FOLDING RECUMBENTI — a longtime and devoted reader of the magazine “modelist-Konstruktor”. And now decided to write about my velomobile, which has created, as they say, “on the knee”.

The basis for it was a serial bike “salute”. Additional components and mechanisms applied, if possible, is also ready: the main wheels — from “Kama”, a side — from a child’s Bicycle. Homemade — trunk, seat and leading the elliptical sprocket. The last part made according to the description given in one of the rooms of the journal “modelist-Konstruktor”. Drive — on front wheel.
To store the velomobile as a base bike, add up. To do this, the trunk is removed, and the side wheels turn along the frame — it is only necessary to loosen the wing nut that secures their console speed axle to fork.
It is also important that the design of the recumbent assembled without welding and can easily and quickly be transformed back into two-wheeled bike.

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