ON THE FLOAT - ON FOOT, BY OARS AND SAILPerhaps you will agree, that more accessible and useful for the health of stadiums than small and large rivers, lakes and reservoirs, and a large number are scattered all over the country, it is difficult to come up with. But today, they, unfortunately, are mostly deserted. In recent years, water a bit back from the sails of the windsurfers, but also this wonderful sport has not yet become widespread. Obstacles are the relatively high cost of the equipment and the small scale of its production.

The author asked the chain to “revive” our small water bodies and developed the design of a universal float, using which you can collect lots of interesting shells for exciting sports activities on water.
It and wads floats for “Hiking” walks on water or sailing. Unified special fasteners allow you to quickly and securely attach to the floats and components, other projects, and many elements of the previous designs can be used in the future. The basis and more complex collapsible vessels are all the same floats, convenient in transportation and storage.
In assembled form they constitute unsinkable construction, hermetically sealed by plastic apron. Floats are invested in an inflatable container (child’s plastic bouncy balls) or foam separating the sealed compartments.
Thus it is possible to manufacture rowing and canoe-catamaran, turn and Canoeing; rowing catamaran with a pair of oars; a catamaran with golopristan and screw propulsion; foot catamaran-rowing drive; double catamaran with pedal drive and paddle wheel; a catamaran-solo sailing “elliptical kripo” (see “M-K” No. 11 of 1992]; rowing trimaran; windsurfer-trimaran; trimaran-veloimperia; sailing trimaran “two” (for two riders). For transportation structures can be used Bicycle cargo trailer side.
The body of the float is made of fiberglass, has a shape which provides the necessary strength with minimum weight (4.5 to 5 kg) and the minimum flow resistance (this is especially important when using enclosures in high-speed designs). Strength housing give is made for the radii of the bottom and sides as well as from the crinoline in the top. Additional rigidity misleading inserted when assembling bpoke buoyancy.
The capacity of each body and float with a draft of 10 cm is 35 kg, and when II cm — 100 kg.
When Vileika buildings to wad their walls can be done with a thickness of about 1-1,5 mm — they are light, and strength will be enough. If you want to use the housing for a more solid shells, the walls need to make thicker, up to 2-2. 5 mm.
The selected shape of the case allows you to insert into each other a few buildings without an appreciable increase in volume during transportation. And perhaps the most important feature of the structures will be able to put them (of course, separately) in the case of approximately 2000X 450X 300 mm, suitable for transportation by any mode of public transport.
The double-mass structures (depending on the detail of workmanship) is in the range of 12-15 kg, three to float up to 25 kg.
R and S. 1. Inchmery use universal module-float
R and S. 1. Inchmery the use of a universal module, float:
R and S. 1. Inchmery the use of a universal module float:
1 — ski-Vodochody, 2 — skis, floats, supplemented by sail, 3 — kayak-catamaran, 4 — rowing catamaran with wing paddles 5 — “selectamark”, 6 — catamaran with Pedalo-rowing-wheel drive, 7 — double catamaran”Bicycle”, 8 — rowing trimaran, 9 catamaran with a sail “elliptical wing”, 10 — trimaran-windsurfer, 11 —catamaran-veloimperia, 12 — double sailing trimaran for travel, 13 — bike with a side trailer for transportation of construction on the basis of universal floats.

R and p. 3. The technology of manufacturing the housing of the float
R and S. 3. The technology of manufacturing the housing of the float:
A — frame Assembly the master model, B pasting frame master model drawing paper, In handling bow and stern beams, G — vyklevyvanija matrix, D — vyklevyvanija the housing of the float in the matrix.

Lovers of Handicrafts using such universal floats, you can come up with many other boats for recreation NV water set in motion by the muscular force as, wind energy, and small engines such as mopeds or bicycles.
Now that you know what to do, using the modules-floats, let’s talk about the manufacturing technology.
Carefully review the drawing of the housing of the float and proceed to the manufacture of this most important parts.
The construction of the punch, or, as it is
call in engineering, “master model”. The punch serves to vyklicky matrix, which in the future will be made of the building.
To start out of plywood or hardboard should be cut templates: five pieces for the size of the cross section of the middle part of the float, and two dimensions of the cross section in the constriction (in the bow and stern pieces). Further, the templates are cut the grooves for the longitudinal strips, as shown in the figure.
Then cut the wooden slats cross-section 20 mm 20X, 30X 30 mm. Their length should be not less than 2.5 metres will need two strips of 5-mm plywood of a width of 40 mm and a length of 1400 mm and two pieces of plywood the same size 250X 300 mm in order to cut shaped parts of bumpers for the fore and aft of the punch.
It is time the Assembly of the punch. From reek section of 30X30 mm is going to keel with fore and aft beams. Glue on keel installed all the templates. At last, also the glue, are mounted sequentially the top and side rails, while keeping strict distance between them. After final curing of the adhesive tip of the bent strips to the aft and fore beams and mark places of contact, showing the required length of the rails themselves. After trimming the ends of the slats at the desired length made in the joists under them grooves to a depth of 8-10 mm. Final fastening of the rails — on glue and screws.
You can now cut along the radius bow and stern beams with the ends of the slats and fasten again the screws and glue in the top rails of the punch plywood skirting.
Start pasting the frame of the punch by the paper. The first layer of paper on glue and buttons is fastened to the battens, keel and beams. Then the buttons are removed and glued two more layers of paper or cardboard paper, with offset joints and seams of the sheets of blanks. The next operation will be sanding all the seams and surface irregularities of the punch and alignment of its water-resistant putty PF-002 or nitroshpaklevok. Step having finished this work, it is necessary to carefully treat the surface of the dummy once more sandpaper and paint nitroemalyu. In order to further the mirror surface of the buildings, good to finally Polish the surface of the boob micron sandpaper with polishing paste WHA-1 or WHA-2.
Vileika matrix. First, you need to put on the surface of the dummy spacer layer (parquet wax mastic “Edelvays”) and raspolirovat woolen cloth. Repeat this operation once or twice. The application of the separation layer prevents adhesion of the matrix material to the punch surface and facilitate removal of the matrix.
To prepare the fiberglass should be based on so many layers, so they were given a wall thickness of 2-3 mm. matrix of Pre-existing fiberglass make trial samples of small size. When Vileika weight epoxy resin is usually received equal to the mass used fiberglass. Resin and hardener are diluted in a ratio of 10:1 and thoroughly mixed.
Attention! Be applied to the wall, the fiberglass should in a well ventilated place, dry and warm. Even better to work in the open air, but at temperatures below 18°C. .To work only in rubber gloves. When you are machining fiberglass (filing, drilling, etc.), be sure to cover respiratory organs with a gauze bandage or a respirator petal. If tar accidentally gets on skin, remove it with a swab moistened with table vinegar and wash your hands with soap and water.
First to the punch with a brush apply the first layer of binder which is uniformly distributed over the entire surface. When it is partially polymerized (apparently you can tell by the jelly-like kind of resin), is applied another layer of resin is laid dry fiberglass. Please note that the fabric lay smoothly, without wrinkle and folds. Laminating it is best roll, you can also trim with a stiff brush or clapping hands (in rubber gloves!). Any packing method should result in a homogeneous structure with no bubbles and non-food areas. On top of the stowed re-apply a uniform layer of resin, and a fiberglass — and so the required number of layers.
After complete curing of the resin the excess fiberglass is trimmed with a hacksaw along the contour of the rim and the shell matrix is carefully removed with a punch. The matrix must be separated with a slight crackling sound, without much effort. In case of difficulties with the removal of the matrix from the last punch can be destroyed, as it is no longer needed.
For the convenience of further work a matrix can be set on two blocks of wood-coasters, gluing her bottom to him.
The manufacture of the body. Vileika case is similar to Vileika matrix, only the amount of fiberglass and resin is taken from the calculation of shell thickness 1.5—2 mm. do Not forget to put on the working surface of the matrix of the separation layer. Then the first layer of binder which needs to be painted. As a pigment it is possible to use oil paints in tubes (1-2% by weight of the resin). The first layer is decorative — it serves only to give the body a good appearance and seals the shell.
After partial curing of the binder lay the fiberglass, pre-inflicting another layer of resin. Further operations are carried out as and when Vileika matrix. After the final curing of the resin (24-36 h) body shell is extracted from the matrix, and are filing the excess fiberglass along the contour of the edge of the float and cleaning the inner surface of the hull from drips of resin burrs. Float checked for leaks. Now he is ready for assembling floating structures.

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