VERTICAL BEDThe idea of vertical garden beds is not new, however this design is very reminiscent of a step-ladder, always a surprise even experienced gardeners. She designed the Moscow schoolchildren Pavel Vasiliev and Mikhail Zinoviev, working in the Palace of pioneers and pupils named after N. K. Krupskaya, and not once was it possible to obtain stable high yields.
The frame of the beds (see figure) consists of four side members connected at the top and bottom cross beams. The spars are welded steps, which are installed in a standard plastic flower boxes (size 500X180X200 mm). Boxes can be homemade from wood, but they are heavier and relatively quickly podgniet. All frame elements are made of welded pipes 1/2” or 3/4“. The rejection of wood as a structural material ensures the durability of the beds: with early painting, it can serve for many years.
Design of a vertical garden.
The boxes are placed above each other close, and in the horizontal plane with an offset of 40 mm At the open part of the angle is planting flowers, strawberries, various greens. It should be borne in mind that culture on a vertical bed intensive; due to the relatively small volume of supply requires timely care — watering, fertilizing, etc. the Top drawer bottom prichinyaet, so the weeds do not grow almost, and thus greatly save labor on weeding. Shading reduces water evaporation and reduces the need for watering. And finally, the main advantage of the beds of this type in that it gives about a tenfold economy of the area. Indeed, if conventional farming on 1 m2 it is possible to plant 7-10 plants here — from 70 to 100. Isn’t it tempting to turn this way 6 acres garden plot 60! In addition, hanging out of the drawers leaves and berries are blown by air and therefore hardly affected Botrytis. The boxes are well warmed up by the sun, so that the process of vegetation takes place in them more intense.
The vertical garden is not difficult to maintain. A box of soil weighs 8-10 kg of sawdust twice easier. So to raise it will not be difficult. Work with seedlings in the upper boxes, is usually off the table.
It remains to add that the designs do not have to take the form of a ladder. It is easy to transform in a pyramid, tunnel, positioning to a row along the wall, fence or even on the balcony of a multistory building.

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