CATOLET KICKS OFF TOMORROWOn the table — a fleet of unusual vehicles “cars”: no wheels or tracks or ski. And yet they move. But their movement is also unusual: both by land and by air. Not accidentally, the creators called their catholicae. These small-scale models has a large future: they open a completely new direction in the evolution of transport. Developed in Kramatorsk inertial-pulse machines, the Committee for inventions and discoveries issued three certificates.
For the first time in world practice really proved to enhance the performance characteristics of vehicles can be achieved by using in the engine not the wheel, as it was considered until now, and… part of the wheel: the machine body is in the form of a hemisphere serves as a mover.
A new form of transport promises to be more cost-effective, truly all-terrain; able to move on land and on water, to overcome deep snow, sand and swamps.
In nature there is a paradoxical pattern; the lower your development of living creatures, the more legs they need to move. Remember, the caterpillar and centipede are several dozen; flies and beetles only six; plantigrade animals — four, and a man — only two.
Technology has borrowed a lot from nature. But if you follow the aforementioned patterns, a more advanced option, for example, for transport would be a car without wheels: single-bearing alternator with the engine. The brainchild of Kramatorsk inventors corresponds to this paradoxical hypothesis: it is really single-bearing alternator mover, which is… the body of the machine, and as the driving force, the inertial momentum.
From the car Dyne — the impulse ATV
Here just remember the notorious a few years ago, the story of the so-called inertial machine Dean. Expert in mortgage of real estate, an Amateur dabbler in the design of mechanical systems, Norman Dean three years stormed patent service of the United States, has not yet received patent No. 2886976 “Device for converting a rotational motion of the parts of the system into a linear motion of the system”. The apparatus was the usual propulsion; he has to move due to the occurring inside of its inertial forces. However, he could only twitch on a horizontal surface — and only.
Rapid-firing a sensational publications about the car Dean soon fell silent, and the latter-day technical miracle gradually began to forget. The more that this kind of devices allegedly contradicted the laws of physics.
But the fact of the matter is that there are people who don’t stop and think about the “absurdities” of nature, despite the fact that they are in science long ago banned. These madmen-enthusiasts don’t even try to deny it: they just build a working “pulsed propulsion”, “nutricide” (see “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 5, 1975 G. and No. 3, 1978), “energoseti”, “geniality”, “gravelly”.
In fact, because to Dean a irrepressible inventors worked on the creation of inertsioidov. So, in 1927, Siperstein were received patent No. 10467 on a fundamentally new means of transportation on earth. The machine rested on the ground four feet, elastically attached to the body. The motor rotates the cargo, an eccentric fixed on the axis. Spinning, loads brought the body in oscillatory motion. Intense vibrations perceived support legs, elastic shocks which forced the carriage to move. Whether the motion is uniform and the speed with which the squid has moved forward, this message is not preserved.
In 1939 the head of the Institute of mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR academician. E. Cochino came a young employee and asked for help to understand an idea. Its essence was explained by a simple model: in a sealed box was placed plummet with the mechanism that pushes it in different directions. If the movement of the weights to one side was sharp the other slow — and the system is significantly moved in the direction of jolts.
From positions of mechanics the fact remains, but from the point of view of classical physics the idea seemed absurd, because it is known that in a closed system the sum of the moments of forces, however large they may be, necessarily equal to zero. Still, the academician is interested in the idea of the young inventor. Despite the fact that she didn’t just infringe on established laws of physics, and “refuted” them. Moreover, clearly showed the work of forces of a closed system that moves the model without throwing out anywhere jet strings and as if nothing special is not starting from the environment.
In subsequent years, similar machines with varying degrees of effectiveness in many. Current inertial unit was built in 1959 in the Siberian metallurgical Institute in Novokuznetsk. More than 30 years worked intercode Permyak NR. Tolchin. Moving carts and other similar mechanisms he had several dozen. General designer of aviation technology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR O. K. Uptonow noted that devices V. N. Tolchina (of course, improved) can be applied in many branches of engineering.
Particularly rich in such ideas was the beginning of 60-ies. Builds newzoid Moskvich V. Turik. Employees of the Institute US by Kuptsova S. I. and K. S. Karpukhin created by a pulse of frictional mover for self-propelled systems, consisting of plate and hinged to it the two cargo-debalance, rotating in opposite directions. Similar work is being carried out abroad. In 1965, in England a patent receives Bernhart Beyerlein: his car, like all previous design inertsioidov, too, moved slowly, jerkily, with periodic stops for breaks. Most of the energy the unit spends at the rammer of the earth, where it was actually going to use. By the way, in 1974, the excellent inertia of concrete sealer of this type suggested that the West German firm “Losenhausen mashinenbau” (Soviet patent No. 421167, 11-74). Several inertsioidov built a Kiev engineer V. V. Zaitsev, Leningrad, candidate of technical Sciences E. V. Ganov (see “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 3, 1980). However, many more are searching for such sort of very skeptical. And in vain. Academician Sagdeev R. G. once said: “Where’s the big contradiction — there is a large opening”.
The birth of catolet
And after a lull there is a new word in the technique, prosaically called “vehicle”. Is this time only variation on the theme of inertsioidov? Or step forward, bordering on an attempt to make a revolution in all-terrain vehicles?
Two of them, enthusiasts of the development of unusual vehicles, is not similar to an existing one. Marat Vladimirovich Chernin, graduated from MVTU named after N. E. Bauman, works at Novokramatorsky machine-building plant named after Vladimir Lenin the head of the group’s research and analysis Bureau. Chernin, like a true inventor, a lot of interesting crafts. And here is one of his latest inventions is the “Vehicle” (and. S. No. 389943, bull. 2973) — work, which given the long years, sleepless nights, weekends, holidays. Co-author of the inventor J. V. Podprugin also arrived in Kramatorsk after Bauman. Four years of joint work has led to the success that at first no one wanted to believe.
— Here’s a look at a curious document, which once discouraged us, — said Marat Vladimirovich.
“…The proposed construction of a self-propelled unit is inoperative. The main mistake of the authors is to claim that iodine the action of centrifugal forces from rotating in the opposite sides of the cargo unit housing will make continuous movement” — such was the opinion of the expert.
At that time we still didn’t have a good current model — say the inventors. — Many, apparently confused by the fact that we are not workers, and therefore nothing worthwhile to invent in this area must be in accordance with the famous saying of the fabulist Krylov: “the Trouble if pies begin furnaces the shoemaker, and to stitch boots the pastry cook”.
However, take a little excursion into the history of technology. Major Polish pianist Jozef Hofmann has more than 60 patented technical inventions. Canadian Bresse suggested at the time totally unusual vehicle for quick communication between America and Europe. NASA (Us national Aeronautics and space research) gave a positive opinion on the innovation. And the author of the project profession… a violinist. By the way, another famous violinist, American Yehudi Menuhin, in 1940, proposed that WWF USA to buy his invented nm… the bomb. And Pierre Beaumarchais, the much improved the watch and the harp? And Samuel Clemens, better known to the world as a writer-humorist mark TWAIN, patented “mechanized” Notepad, and a bookcase with sliding shelves? Nothing prevented the artist Samuel Morse to invent the Telegraph and a special alphabet to him; naturalist John Muiru (USA) — one of the first learning machines; philosopher Francis bacon glasses; actor and composer Gleb Kotelnikov — parachute, and doctor Denis Panino — the steam engine!
On the other hand, at the time completely rejected many great ideas of Edison, Lomonosov, Tsiolkovsky (which, incidentally, was proposed using inertsioidov to conquer the world).
However, making sure that the words to defend the idea difficult, Kramatorsk engineers began to design and build models designed to confirm the reality of the idea “for the unbelievers.” Now they have catalyurek. The inventors have introduced a special term for their creations — “katleti”.
Before we talk about the essence of the present invention, briefly recall the basic theory of inertsioidov. The basis of any such device serves as a generator of mechanical vibrations. If, for example, begins to rotate the cord with a weight at the end, we get the oscillator non-directional fluctuations. If you take up the dumbbells and begin to synchronously rotate by hand, get this kind of generator directional fluctuations. In this case please note that at the time when both dumbbells will be at the bottom, the centrifugal force will be directed down, and your weight will increase by the amount of centrifugal forces arising during rotation. When dumbbells are held top position, and the centrifugal force, again merged, will also be geared up. Moreover, if the loads are quite heavy, and the rotational motion is very fast, theoretically at each wave you will have to jump, as under certain conditions, the centrifugal force will be much more to your weight. Based on this principle and all inertsioidov. If similar directional vibrator to consolidate on a sled or stroller, turning on the propulsion they will start to twitch back and forth. But the progressive movement here. Therefore, many experimenters inevitably the question arose: how to neutralize the rear rolled back, leaving only useful forward momentum?
— Some use the discovery of the Northern hunters, podlivaya the bottom of the ski skin of the seal, with slicked to one side fur. However, to simulate this technical means too homemade, says Chernin. — We have a solution to the problem lies in the design of the device first, the device case has a curved bottom, like half a ball. Second, the generator of mechanical vibrations is shifted from the center of mass to the side. And for balance on the opposite side of the body is the counterweight mounted at an angle of 30° to the vertical axis. And, third, the generator of mechanical vibrations must rotate in a circle in the case of the apparatus for maneuvering. Here, in fact, the whole structure, — concluded the author.
How is movement, the work of the unit? The thrust transport is always directed by one line: down-back, up-forward. In the first case the body of Catolica rolls like a normal wheel. When the goods of the vibrator is opposite the upper position, Catolico remains nothing how to fly, “revolving” clockwise. The principal difference of the considered traffic that at any moment, wherever directed, the total centrifugal force of the vibrators, the resultant of all forces will only accelerate the center of mass (point O) of the machine and will never brake it.
…But such a self-propelled swing is far from gone, seasick PA first mile? On the contrary. It just seems that catolet clearly captures the stages of rolling and flight, and have to “bite” or roll waddling. In fact, the change of direction of thrust is instantaneous: because vibrators can rotate at a speed of thousands of revolutions per minute. Yes, here, see for yourself.
Tests confirm…
Marat Vladimirovich put on the floor a catamaran from two school pencil cases. Bulkhead is two batteries and two “penny” toy engine. On each axis has been strengthened cargo. Cost to close a simple electrical circuit, and the canisters went. Then a second model. This form is something between a tank and a jeep, only without tracks. Confidently and smoothly, she crosses the room, despite the fact that the owner puts in the way of unusual transportation obstacles.
Let catolet through the snow — to all at all: it was as confident as on the floor. According to the authors of the invention, catolet readily passes and thick and the mud.
Best case a new type of transport — hemisphere. The bottom of the machine this form allows you to move in any direction and carry out the maneuver without turning the machine body. It is sufficient only to shift in the direction of rotation source of mechanical vibrations. To the crew or the transported cargo have not experienced even the slightest vibrations between the cab and the housing can be mounted attenuators of any design. The use as a generator of mechanical vibrations free piston engine increases the efficiency of Catolica and makes it more promising than any other terrestrial means of transport. However, features little floor machines need no comment.
The body in the form of a spherical segment and a generator of mechanical vibrations allows to refuse completely Autonomous suspension, and hence of the clutch, transmission, transmission. This significantly reduces the weight of the machine, reduces required engine power, reducing cost and operating costs by 40%. The combination of little floor vehicle hull and chassis gives you the opportunity twice to increase the reliability and durability of the device, simplifying its repair. The lack of clearance by 25% increases the permeability of Catolica, as in the period of contact with the ground, the body itself is the engine itself starts from the ground, overcoming the obstacle of taking the lift. No modern car will not be able to pass the rectangular maze for catolet as it is a mere trifle.
Light weight and sealed enclosure to transform it into a truly all terrain vehicle. Was of the bubble shape easily pass on any road, off-road, on water, snow. According to estimates of authors of the invention, the sum of all of the benefits of Catolica compared to a modern car is much more that is, the effect of each ruble invested in the new form of transport will be also higher. But this is not the limit. In the design of special purpose vehicles on the basis of Catolica efficiency can be raised even more.
The current model of Catolica made in the 1:20 scale full-scale value, weighs only 700 g and develops at the same speed of 160 m/h. This, of course, not breakneck speed, but the engine is “mosquito”. Powerful engine able to create much greater thrust, and hence the speed of the new transport will not be less than the modern machines.
When the desktop katlety Park has grown significantly, the authors became easier to prove the viability of their little floor machines.
Real prospects
— How long catolet will make his way in life? — we ask authors the hard question.
Is, unfortunately, no longer dependent on us. For example, we together for two years taken to make standard parts katlety motorcycle, given that you have to work after the main service. I must say that many enthusiasts and participants NTTM from other organizations connect to help us. So, in 1977, Voroshilovgrad Institute Ukrniiproekt and Kramatorsk industrial Institute began to design and then to collect experimental sample katrenova vehicle for giproshaht of Donbass. Its purpose is to deliver support mechanisms and materials in difficult and cramped conditions. In January 1979, an experimental model of mine katrenova tractor (dimensions 0. 6×0. 7 m) in a 1:2 scale, weighed 80 kg and was carrying a cargo up to 100 kg with a speed of 5.5 km/h terrain Vehicle easily passed through the metal beams on the slope of 15°.
Today’s invention caught the interest of the Tyumen oil, foresters Siberia and the Moscow region, enterprises of the Volgograd, Tomsk. Their help and offer participants NTTM from other cities, for example, a group of students from Togliatti. M. V. Chernin recently had to make a report in the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Positive feedback about the new vehicle was given by the academician A. A. Trofimchuk and other prominent scientists. In particular, it was said that catolet in the near future can be applied to move heavy loads such as excavators and drilling rigs, and that his theory of motion requires detailed development, and that it is time to create a special laboratory inertial momentum. Because catolet is the birth of a new direction in technology and transport.
In his book “Thermodynamic of steam” (Minsk, “Science and technology”, 1973) corresponding member of the Belorussian Academy of Sciences, A. I. Veinik notes: “…Various kinds of principles there is a great multitude, and the appearance of the existing unsupported propulsion will not keep itself waiting long. It was important only to liberate thought and imagination, on which grave gravestone lay the ban of the so-called law of conservation of momentum”. It seems that the predictions come true.
P. PETROV, engineer

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