DINGHY MATRYOSHKAA sack and a canvas kitty (bag with a round bottom) size 550X1400X1450 and 250X1400 mm — that’s what turns the Dinghy, if it is dismantled and Packed for transportation. Compactness has been achieved by making the hull three-piece. Each section may be invested in one another as the well-known “dolls”. This feature fundamentally simplifies transportation of the vessel and allows city residents to keep it in the apartment or on the balcony, even repair right in the room. But overall body length is impressive, more than 4000 mm and width 1400 mm. On this Dinghy you can take hikes of the day off and indulge in tourist travel, to swim in shallow water, Wade in the reeds. And although the contours it is designed for light wind and sailing with a full load, capacity of the Dinghy (about 300 kg) allows to accommodate a crew of two to three people, it is well withstand a wave height of two feet and wind speed in the gusts of 4-5 points.

An important positive feature of the ship — the adaptability of the construction corps: with sleek lines greatly facilitates its manufacture of fiberglass. It is possible in the process of veclachi to do without the boob, after completing the matrix with a smooth surface like glossy hardboard.
You should start with a framework of wooden structures, repeating the profile of each of the theoretical frames. Six: they are placed on a flat surface and are connected to the stringers, and then sheathed with hardboard. Work will be easier if you first cut out of heavy paper or cardboard patterns, specifying their configuration in place. Changes on the keel and buttocks are accounted for by the variation of the height of the transverse bars of the base frame. Cheekbones and all sharp edges are rounded templates from Plexiglas using conventional putty or plasticine. Where should be the connector sections are installed walls made of plywood thickness of 10 mm.
After assembling the matrix, its “rolling” the surface is covered with a separating layer pasta, “Adelfas” for parquet or a solution of wax in benzine, to Vileika fiberglass from sticking to it. The technology of making the body from fiberglass not different from the usual. Depending on the thickness of the tissue forming is produced from 4-7, even 9 its layers so that the thickness of the boards was 2.5—3 mm, bottom — 3.5 and bulkheads — 4-4. 5 mm. it is Better to first test the adhesive on a few scraps of fabric — this will allow you to more accurately determine the required number of layers.
The strength and rigidity of the hull of the Dinghy to attach the keel, bulkheads and landing alongside. In the stern is strengthened by brackets narrow Polupanova. In the middle part along the side is plancher. The fore deck is solid, it is reinforced by a low triangular flange volnovoda. Deck covers are securely stowed in the after peak things from rain and spray during the voyage.
Fig. 1. General view of the collapsible Dinghy
Fig. 1. General view of the collapsible Dinghy:
1 — body, 2 — twist of the headsail, 3 — shtag-pocket headsail, 4 — staysail, b — likas mast, 6 — palova plate of the grotto. 7 — topenant geek. 8 — the grotto. 9 — boom, 10 — rumple. 11 — the steering box. 12 — rudder. 13 — the centerboard, 14 — tube. 16 — mounting screw M4, 16 epoksidny seam.
Fig. 2. The hull of the Dinghy
Fig. 2. The hull of the Dinghy:
1 — transom, 2 aft Palapa-bast, foam, 3 — Bank, 4 — cianchini, 5 — swiercz-beam, 6 — volnovod. 7 — bow deck, 8 — swiercz, 9 — bracket suspension wheel, 10 — feed sccne, 11 Kil. 12 — knize, foam, 13 — the middle section, 14 — clamp, 15 — bulkhead section 16 — steps-mast, 17 — landing of the housing (redan), 18 — nose section, 19 — below deck insert, foam, 20 — bolt M8. 21 — rivet Ø8 mm, 22 — the case of planchonia, aluminum. 23 — lining, 24 — corner volnovod a, 25 — fenders “bar” (made of anodized aluminum. area 10X20 mm). 26 — rubber strip, cord. (Section B-b, b-C, d-G, D-D, e-E — is increased.)

Plancher is covered with a thin sheet duralumin. In addition, the metallic area is placed along the entire bow: it serves as a RUB rail. Knica — foam with fiberglass covering. Below deck at the bow is laid reinforcing a plastic foam insert.
The sections are interconnected by bolts M8 or M10, which are at the bottom in the bulkheads drilled the appropriate holes.
The role of the seat in the Dinghy performs a narrow transverse of the Bank (the material is foam with fiberglass). On plansare in the middle of the hull can be raised oarlocks for oars.
The mast of the Dinghy collapsible, duralumin pipes. Mast height 5500 mm consists of four identical segments Ø 40X2 mm, attached by means of inserts. Likes mast from pipe Ø 16X1 mm is attached to her M4 screws with countersunk heads. The geek in three parts Ø 30X1 mm. likasa He has not, and the lower part of the grotto is free, held only in Shkotovo corner. The jib is put on the forestay pocket luff point and removed stukeley twist. The material of the sails — tight lining. The total surface area of 8.5 m2.
The mast is secured by a forestay and two guys coming down from Salimova nosing, and the boom is supported by topenant coming from the top. The place is at a distance of 1250 mm from the forward end of the first section.
Fig. 3. The theoretical drawing of the hull (frame 650 mm).
Fig. 3. The theoretical drawing of the hull (frame 650 mm).
Fig. 4 Stocks for the manufacture of the matrix
Fig. 4 Stocks for the manufacture of a matrix:
1 — front, 2 — base, 3 — connecting the stringers, 4 — door, 5 — putty 6 — template.

Fig. 5. Making matrix the forward section
Fig. 5. Making matrix the forward section:
1 — stringer, 2 — stem matrix (tin, aluminum), 3 — stand staple.

Fig. 6. The hull of the Dinghy
Fig. 6. The hull of the Dinghy:
left — a 6-cell option on the right — 3-section variant. The diagrams show the order of stacking of the sections for transport.

Swiercz — side, canoe-type: for it is not necessary to do svetovogo of the well at the bottom — this simplifies the construction, and its mount. Installed it on the sleeve member swiercz-beam (tube Ø 38 mm), which, in turn, is held in clamps on both sides. Swiercz dagger type, profiled, made of plywood. Its length is 1200 mm, the greatest width near the waterline 270 mm. Swiercz-beam is almost immediately behind the mast.
The rudder was also profiled plywood, the bottom is covered with fiberglass. Pen length about 650 mm and the maximum width is 180 mm. the normal Fastening: with steering box it’s on the staples and pins attached to the transom. Tiller for easy control made with extension, sliding out of the base tube.
A few words about the promising project. The hull of the Dinghy “the Fox” is composed of three sections, but made the same ship of the six “dolls”. This further facilitates transportation: ship versed in two packing sizes mm. 550X750X1450 True, “Tom had to go to some increase in weight due to the additional bulkheads and mounting.
V. RUMYANTSEV, Moscow region

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