When the need arises to duplicate any negative or slide, the question is how to do it. Contact method seems to be the easiest, but not always acceptable due to the complexity of determining the correct exposure in the exposure. For those who have a video camera to macro mode with pull-out fur (NRF or similar), the task is much simplified because it can be adapted for these purposes. Will need only an additional frame from the slide projectors of the type “Light” or “Etude” and a simple holder for mounting them on the console.

The framework presented in the photo holder I made for their consoles and the NRF framework from the projector Light. The design of the holder is clear from the picture. It is appropriately curved and refined a metal plate about the size of 100×100 mm, with window under the frame size. His slider holder is moved towards the line of boxes and fixed with a screw.
Drawing holder did not cite, because it can be different depending on the design of the console, used the framework and material for the holder is an important principle. It is necessary to observe two conditions; to withstand the alignment of the optical axis of the lens with the center of the holder and perpendicular to the Windows optical axis.
Headband design and the prefix allows you to not only reshoot a shot one to one, but if necessary, any desired portion, producing the fear of a kind of framing, as in projection printing.
Holder for slide frames
Holder for slide frames.
Fixture assy
Fixture Assembly:
on the line of consoles for macro photography fixed holder on which you installed slide the frame under perenniality frame.
Instead of frames with the frame in the window holder can be fixed any small objects for macro photography. If the console to attach the handle, then re-filming or macro photography can be carried out without a tripod, by hand, without deterioration, as the camera, the lens and frame of film are on the same base and hand shake will not affect the clarity of the frame.
N. The HANSEN, engineer

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