SAILBOAT-UNIVERSALIf you manage to build such menopausic, then you immediately become the owner of a “flotilla”! In fact: craft the proposed design for its small size called the author of “Hummingbird”, very simple conversion could be a Dinghy, a windsurfer, and a row boat. And it will be useful not only for recreation, but also serve as a great trainer for beginners.

Board sailing for beginners should be first and foremost stable! So we argued, designing for surfers class “Tornado” — “Aqua-the” new, wider body. In addition, the Board foot width is practically not inferior in speed and maneuverability, sporting sailboats. This led us to the idea to create a versatile building, able to serve as a training or pleasure rider, but also become the basis for a miniature Dinghy.
All this determined the success of the application of a sailboat, dubbed “Hummingbird”, as a trainer for the novice surfer and even a yachtsman. After all, the so-called “feeling the wind”, which gets used by the athlete when swimming on the Board under the sail, will be very valuable in the development of other types of sailing ships.
Options build a universal watercraft illustrated. This is a normal Board sailing and windsurfer with the reduced area of the sail (“storm”), and a mini-Dinghy and a rowing boat. All modifications created based on the same hull.
Fig. 1. Options sailing Board
Fig. 1. Options sailing Board “Hummingbird”:
A windsurfer with a normal square sails (6.2 m2), B — ministerto, — windsurfer with the reduced area of the sail (4m2, the dashed line shows the low position of the boom in the “children’s” version), G — rowing boat.
Case “Hummingbird”, wider and has a larger capacity compared to conventional sailing boards, has a small cockpit-equipped and versatile glass-steps suitable for installing it as the hinge of the windsurfer, and a removable mast mini Dinghy. The housing consists of three main parts: bottom, deck and svetovogo well; each individual is molded in a snap.
For vyklicky case it is recommended to use the following materials: fiberglass satin weave (about 30 meters), epoxy cold cure brand ED-5, ED-20 or the polyester resin of the type PN-1, PN-3, with appropriate additives, plasticizer and hardener (about 20 kg), as well as Styrofoam brand PS4, PVC or equivalent. The main strength and rigidity is provided due to the shape of the hull, additional foam and attach the keel, formers and stringers glued to the skin in the same binder that is used in the molding of the housing parts. The splice seam of the deck and bottom are glued two extra layers of fiberglass.
Fig. 2. Case.
Fig. 2. Body:
1 — the bottom of the hull (fiberglass reinforced plastic with a thickness of 2.5…2.8 mm), 2 — deck with the cockpit (glass thickness of 2.8…2 mm), 3 — keel (foam thickness 25…30 mm), 4 — svartby well, 5 — steps, 6 — blocks reinforcement steps and svetovogo well (foam), 7 frames (the foam thickness of 30 mm), 8 — bottom stringer (foam, covered with two layers of fiberglass), 9 — straps for ukraniane sailboat in the version of the mini-Dinghy, 10 — fiberglass tape, reinforcing the seam of the junction of the deck and bottom, 11 — scuppers in the frames (except frame № 4), 12 — tube drain holes, 13 — mooring bracket, 14 — cable stoppers, 15 — clamps for the transaction of the Scots, a 16 — steering loop 17 — slot removable oarlocks (dural tube Ø 22X1,5 mm).
Unsinkable ensured complete sealing. To improve the fit to the shell and the frames around the perimeter it is advisable to hang the foam tape and impregnated her binder. (This applies particularly to its fourth bulkhead dividing the housing into two sealed compartments. All other frames have holes at the bottom of the scuppers to drain the water.) A significant amount of foam, molded into the housing, and provides emergency buoyancy, even when fully flooded compartments.
In the bow and stern of the hull of a sailing Board includes a drain opening and closing screw caps. In addition to its primary purpose, they also serve for ventilation of internal compartments.
Fig. 3. The theoretical drawing of the hull.
Fig. 3. The theoretical drawing of the hull.
On the manufacturing technology of the hull fibreglass to dwell is hardly appropriate, as it has repeatedly described as the “M-K”, the magazine “Boats and yachts” (No. 6, 1978, № 1, 1980, No. 2, 1985, № 1, 1987) and other publications.
Sail you can use factory-made, mass-produced production Association “Sea”. It should be finalized as per the option of the Dinghy, as well as for “storm” and “children” windsurfers need the sail area of approximately 4 m2 instead of the standard 6.2 m2.
The easiest way to alter the sail does not have Windows. It is cut into two parts by a line perpendicular to the luff, and then turning into a smooth curve with a deflection of about 150 mm. if the cutting line misses the window sails, transparent film is enhanced by a stripe of extra padding durable fabric. Then to both parts the sail is sewn with a plastic “zipper” — the same that is used for sleeping bags. If “lightning” is longer cut lines, its free end is tied to the rear leech of the sail lace. To prevent “creeping” of the United parts of the sails, special fasteners, removing from the ends of the “lightning” weight training.
Fig. 4. Sail.
Fig. 4. Sail:
1 — the top part of the sail (area 4 m2), 2 — mast pocket, 3, 4 — the window for attaching the geek wishbone in “storm” and “children” versions of the Assembly of the windsurfer 5 — additional booty with lupercali, 6 — zip zip 7 — lower sails (with an area of 2.2 m2), 8 — power of attachment of the ends with “zip” 9 — insert fabric set of “lightning” in the cut window of the sail.
In Shkotovo and gulsoom the corners of the upper part of the cut of the sail sewn booty with grommets in the luff (mast-pocket) cut additional Windows that serve for fastening the geek wishbone to the mast: the upper one for “storm”, the lower “children’s” versions.
The mast is collapsible, versatile, used for all modifications of a sailboat. The main element of the dural tube Ø 40X1,5 mm with foam plugs glued in epoxy resin. At the bottom of the mast to its mounting in glass steps with lock nut provides thickening (snap ring). It is easiest to make, winding the thick nylon thread, impregnated with epoxy resin.
In the upper part of the mast interchangeable topic — long (regular rider) or short (for “storm” and “children” options sailing Board and a Dinghy).
Fig. 5. Rigging of a sailboat in a variant of the mini-Dinghy.
Fig. 5. Rigging of a sailboat in a variant of the mini-Dinghy:
1 — wheel, 2 — clip for the wiring sheet, 3 — epaulet of the boom-sheet, 4 — cable retainer, 5 — boom-sheet, 6 — gik (dural tube Ø 30Х1,5 mm), 7 — sail on 8 — guy geek, 9 — guy Cunningham, 10 — node mounting of the boom to the mast, 11 — mooring clamp, 12 — mast (dural tube Ø 40Х1,5 mm), 13 — a nut of fastening of a mast, a 14 — foot strap, 15 — centerboard, 16 extension tiller.
Fig. 6. Rigging of a sailboat in the version of the windsurfer.
Fig. 6. Rigging of a sailboat in the windsurfer:
1 deck case, 2 — centerboard, 3 — sail 4 — the geek wishbone (dural tube Ø 30Х1,5 mm), 5 — guy Shkotovo angle of sail, 6 — mount the boom to the mast, 7 — start-sheet, 8 — pole 9 — universal joint, 10 — a nut of fastening of the hinge, 11 fin.
The mast is attached to the housing is embedded in the steps two nuts. The first is always on the hinge, the second, removable, serves to rigid fixation of the mast and put on the last top when refurbishing a vessel in a mini Dinghy. On the “skirt” of the second nut holes are provided for wiring of the Scots — guy geek and guy Cunningham.
Fig. 7. The mast Assembly.
Fig. 7. Mast Assembly:
1 — pipe mast (Д16АТ), 2, 4 — plugs (foam), 3 — retaining ring (nylon thread on epoxy resins), 5 — top of the mast of the Dinghy (beech); And — the top of the mast of a windsurfer.
The kit of the sailing Board “Hummingbird” includes two boom: conventional boom-wishbone rider and a special, tubular, with a knot fastening to the mast designed for the Dinghy.
Fig. 8. The boom of the Dinghy.
Fig. 8. The boom of the Dinghy:
1 — pipe boom (Д16АТ), 2 — clamp block, 3 — mount bracket (nylon thread on an epoxy binder), 4 NOK (beech).
Fig. 9. The attachment of the mast to the hull.
Fig. 9. The attachment of the mast to the hull (A version of the windsurfer, and B — variant of the Dinghy):
1 — steps of a mast, 2 — bushing-spring support (brass, bronze), 3 — spurs 4 — spring 5 — nut universal joint (Д16АТ), 6 — clip, 7 — mast 8 — dry universal joint (brass), 9 — layers of fiberglass, 10 — hard nut of fastening of a mast, 11 — the lock ring of the mast.
Fig. 10. The attachment of the Dinghy boom to the mast.
Fig. 10. The attachment of the Dinghy boom to the mast:
1 — boom, 2 — insert (beech), 3 — М6Х45 bolts, 4 — bolts М6Х35, 5 — key (brass), 6 — mast, 7 — nut-lamb M6, 8 — clip (steel sheet thickness 2 mm), 9 — plate (steel sheet thickness 2 mm).
The centerboard — ensiform, made of thick plywood, is used in all modes of operation of the vessel.
Steering wheel — “yacht” type, hinged on the transom only when you convert a surfer into the Dinghy.
Capsized sailboat is easy to put on even keel by one person, and because of its shallow depth the cockpit when straightening is almost dry. For ukraniane mini-Dinghy on each side of the cockpit, it is advisable to position the leg straps.
The last Assembly of the vessel “Hummingbird” — a rowing boat. Therefore, when Vileika case it is advisable to provide a couple of special sockets for oarlocks oars.
In conclusion, it should be noted that readers seriously interested in the sailboat-wagon, will be useful to read the publications of “M-K” № 3, 6, 8, 9 and 12 for 1980, № 7, 1981, № 7, 1982), as well as the following books: Katkov PP plastic Technology of shipbuilding and ship repair. L., “Shipbuilding”, 1968; X. du Plessis. Small ships made of fiberglass. L., “Shipbuilding”, 1979; Hayden, On the Board under a sail. Moscow, “FIS”, 1982; Zolotov, Yu., Shershakov N. V. Windsurfing for all. Moscow, “FIS”, 1984; Kislov, A. A., Il’in, O. A. Windsurfing — the first steps. Moscow, “FIS”, 1985.
Main technical data sailing Board “Hummingbird”
Length the greatest, m: 3.7 V
Maximum width, m: 1,0
Freeboard in the nose, m: 0,22
Freeboard the minimum, m: 0,16
Draught, m: 0,1
Draught with centerboard, m: 0,68
Weight of armament, kg:
sail — 2,0
the centerboard, fin, rudder, steering gear is 2.5
the geek Wilbon, the Dinghy boom is 4.5
mast Assembly — 2,5
paddles (set), oarlocks — 3,5
case — 20,0
Total: 45,0
Sail area, m2:
sailing Board — 6,2
mini-Dinghy, sailing boards for kids and beginners, “storm” version to 4.0
The height of the sail above the waterline, m:
sailing the Board is 4.5
mini-Dinghy — 4,0
“storm” version of the windsurfer — 3,5
The area of the centerboard, m2: 0,13
Area the helm of the Dinghy, m2: 0,08


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