ELECTRIC FORMULA No matter how much we have seen this picture every time it will amaze and fascinate with their uniqueness: easy flick of a switch — and just as silently as it stood, the car started and ran, picking up speed. The heart of this design — the electric motor. To it again drawn the attention of automakers and even in connection with energy problems. Do not stand aside from these searches, and Amateur designers, some of their works have been highlighted on the pages of our magazine. Today we introduce the electric car of formula D — baby, built by our reader A. Logvina from the city for his daughter called “Alyonushka”.

Alenushka — children’s electric. Let’s not confuse Amateur designers who have decided to follow my example and make a similar machine, no drawings certain dimensions. In my opinion, it is important to understand the principle of operation of the site, and how and what to do depends on the skill of the performer, and its technical capabilities.
I should admit that a constructive solution of some of the components and mechanisms are not optimal — sometimes had to adapt, some not suitable for a electric vehicle finished part. However, the three-year operation have proven the viability of the adopted solutions.
Body. The frame consists of two panels, two partitions, longitudinal rails with cross-section 20X20 mm and the frame of the slats section 30×40 mm. Front and rear bumpers were cut from the wooden bars cross-section 40X40 mm. Ka front and rear partition went desyatikilometrovy plywood. Round holes under the headlights and sidelights and an elliptical under the radiator grill was cut with a jigsaw. All wooden parts are fastened with screws and nails with spreading the casein glue.
Assembled frame is covered with plywood with a thickness of 2-3 mm. Tight you have to start from the middle of the body side. Cutting shall be prepared with allowance for the visors headlamp and the subsequent processing. Next, the plywood is wetted with hot water and immediately superimposed on the middle rail of the sidewall is pre-lubricated with glue, and affixed thereto with screws. Then, similarly, the sheet is attached to the rest of the slats.
General view of electric vehicle Alenushka: 1 — battery, 2 — electric motor.
General view of electric vehicle Alenushka:
1 — battery, 2 — motor.
After drying, removed the allowances and sheathed flat body panels. The cracks at the joints sealed with putty from kazeinovogo glue and fine sawdust. After the final drying of the edges roughened by a rasp and the entire body is treated with sandpaper. Next, all surfaces are puttied and re-stripped skin. Final trim — primer and painting. Good results can be achieved using nitrogenous nitro “Java” and “White night” in aerosol packing.
Decorative elements of the body are installed after the final drying. Device headlights, sidelights and reversing lights, in General, identical. For headlights used glass from a large, and for the front sidelights and reversing lights — from small Bicycle lamp. The body panels are fastened with bands and screws. The nuts under them embedded in the panel on the inner side and fastened the plywood slats. They also drilled the holes for mounting the cartridges. The reflectors cut out of tinplate.
The rear position is modified tail lights of the moped “Verhovina”. They must be cut as shown in figure ka. On the rear panel glued plywood strips with holes, into which are inserted the modified ceiling, fixed by screws.
For registration of “radiator” I used desyatimillimetrovogo plywood.
Arched windshield made of Plexiglas with a thickness of 4 mm. So as not to spoil the material, first make a cardboard pattern and make it fit in shape and size to the body, and then through it to mark the glass itself. Crop it should be very careful, it is best to do it without removing the protective paper. The ends are processed with a file and emery paper, then polished with a cloth flap with printed on it the GOI paste.
Then glass is bent. The heated plexiglass is easy to give any shape. To heat as it can over the flame of a gas burner providing uniform heating of the seat bend. Docking with the body with the screws and clamps with a strip of plastic edging.
Careful attention to all parts of the body gives the electric vehicle a finished and elegant look.
Front suspension along with the steering is firmly fixed to the body frame. It is a tube Ø 22 mm at both of its ends are welded two attachments for the installation of the rotary axles.
The steering wheel is planted on the shaft tube with external Ø 16 mm. At the shaft end are welded to a rectangular shank that is worn on a leash. The latter is pivotally connected with the longitudinal thrust, and that, in turn, associated with an l-shaped lever. Turning the lever moves the transverse rod associated with the axles. Two stops on the frame limit the steering angle within 90°. All thrust and leash are made of steel strip thickness of 4 mm, and the axis of the swivel machined from brass.
Wheel Ø 230 mm — from the children’s bike with solid rubber tyres. On the axes of the rotary axles they are secured by washers and cotter pins.
The rear suspension dependent, linkage, coil springs. The arm tube Ø 22 mm, with two welded-ka ends of the housings for bearings No. 202. To the tube welded to the levers with the lugs, which are pressed on brass sleeve. The springs from the saddle of a road bike.
A reversible electric motor, with integrated gear (ratio 1:30); its working voltage is 24V, the power is 60 watts. The output shaft of the gearbox is extended and rotates in the bearing No. 200. On the shaft is welded sprocket from kids Bicycle Z16, and the left rear wheel — sprocket Z28. Thus, the gear ratio of the motor — wheel is equal to 52.5. This transfer provides acceptable traction characteristics.
The rear axle of the electric — steel pipe Ø 12 mm, in which two welded shank with thread. The left wheel is fixed on a motionless axis, and the right freely.
Alenushka passes in the hours of 5-7 km, which corresponds to the normal speed of a pedestrian. This allows you to continuously control the actions of the young driver.
The battery of the machine type 12-A-ZO; its working voltage 24 V, capacity — 26A•h a Single charge in daily operation of the electric vehicle an hour and a half is enough for at least a week.
Onboard devices — lighting, the alarm system is designed for a voltage of 12 V. the day of their power in the battery the conclusion from the midpoint.
The dashboard is made in the form of panels made of plywood thickness of 6 mm. it has toggle switches, fuse, indicator lamps, voltmeter and even the radio.
The accelerator pedal consists of U-shaped parts, hinged axis. At the top of the installed node adjusting device in the operating position of the pedal and at the bottom — button of the type KN-1. You’ll pedal under the right foot of the driver.
Seat sofa type. Cushion and backrest are made of plywood, it is glued to the foam thickness of 50 mm. the Whole structure is covered with leatherette.

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