Live in the village, know the burden of farm labor and therefore have set ourselves the task to mechanize it as possible. In some measure I succeeded: on his farm have a mower with an engine from a motorcycle “Voskhod” and the tractor with the engine from the T-25, another homemade technique.
The two-wheeled mower. The bridge from the cargo scooter Muravey engine from a motorcycle “Rising”. The design is a little complicated but the performance is high and mows good.
Tractor — the most significant of my homemade. It was built about 10 years ago and still serves me faithfully. The tractor is assembled on the basis of units of obsolete equipment: transfer box from his GAZ-66, gearbox and rear axle (it is shortened) is from the GAZ-51, front (also leader) — hybrid bridge “Volga” and “UAZ”. Has hydraulics for the operation of the suspended system with a homemade double-hulled plow.
My wheel tractor is a powerful and almost not inferior to the patency of the crawler. Especially valuable is its ride quality in a mountainous area on the slopes. Its own mass about one and a half tons it can be towed by a homemade single-axle truck with a lifting capacity of two tons.
A. GADZHIEV, S. Kurakh, Dagestan