THE FAMILY OF the Conversation today will focus on the sailboat of a new type — light weight, affordable and versatile vessel-trimaran, which portable travel paddle with a soft shell. The merits of such a lot of trimarans, and one of the most important is the low cost of the kayaks and additional sailing arms. In addition, such a vessel do not require hospital car Park on the shore — enough and the mezzanine in the apartment; to deliver the same trimaran to the water is possible even on public transport, not to mention the train.

Well, if you also get a good tent in terms of comfort journey in the trimaran will be little different from staying in a floating cottage. It is worth noting: tri-speed reaches 15 km/h, which is commensurate with the capabilities of the yacht and the safety of navigation higher than in a light Dinghy. The latter is essential if you prefer to relax on the water with the family.
We will show you some simple trimarans like “swift” that have been developed specifically for those who first gathered to become the owner of a sailing vessel.
Each trimaran from a family of “Swifts” has only one sail, the mainsail, that is, applies to vessels with weapons type cat. Its mast is supported by forestay and two guys, each of which forks at the bottom and fastened to two cross beams of the bridge, allowing you to evenly distribute the load between them. Beams lying on the bulwarks kayaks; located on the front steps — he rests the heel of the mast. At the ends of the beams installed inflatable floats with a volume of 20-100 l in oilcloth, reinforced stringers fairings.
The constructive scheme of trimaran allowed to drop the gain or alterations of the hull of the kayak, to simplify and facilitate the bridge.
The “softness” of the whole structure and acute nasal the formation of the Central hull and the floats allow the vessel to overcome even a half-meter wave. But no more — with great excitement from the shore it is better to stay because the waves are up more than half unable to fill the Central building.
Fig. 1. The most reliable of the family —
Fig. 1. The most reliable of the family — “swift-4.5”, and its main components:
1 — handles of fastening the beams of the bridge, 2 — shortback, 3 — sheet, 4 — block-ring sheet, 5 — clamp 6 — sheet angle the sail, 7 — twin boom (wishbone), 8 — retainer heel boom 9 — the leach, 10 — valovyj the angle of the sail, 11 — mast, 12 — cap, 13 — pin cap, 14 — forestay (wire O 1.5 mm) 15 — the guy (cable O 2.0 mm), 16 — front leech of the sail, the 17 bottom part of the sail, the 18 — ring 19 — forked guy (nylon cable O 4 mm), 20 — halawy the angle of the sail, 21 — steps-mast, 22 — 23 front beam is the inflatable float in the fairing, 21 – stringers floats (dural tube Т18Х1 mm), 25 — swiercz, 26 and rear beam.

Sails at the “Swifts” are not quite the usual form. First of all, there is no traditional geek with all its drawbacks, and the bottom part has actually become the second back. Through the pockets of the lower and rear skinoren skipped the rope, that allows you to adjust the bending of the mast in accordance with the shape of the sail and the force of the wind. All this taken together makes the sail more efficient than traditional Bermuda grotto. Complex of simple methods by which rigidly sets its form, is automatically continued when you change modes, allows even beginners to sew quite a decent sail. Of course, subject to the methods of cutting and sewing and permanent “fittings” on the mast.
These are in General terms the design features of the trimarans of the family, “swift”.
The attractiveness of this trimaran — small weight of additional equipment (only 8-9 kg) plus the relative ease of construction.
Additional equipment with a sail area of 4 m2 you can use the ka many kayaks, but the best results are obtained when installing it on the light canoe of the type “Hummingbird”.
For bridge tri will need two aluminum paddles (kayaks “salute”), attached to the bulwarks. Front paddle-beam, which will be set to the mast, is located at the beginning of the cockpit and back — a distance of 1050 mm from the front. The blades of the oars we turn around shank up to the movement with the roll they glided along the surface of the water (glissirovat), thereby reducing the roll. The angle of their installation — 5— 10°, it is provided by a special attachment to them stringers floats.
For floats you will need pouches made of oilcloth and “baby log for games on the water” (as they are called in the stores for children). The capacity of each of about 20 L. the “Log” is inserted into the case and inflated through the valve, and descended into the hole at the end. The cover sew a long pocket under the stringer float.
Sailor in strong winds you have to otkrenivat sailboat. For this, he is on Board, hand resting on the pipe-rail, fixed on the beams of the bridge. Technique adreneline is to make the paddle slide along the crests of the waves and not plow them water. If the sailor is not possible to respond to every change in wind strength (e.g., long passages), floats better seal under the blades of the oars.
We offer you the option of sails. The first is the simplest, from any Bermuda grotto sufficient space. Cutting it lower triangular flag, the newly formed direct Shkotovo angle insert the eyelet for fastening the LCM of a geek. The position of the heel of the boom on the mast is chosen such that under normal roll of tri-geek would have a horizontal position. From the tack and phage angles to the grommet Shkotovo stretch cables for future skinoren. Best for this purpose, suitable steel cables O 1.5—2 mm. You can certainly use vegetable or synthetic cables, but due to uncontrolled shrinkage or drawing will require a constant adjustment of the IG of the actual length.
Fig. 2. Beam and float trimaran
Fig. 2. Beam and float trimaran “swift-4,5”:
1 — fairing float (dining oilcloth), 2 — float chamber (“log for games on the water”), 3 — pocket stringer, 4 — rope securing the stringer to the beam. 5 — pin, 6 — stringer float, 7 — detachable part of the beam (pipe Т36Х1, D16T), 8 — bead tape, 9 — retainer 10 — spring, 11—gunwale of a kayak, 12 — DECA kayaks. 13 — dural area, 14—steel shackle, 15 — wing nut, 16 — pillow duct tape, 17 — a beam (pipe T 10X1,5 mm, D16T).

Fig. 3. Billet fairing with a capacity of 35 liters (two
Fig. 3. Billet fairing with a capacity of 35 liters (two “logs”).
Dimensions are given without taking into account the seams. To the right is the order of fabrication of the fairing.

Fig. 4. Blank fairing of the float volume of 50 L. the Dimensions are given excluding the seams.
Fig. 4. Blank fairing of the float volume of 50 L. the Dimensions are given excluding the seams.
Fig. 5. The mast of the trimaran
Fig. 5. Mast construction tri “swift-4,5”:
1 — lower knee (pipe Т40Х1,5 mm, made of anodized aluminum), 2 — duck—bolt M6 (steel), 3 — rivet O 5 mm (steel), 4 — medium knee (pipe Т45Х2 mm, made of anodized aluminum), 5 — high knee (pipe 140X1. 5 mm, made of anodized aluminum), 6 — a wooden tube of the top of the mast, 7 — pin cap 8 — eye of the forestay, 9 — ring.

If you modify the sail had battens and “hammer”, they will have to get rid of — it will greatly facilitate the future work. Then, tuck the fabric in all three Catarina, achieving the correct shape of the sail over the entire area. This means that smooth convexity (“belly”) of the sail should make the most of its geometric center, and make up 5-8% of each of the horizontal sections. In fact, the biggest “belly” is formed in the center of the boom, as this site operates in a favorable mode, then the convexity gradually decreases and in the upper part of the sail has a minimum value, which to some extent reduces the heeling moment.
Some loss of modified square sails compared to the original Bermuda also reduces the time of the roll, and accordingly, drift, but a sharp thrust of the sail courses may even increase, since the remainder of the tissue has an optimal angle of attack to the wind, irrespective of height, the right “belly” on all sites; as well as a smooth surface without folds and wrinkles.
The second option is somewhat complicated. It consists of” two panels Cotroceni all three katarinam (corners not stapled!). Mast and boom are in. This design sails is an implementation of the idea of wide automatically rotating aerodynamic mast. The mast (pipe) becomes large toe of the sail and thus does not render its operation detrimental effects.
When setting up and configuring this mover NOC geek is skipped between skotoseme corners of the panels and attached them, and the heel of the boom has the capability to be raised and lowered on the mast from the tack angle to the position in which you indicate instead the boom to the mast.
In a fresh breeze, when the speed of the trimaran is big, the bridge starts to overwork. In this case, the boom gradually raise the mast. The distance between the mast and skotovi angle increases, but because the length of skinoren constant, it causes the bending of the mast with an arrow up to 200 mm formed In front of the hammer “goes away” almost all the surplus material for a sail “belly”. When the geek gets the top position, a pair” is quite flat and heavily stretched, which corresponds to the minimum thrust and minimum drag.
This method of reducing the thrust of the sails is more effective than traditional “taking of the reef”. Corrugation is possible to reduce the area of sail in 1,5—2 times, respectively, will decrease and the rod will deteriorate performance as well. Adjustable-size “pocket” the ratio varies from 1.2—1.5 to 0.2 and 0.3, that is reduced 5-6 times. It is also important that the sail gets the opportunity to work without Zapolskaya at low angles of attack.
This design passed the extensive testing with canoe “Salyut-4” and “Neptune” and, according to numerous reviews, is the most suitable for both beginners and experienced hikers-sailing.
To sew a sail from lightweight durable windproof material. Good results are obtained when using a pillow tick. Some elasticity is not a disadvantage since it’s easy kompensiruet the adjustment of the sails.
The best thing to do the mast of the dural tube with an outer O of 40 mm and a wall thickness of 1.5—2 mm. a Good mast is obtained from the pole for the high jump.
The main advantage of this trimaran is reliability, as it is the DPJ near and far tourism. With moderate weight additional equipment (13-16 kg) sailboat has a good course, not all courses, high reliability, comfort, ease of use.
The bridge of this trimaran to withstand considerable loads, so it is best done of duralumin tubes (Т40Х1,5 or Т40х2). The length of each beam of 2.3—3.6 m
Floats this trimaran displacement volume from 35 to 50 l each. Fairings with a smoothly tapered bow and stern pieces are sewn from regular table oilcloth polymer layer outward and are supported on top of the two stringers each.
The sail attached to the mast by means of a pocket of a width of 250-300 mm, performing the aerodynamic function of the mast. The boom is made of double, he reminds wishbone sail Board (windsurfer). On the night of geeks drilled several holes — each pair for sailing with the wind of a certain strength. Fixing Shkotovo angle of the sail to the boom with M6 bolt and wing nut.
Fig. 6. Steps of the mast of the trimaran
Fig. 6. Steps of the mast of the trimaran “swift-4,5”:
1 — front beam, 2, 4 — bolt M6, 3 — steps (duralumin S—2 mm), 5 — sleeve, 6 — Nagel, 7— duct tape, 8 — poles, 6 — rubber tube, 10 — nut.

Fig. 7. Additional parts (left, right reflected view)
Fig. 7. Additional parts (left, right — reflected):
1 — the wooden part svarca, 2 — pad (duralumin), 3 — rivet.

The “belly” of a sail is 5-10% of its width, it is set up to lift the sail by selecting the appropriate holes on the gnocchi geek and adjusted on the fly adjustment of cable tension in the lower leech.
Fabric sails above all should be durable and stretch-free. Otherwise, the “belly” of spontaneous increases with inspiration and decreases with the weakening of the wind. More suited duck weighing up to 350 g/m2; choice of filter cloth, tent, polyester. Please note that to sew the sail out of heavy fabrics easier, plus it is more durable.
Mast “Swift-4,5” should be stronger than the “Swift-4.” For her you will need dural tube Т50Х2 mm. the hardness of the products can be increased by setting graspic with ambulante.
Of course, additional standing rigging increases the build time and configuration of the weapons, but allows you to make the mast out of readily available materials.
The distinctive features of this yacht are its high speed and light weight. Already at a wind 4-5 points pull of the sail reaches 35 kg, which exceeds the thrust of outboard engine “Surf” 5 HP Kayak (it is best to “Salyut-5,2”) that is deployed astern, this sail has a top speed exceeding 10 km/h. Naturally, the speed you have to pay weight additional equipment (about 25 kg), big time setup and Assembly. In addition, the nodes of the sailing ship needs to have high reliability. “Swift-7” the best built, having experience with simpler versions of the trimarans (“swift-4”, “swift is 4.5”).
The heeling moment on the trimaran reaches significant values, and the work of a sailor on otkryvayu no longer effective. Have to rely only on returning the moment created by the floats, and the total strength of the whole structure.
For beams of the bridge in this option, you will need the dural tube 150×2 mm. the Volume of the floats — about 100 L. For this purpose in each of the fairings has consistently laid three “logs” with a volume of 40 L. the Valve medium “logs” is closed up tightly, and pumped it through the new, glued on the cylindrical surface of the glue “Viniks”. In the fairing for it cut a hole.
This trimaran can go and pyatidesyatimetrovy floats, however, it should be noted that even in medium wind they are deeply buried in the water.
Note: if the float is systematically included in the water more than half, you should immediately reduce thrust by reducing the angle of attack of the sail and its “belly”.
Fig. 8. The sail area of 4.5 m2 with mast pocket
Fig. 8. The sail area of 4.5 m2 with mast pocket:
1—bapty, 2 — forestay, a 3 — masted pocket, 4 — sail 5 — twin boom-wishbone, 6 — middle part of the boom, 7 — sheet block-ring, 8 — grommet Shkotovo angle, 9 — sheet, 10 — strip grosgrain ribbon, 11 — lanyard of the tack angle, 12 — pole 13 — cross-beam, 14 — wire, 15 — detachable parts wishbone, 16 — middle parts of wishbones, 17 — wishbone front arc, 18 — rivet, 19 — ambulante.

For tri fit any of the above sails. The point of fixing the guys at 1700 mm below the top of the mast.
5 last time starting to be popular following the method of tensioning the canvas: alcovy flowy and angle are fixed, and the grommet sheet corner is drawn to the NOCs geeks soft lanyard. This allows you to quickly reconfigure the sail, reduces the time to install it and disarmament.
On “the Swift-7” shortback located at a distance of 400-450 mm from the mast. Alignment of selected front to facilitate turning the tack. The wheel in this case is negligible because it is sufficiently removed from the center of lateral resistance.
Additional parts for increasing reservoir quality-made three-dimensional, asymmetrical profile. Note that, as a rule, is always one swiercz, located on the Lee Board to the convex side of the kayak.
Each of svircev going from two duralumin sheets placed between them a tube or a Board that specifies a profile. You can bend and additional parts from a single sheet or even planed out of the Board. The last option, by the way, gives the best results. We just need to protect the wood with epoxy or varnish parquet water and Polish to obtain a glossy surface.
The relative thickness shvartza — 10%. His profile can be simplified: one side flat, the other formed by circular arcs. Swerte on Sharp edges should be rounded.
Tests have shown that throughout the range of operating speeds and angles of attack have additional parts, the laminar nature of the flow. Separate streams of disrupted flow was caused by a small Burr, not seen in the preliminary examination of the samples. Additional parts of other configurations of such a flow is not allowed.
Empirically established that the initial angle of attack saurav should not be more than 5°, otherwise due to their high hydrodynamic quality swiercz makes a tri-skid on the wind and the speed drops dramatically.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the three “Swifts” does not exhaust all the possibilities of kayak trimaran. Fans are constantly experimenting, seeking light and unpretentious sailboats greater strength, increase aerodynamic efficiency of the sail, facilitate the management of them in conditions of gusty winds and heavy swells. Designed bridges and other structures, although the power scheme “Swifts” — the same two beams and bifurcated guys, apparently, will remain the most appropriate for coastal navigation.

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