YACHT OF KAYAKS...Kayak in the open sea… Not even if is”? Well, it depends on what kind of kayak. “Petrel were” — the lightest boat, the description of which is offered to your attention, is not afraid of windswept expanse or sea waves. The survivability of the ship is ensured by its design. Add to this the accuracy on the course and the safety for crew and cargo in extreme weather conditions. In spite of the elongated body, the boat easily, as sailors say, “clears” from the wave, and has a good “viable” even in cool water shafts. All control systems work quickly and reliably, and steering is effective in any maneuver.

Yacht “Petrel were” has a length of 5.2 m and width at the midsection 0.9 m. It is made of ordinary kayaks “Ray” predecessor “Salute”, the same principle can be obviously equipped with any other. The impetus for the creation of the CoE was that a canvas collapsible boat under sail too light for strong winds (it just blows), and housing had to be heavier, but at the same time to strengthen it, to improve durability. The upgrading work does not require special skills and almost anyone’s reach.
To begin you will need a plywood veneer with a width of about 150 mm. the Canoe should be collected, veneer be placed under a soft liner to stiffen the hull.
After that, the boat should flip over and on to her soft body, apply a protective layer, such as vaseline, grease, paraffin, and then paste the glass fiber epoxy resin. To bottom enough four or five layers, for side three, deck two. District stem and sternpost should be strengthened 10 layers. In the bow layers is laid a steel plate 180X30X3 mm. In it is embedded the eye — ring Ø 40 and 8 mm. cross-section of Another metal plate with loops deepens in thickening at the stern — it is intended for attachment of the steering wheel.
At the end of veclachi case veneer is removed, the kayak gets great durability due to the protective shell. In addition, the air between the soft coating and the hard case gives the ship extra buoyancy. With the same aim in the bow and stern parts is laid 0,3 m3 foam, covered with a deaf bulkhead of plywood. The assembled boat should weigh about 130 kg.
The mast is mounted on a regular place. Its height from spur — 3.2 m. the Sail is preferable to do from Dacron or other synthetic fabric. Sail area — 3 m2, the underwater resistance — 6% of this value.
Behind the mast between the two frames is formed svartby well: a narrow box made of aluminum or hardboard. In the bottom of the boat cut through the opening corresponding to the inner diameter of the conduit. Outside, it is administered in two dural area 50X50 mm. the Box inside is fixed with two wooden bars 40X X50 mm and is tightened with bolts. Corners and overhead beams covered with sealant. The holes for the axis of the centerboard bolt and drilled before Assembly of the structure. The gap between the centerboard and the parts should be 2 mm.
The centerboard thickness of 8 mm and a height of 500 mm is cut out of hardboard. In the back of the box is hammered stud-stopper, upon which a protrusion is advanced to the stop of the centerboard. Cleaning — steel wire drawn through the block on the mast to the steering and toparadise a duck. On the back of the well just before the steering is liquid compass K-17.
In the fore part of the hull below deck for timber set (see Fig.) there are two aluminum loops. The first is for the forestay, which vtupuyu stitched staysail. Second — to install the rear part of the support pads, twist mechanism and double blocks (post brace). The twist knot works well under pressure, especially in the radial direction, so it must securely lock.
Before the mast close to it, ka is the bulwark of the transverse dural tube Ø 40 and a length of 1250 mm. it is attached the shrouds to the turnbuckles and eyelets for posting Brasov furling headsail. It is displayed and posted on both sides of the bow end nylon rope with a thickness of 8 mm. It is conducted through the nostrils, are covered with leather and mounted on a ring. About a meter from her nose-end is tied tight with a rubber cord length 1 m cord Maximum stretching along the nasal, note this place here and knit the other end. Thanks to the rubber slack absorber of the nose is gently, without jerking out at anchor and when towing.
Scheme a sailboat from a kayak
Diagram of a sailboat from a kayak:
1 — housing made of fiberglass, 2 — foam compartment, 3 — ring-ring, 4 — twist mechanism, 5 — unit wiring brace, b brace twist, 7 — transverse tube, 8 — pole 9 — boom, 10 — centerboard, 11 — svartby well, 12 — apron 13 — the wheel 14 — side blocks of the brace, 15 — stop, 16 — the nasal tip with rubber shock absorber and anchors, 17 — bracket twist mechanism, 18 — frame, 19 — stringer, 20 — soft case kayaks, 21 — bottom stringer, a 22 — slip rail, 23 — axis of the centerboard, 21, 25 the bulwark, 26 — bracket cross-tube, 27 — Searcy likasa, 28 — lncas, 29 — guy geek, 30 — cable centerboard, 31 — skid apron, 32 — a rubber cord 33, the edge of the apron.

Bow length of 50 m, which complies with the requirements for a vessel of this size. At its wet end is made a fire with a thimble, which is attached to the earlobe through bow anchor Danforth weighing 3 kg or a floating anchor.
The mast is composed of two duraluminium tubes Ø 30 mm, total length of 3200 mm. To her dural clamps-search attached progresivna along the dural tube Ø 15 mm serving as a movable liposom. All taken outside casing of two epoxy resin layers steklostil. This design provides the correct aerodynamics of the front of the grotto. 700 mm from the tack corner to the grotto is sewn skertic that using small block under the boom is held to the steering. It’s easy to put out the mainsail in strong winds. Battens need to sew horizontally.
From sahrastani water the boat keeps moving apron, made of rubberized fabric — “silverfish”. Mounted on duralumin ribs, he easily walks the slider along the bulwarks. To the edges of the stretched rubber cord is sewn, allowing for the need to instantly “shoot” protective case. Front apron with screws attached to balneoclinic.
The wheel problemsmy, dural, with relative depth 1:2; height of pen — 3 mm.
With a modified kayak loses the main distinctive quality is its portability. But it turns out virtually a new ship with a whole range of benefits. For group trips with a large cargo of several boats it is possible to collect catamarans or trimarans.

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