The “toy” industry is developing in exactly the same way as “adult”, and tries to use it to create new and new designs of many of the achievements of modern science and technology. This applies particularly to those machines, who can carry a small car owner.

Once these cars were powered exclusively by the pedal actuator; and then there are gasoline, electric, pneumatic engines… However, cars continue to attract and toddlers and, more importantly, their older brothers and dads.
Today we offer to your attention one of these cars, which quite on forces to make even the one who takes up carpentry and locksmith tools only occasionally. This pedal double avtomobilchik piece “based on” army “jeep” that is attracting the boys. Characteristically, this “jeep” is equipped with two pairs of pedals, and the passenger, and the driver can equally participate in the action of moving it. I hope that the mini-jeep will be a godsend for those who are lucky enough to raise twins or close in age children. The car will permanently occupy the attention and interests of boys.
The design of the machine mostly hardwood. The back of her carrier. More precisely, the function performs the frame side panels. With them, then it makes sense to start work on making the body.
For side panels suitable plywood or hardboard with a thickness of about four millimeters and wooden slats with cross-section 20X20 or 25X25 mm. For gluing of workpieces you can use a simple staple to give the panels shape, curved in plan and is twisted about the longitudinal axis, is impossible. The slipway can become somewhat embedded in the ground stakes, which, at first, temporarily primatyvajutsja inner sheet of plywood, then it glue and nails — the longitudinal frame rails. Further, the frame is glued (also with fixing nails) outer sheet cladding. When the glue dries, the panels are removed from the building berth — the shape of his they keep. After processing, the contour and cut a niche under the rear wheels, install them on a level floor according to the drawing and dimensions of the body. This can be done using wooden wedges, struts, etc. look Carefully at the below panels were installed strictly symmetrical, with no distortions.
In accordance with their size cut out of 6 mm plywood front and rear body panels and secure them with epoxy glue and small nails.
The hood is plywood. To give it a curved shape, the blank is made of plywood 4 mm thick steams in the water and a few nails fixed at the destined place. After drying (over several days) the workpiece is separated from the body, permanently adjusted and fixed with epoxy glue and studs.
At the rear of the machine is set to the subframe of the rear axle. It consists of two bruskov by section 50X50 mm, mounted via spacers on the side panels of the body. Rear crankshaft bent from steel rod Ø 12 mm, its ends machined to a diameter of 10 mm under wheel hubs, and the area of about 20 mm is threaded M10. For fixing the left drive wheel on the rear axle is fixed by welding a washer of external diameter 60 mm and thickness 3 mm. Washer slightly smaller diameter (Ø 30 mm) are mounted on journals of the crankshaft.
Bearings rear axle — split, Teflon (you can also use the PCB, bronze or even aluminum). On the frame they are fixed through rubber mounts with bolts and nuts with M6 thread.
As already mentioned, to drive the “jeep” can both driver and passenger. To do this, the machine installed two pedal unit — right and left. Each of them consists of a pedal shaft (rod Ø 12 mm, bore Ø 8 mm, length 15 mm) and pumping the pedals from any adult bike. Rockers are fixed on the shafts by welding. Fixed foot block of the machine with steel parts, performing the role of bearings.
The connecting rods connecting the foot block with the crankshaft of the rear axle, tubular; they will require two steel pipes with Ø 12 mm. To pivotally connect the connecting rod to the crankshaft, apply bent from brass strip clamps. For mounting rods on the servo horns provided welded to the last bolt with M6 thread. Fixation with a nut and lock-nut.
Front axle mini”jeep” is a beam, hinged on a wooden bar, which, in turn, relies on the body side. The beam is welded from steel pipes Ø 30/2,5 mm. To reduce friction, each of the bearing assemblies steering knuckle is equipped with two fluoroplastic (you can also textolite or bronze) bushings. In the center of the beam is welded to the mount Assembly — two steel plates are triangular in shape. On the right side of the beam there are two more similar plate — hinge joint trailing arm.
The steering knuckles are cut from suitable size steel channel. Axle front wheel is bolts with partially worn heads; the diameter of the axle (body bolt) 10 mm; fists of the axle are fixed by welding.
Tension bars — steel pipes Ø 12 mm, with steel chiseled tips.
Fig. 1. Double pedal car
Fig. 1. Double pedal car:
1 — front bumper (dural channel or area), 2 — mudguard, 3 — front wheel, 4 — windshield 5 — telescoping steering column, 6 — pedal unit, 7 — steering wheel, 8 — carrying body Board, 9 — foot rod actuator, 10 — chair 11 — front drive wheel, 12 — bearing Assembly, 13 — sub-frame rear axle 14 is the rear bumper, 15 — rear body panel, 16 — polik rear, 17 — niche rear wheels 18 — steering knuckle front axle, 19 — beam front axle, 20 — crankshaft-rear axle, 21 — a sidelight, 22 — lamp 23 — front body panel with grille, 24 — steering gear.
Fig. 2. The device of the drive pedal car
Fig. 2. The device of a drive pedal of a vehicle:
1, the bearing pedal (dural area), 2 — shaft of a pedal unit (steel rod Ø 12 mm), 3 — rods (steel pipe Ø 12X1,5 mm), 4 — crankshaft rear axle (steel rod Ø 12 mm washer — steel sheet thickness of 2…3 mm), 5 — levers and rocking (of the adult bike), 6 pedals (adult bike). Letters A and B denote the block left and block right pedals.
Fig. 3. The device of the front axle of the car
Fig. 3. The device of the front axle of the vehicle:
1 — the rotary fist 2 — joint rotary axle, 3 — bearing, 4 — the front axle subframe, 5 — hinge, front axle I-beam, 6 — axis hinge, 7 — transverse rod 8 — longitudinal traction, 9 — beam front axle 10 — axle steering knuckle, 11 — axis joint cross rod, 12 — small shear traction.
Fig. 4. The wheel of the car
Fig. 4. Car wheel:
1 — tire with camera, 2 — stud with nuts and washers, 3 — remote sleeve, 4 — belt, 5 — outer disc wheel, 6 hub-wheel 7 — internal drive wheel 8 bolt with nut.
Fig. 5. The steering knuckle of the front axle
Fig. 5. The steering knuckle of the front axle:
1 — axis, 2 — knuckle.
Fig. 6. The sealing tips of the transverse and longitudinal rods
Fig. 6. The sealing tips of the transverse and longitudinal rods:
1 tubular rod, 2 — tip, 3 — elastic element of the hinge, 4 — bushing; And — fixation of the tip by welding.
Fig. 7. Beam front axle
Fig. 7. Beam axle front:
1 — beam 2 — beam hinge fork, 3 — plug hinge rod, 4 — vertical hinge knuckle, 5 — bearing.
The basis of the steering mechanism is a bevel gear pair from the hand drill. The gear ratio of the pair is quite suitable for this; you just need to fix the body drills on a wooden boss, police installed on the front of the machine. Instead of the crank drive at a higher gear the drill is fixed a lever, which is connected with a small transverse thrust.
Both the transverse thrust and minor, and most have hinge joints that allow for some deviation of the thrust from its axis. This is achieved by using rubber inserts, bushings and washers. As elastic inserts make good use of rubber stoppers of drug vials.
Steering column telescopic; provided that in order to be able to set the wheel in accordance with the growth of the driver. Steering wheel bent aluminium pipe Ø 18 mm, spokes — of duralumin rods Ø 10 mm Central sleeve is also made of aluminum, chiseled.
The wheels of the machine is homemade, with the use of tyres and tubes from a child’s Bicycle or scooter. Disks are cut from sheet aluminum of a thickness of 3 mm; among themselves they are connected with a twelve stud bolts with nuts and lock washers. The distance between the disks sets steel bushings — cuts pipes with an internal diameter of 10 mm and a wall thickness of 2 mm. the Central sleeve is welded; it consists of a section of a pipe Ø 14X2 mm (internal diameter — 10 mm) and steel flange, carved from a three-millimeter steel sheet. On the circumference of the envelope of the connecting sleeve, laid aluminum tape with a thickness of 1…1.1 mm, which is fixed on the wheel with a rubber ring cut from stray car camera. On the outer rim are cut with decorative holes.
Mud flaps “jeep” is made of plywood or hardboard thickness 3…4 mm. Plywood blanks are fixed on the frame, assembled of wooden slats with cross-section 20X20 mm.
The windshield frame consists of a border — dural area 25X25 mm, a plywood of a shield, cut from a sheet thickness of 4 mm, and the window made of organic glass 3 mm thick.
The front bumper is a segment of the dural channel or corner, the vertical shelf which is about 60 mm. Fixed the bumper on a stretcher made of two wooden bars fixed with screws and glue on the front part of the sides of the machine. Rear bumpers are bent from aluminum strips with a width of 70 mm and a thickness of 3 mm.
If you want the “jeep” proved to be robust and durable, paste over it with a layer of fiberglass with epoxy binder, prosopalgia surface epoxy putty, sand smooth with sandpapers of different grit and color in a suitable color. Impressive camouflage the coloration of the machine when the main tone of the selected protective (olive) color, which is applied yellow-brown spots.
The seat are adjustable in height. This is done with the help of removable bars, to which are attached the chair. The easy chairs have a plywood base to which is glued a foam cushion covered on the top artificial leather.
It should be noted that the machine can be easily rearranged in the engine. The engine from a moped or motorbike is mounted behind the rear seat, the crankshaft is replaced by the usual, which is installed sprocket from the rear wheel of a moped. On the same shaft is dural drum band brake.
Independent development of creative laboratory “M-K”

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