Time relay, the readers, used in the automation devices in the workplace and at home. The device is simple in design, has small dimensions, is reliable in operation, but its main feature — a large range of exposures.
Construction electronic time relay on the principle of charge-discharge of the capacitor on the exposure of more than 10 min is a challenge. High resistance discharge circuit is exposed to the action of climatic factors (especially humidity), and if not to accept special measures, the stability is low.
Time relay, which uses a reference generator with frequency divider and a decoder is less susceptible to external influences. Therefore, such devices with significantly (higher stability, it is possible to build exposure in the tens or hundreds of hours. However to make these devices difficult.
Design, which is described in this article combines the advantages of the mentioned devices and at the same time available for repetition in Amateur conditions. Schematic diagram of the time relay is shown in figure 1. Transistors V1 and V2 with elements of D1.1 and D1.2, capacitors C1 and C2, resistors R3, R4 and R5 form a generator; the frequency set by the variable resistor R4. The generator output is connected to the frequency divider, assembled on integrated circuits D2 — D6. With its output signals being received by one input of RS-trigger assembled on the elements of D1.3, and D1.4. The other trigger input connected to the trigger circuit.