of the voyage showed that the ice, along with open spaces on the lake meet and snowy places. In addition, the ice surface is not always perfectly smooth, although there are literally mirror sites. And another thing: often the ice is broken stenovymi with cracks, paths with high piles of ice — hummocks.

The width of these cracks in extreme cold reaches several meters. Finally, and most unpleasant to travel under sail in the winter “glorious sea” weather conditions are calm, which happens at times on the lake in March, and his complete opposite — a Gale-force wind at any time of the year in which the movement under sail in the Buer is more difficult.
In short, before the constructor of the glider Valery asulym was tasked to make easy and robust sailing, convenient for transportation by any transport that can be quickly disassemble and re-assemble, simple to manufacture and operate, capable of carrying athlete along with 50 kg of cargo across the ice at a wind speed of 3…20 m/s and heavy snow, with the wind 8…20 m/s.
I must say that Valery coped brilliantly with this task. Based on designs he took Buer “Tetra”, which at the time was described in the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” (No. 1 2 in 1980). Of course, “Tetra” was substantially revised, and as a result we got quite an interesting design.
In comparison with the prototype frame has been strengthened, increased ground clearance of up to 300 mm. telescopic Mast made from a titanium alloy and thus very durable. Deck — made of durable tarpaulin. Mounts skates — welded, mounting holes racks allow you to customize the parallel side skates. The yoke crowning the side member is movable along the mast, and it allows, within certain limits, to change its inclination. The height of the mast can also be easily modified through the simple to primitive, but quite reliable system of holes and the clips. In addition, the mast is free to lean forward or backward.
Fig. 1. Buer
Fig. 1. Buer “Baikal-3”:
The I — mast (tubes 45×3, 38×2,5, 32×2), 2 — clamp 3 — clamp mounting boom, 4 — clip on the mast, 5 — power rods with frame (square tube 50x50x6), 6 — struts mounting mast (pipe 32×2), 7 — lateral aspect of the frame, 8 — bow knot frame, 9 — skate (titanium alloy 8x100x600), 10 — bolt M10
II — Klondike solitaire for joining rods of the frame, 12 — sail on 13 — nylon rope for tensioning Polycom, 14 — polik (tarp), 15 — mast glass, 16 — tiller, 17 — unit wiring ghica-sheet, 18 — boom-mainsheet, 19 — gik (dural tube 32×2, L=2450), 20 — axis of the fad (bolt M12 with nut and washer). View and planned projection of the sail and the boom are conventionally not shown.

Fig. 2. The steering unit glider
Fig. 2. The steering unit glider:
I — 6 Ml nut, 2 — washer (bronze), 3 — joint node (aluminum), 4 — washer (bronze), 5 — steering rack, 6 — axle of the skate (Ml2 bolt),7 — Ml2 nut, 8 — washer, 9 — skate (titanium alloy).

Fig.3. Sail yachts
Fig.3. Sail yachts “Baikal-3”:
1 — cloth, 2 — mast pocket, 3, 6, 10 — booty, 4, 7, 11 — grommet 5 — boom-pocket, 8 — strengthening the back foot, 9 — lat-pocket.

Platform glider (mast removed)
Platform glider (mast removed).
The attachment side of the skate glider
The clamping side of the skate glider.
The attachment point of the nose of the skate glider
The clamping nose skate glider.
Clamp mounting struts and a node of fixing of the geek.
Clamp mounting struts and a node of fixing of the boom.
For movement on snow-covered plots used quick coupler-wide ski is curved to fit the plastic pipe 50 mm in diameter, which was worn on the skates. On the snow-covered ice near the coastal village of Listvyanka our glider flew on these skis at a speed of about 30 km/h.
The ships of type “the Baikal-3” easily joined together. Sometimes were snowy ice of lake Baikal South to connect all four into a single four-masted yachts and deleteline monster, with the front Buer for its skiing compacted snow, and all the others were already in the compacted track. Interestingly, in this wind and the condition of the snow cover of Buer alone was there are differences. So, in the design of our sailing arms is missing wishbon (for easy transportation) and a boom to which the sail provides the geek pocket.
Four snowmobiles type “Baikal-3” we were about 700 km across ice and snow of lake Baikal. Throughout the journey there was not one any serious damage, though and got us and our ice boats fairly.
The design of our yachts, as seen from the drawings, so simple that to do it can anyone who is familiar with plumbing tools. However, we used to manufacture it is quite expensive and scarce materials, but they can be replaced by cheaper and less scarce.
Movement on such a Buer is dynamic and exciting. Because the Buer is the fastest of the non-motorized vehicles created by man. Is not difficult to use a Buer of type “Baikal-3” round — for this you need only to replace the skate wheels.
The management of this small sailboat requires some skill and a good reaction — especially when driving at high speeds. Due to the low base of Buer slightest incorrect movement of the tiller is fraught with occurrence of the “spin” uncontrollable rotation around the vertical axis. The sailboat usually remains upright and does not reset on it athlete.
Those who want to repeat the design of our “lake Baikal”, I would like to advise to reduce the force on the sheets to use double block or add wiring in a couple single blocks. And another thing: when driving in strong winds the boom is lifted up strongly, while the sail loses its shape and the speed respectively falls. Therefore, it is desirable to use a brace for the boom, ensuring the stability of the angle of the boom relative to the mast in any wind.
To ensure traffic safety on the ice on every sailboat must have the rubber inflatable mattress in an inflated condition. To all, it is the athlete even more comfortable for a long hike.
Alexander MIKHAILOV, Valery YAZOV, the Sverdlovsk region.

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