GUN BEAUTYThe words “paint”, “paint” and “beauty” is not accidental cognate: new color allows you to see the subject in a new way, decorate it, make it brighter, more colorful. That’s why products from a variety of materials need painting, and for this purpose, a plurality of colored compositions and methods of their application. The old methods remain in force today, but they are very much soiled: clothes painter or carpenter because of the inevitable stains on it sometimes resembles an artist’s palette.

That’s why among modern staining became very popular and aerosol dyes: convenient, virtually no soiling working with them, gently spraying at low pressure the paint is Packed in a stable and ultimately saving it in small cans. Only one drawback: the hand is not very easy to hold spray and press with your finger on the valve of the spraying, especially when large volumes of work. However, it is disposable, if you make the balloon, as proposed by the Hungarian magazine”, Earmaster”, universal pistol grip. The device is very simple and can be played on their own any home master, especially because all the elements are easy to fabricate from readily available materials.
If you analyze the sample
Like small arms, which is easily assembled and disassembled, the pistol grip can also be quickly divided into components and, therefore, easily build yourself this useful device. Metal there only two parts: a metal bracket and steel flat spring for the trigger. The rest of the elements can be cut with a jigsaw from a sheet of plywood with a thickness of 5 mm.
These wooden components of all four. They are all shaped in form, as seen in the figure. This side, like they are the centerpiece with a special cutout under the trigger and the trigger. He began to reach for the touch of a finger, the sidewalls are again, a special oval window.
Pistol grip for spray cans
Pistol grip for aerosol cans:
1 —the centerpiece of the arm; 2—trigger; 3—side arm; 4—a flat spring of the trigger; 5—clamp under the spray

At the top of the gun using all wood components is a M3 bolt, tightening them with a nut and washer. Two bolts are below in kurkovas part. They connect the itself arm and clamp under the spray.
The Assembly of the gun
It is simple as the device itself. Take the right side and by putting the slide block between the tops of the clamp, then thread all three bolts. On top of them add the trigger, and the bottom center of the arm, at the same time investing in its groove, the strip of springs. Remains to put on the bolts left side panel arm and a second lapel collar, everything, you can pull the entire Assembly with nuts and washers. Further details of the handle are fastened at the edge of the thin nails without hats.
Trim detail
It is performed immediately after their production: if the gun helps to make things beautiful, then he needs to be dressy. This clamp turns any bright nitro (best — from an aerosol can). And the wooden parts are carefully sanded, very carefully — the trigger that it become also a little thinner and freely turned in the yoke arm. As for the outer sides of its side walls if the wood texture is beautiful, patterned — it is best to Polish and to cover the transparent furniture varnish in several layers. Other possible options — just to impregnate with linseed oil and carefully polished or just painted with enamel paints.
The use of the gun
It is not difficult. The spray paint moved into the clamp from the bottom so that its valve contact with the trigger of the gun. If insert does not work, you need to loosen the bottom nut of arm, to enter the cylinder and tighten the nuts.
The handle sits in the hand comfortably, to work with such a device is easy, and even pleasant.

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