Someone had to ride on a sled, knows that the particular manoeuvrability from them should not wait: in the best case they can be deployed on a steep slope, but changing the direction of movement of the sled is not easy. Meanwhile, the sportsman-the mountain skier could turn with ease. And the reason that skier unlike the Luger can tilt the skis: relying on steel edges, they can easily enter the curve, allowing the athlete to move on their chosen path.
In the design of a sled, an attempt was made to use it in their device the rotation mechanism skier slalom. Look at the pictures. Each ski is mounted on a lightweight tubular frame, jointed — now they can rotate up to 30° right or left relative to the horizontal plane. Both skis are connected to the transverse thrust, allowing them to rotate in the hinge mounting brackets rails simultaneously — something like the steering linkage on the car. On the slopes of the pinned arm with which the athlete can tilt the skis in one direction or another, thus the sled could easily fit into the rotation. The handles are another feature: each tubular thrust is connected with a drag brake. If you slow down a particular ski, the sledge more vigorously into the far turn, but if you reject yourself on both arms — sled stop.
The design of the sled is quite simple. The frame is made of duralumin tubes with a diameter of 22 mm, all the elements are connected to each other with the help of scarves from sheet aluminum and pop rivets (or screws and nuts). Cording — cord-tube of polyvinyl chloride or, in extreme cases, synthetic clothes line. The brackets, of steel sheet of thickness 3…4 mm, transverse and longitudinal thrust from a steel pipe with a diameter of 14…18 mm.
Managed a sledge Slalom
Managed the sleigh Slalom:
1 — snake (slalom cropped or children’s ski), 2, 8 — reinforcing the gusset plate (duralumin), 3 — lateral thrust control device, 4 control arm sleds on the course and a drag brake, 5 — arm arm control, 6 — rear swivel bracket slides 7 – braided seat 9,15 support runners 10, the hinge scraper brakes. 11 — pull scraper brakes, 12 — scraper brake, 13 — return spring of the brake lever 14 front swivel mounting bracket and Shoe.

Levers — of duralumin tubes with a diameter of 22 mm, each stretched plastic hand grip from a Bicycle handlebar.
Skiing it is best to use a ready, short slalom. Will fit any other, for children, but for them it is necessary to provide steel edges. Mount the brackets to the ski by means of screws. It is only necessary to pre-neverlet in a ski holes of small diameter, and when tightening the screws to enter the holes a little glue type BF.

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