Creating your armored cruisers, German Naval Ministry, headed by Admiral Tirpicz was faced with the problem, at first glance seeming ridiculous: what to do with them? In common thinking, expensive and big but not enough fast ships really were little demand. For reconnaissance and raiding actions in the oceans of their force seemed excessive, but the speed they are clearly not enough. Armored “knights” it would be reasonable to support “light infantry”: small, cheap and numerous enough ships with decent speed and range.

To create such light cruiser forces in Germany, driven forward by Kaiser Wilhelm, started very, very strongly. In 1897, laid the head unit — “Gazelle” which for four years followed by nine more. Such major series at the time, allowed himself only the one and only “mistress of the seas” — Victorian Britain.
The determination was accompanied by a well thought out policy. The new ships was modestly called cruisers class IV, but it was much more versatile than the British “third graders”. With a moderate displacement (up to 2915 3130 t y the three most recent ones) they had a very strong armament consisting of ten 105-millimetrovogo. Although technically the British “Pelorus” had only a couple less the same guns (inferior in caliber only a measly three millimeters), in fact they lost their German rivals in the mass of the volley is almost half the weight of English 102-mm projectile was of 11.4 kg, a German — 17,4 kg. in addition, become a standard for rapid-fire artillery of the Kaiser’s Navy V-paddle really provided a higher rate of fire. So tibiawiki “kids” could well be the case with many British stationery, and low-power “Peloro-themselves”, and even the superior size of the “Ustream”. Very nice German ships and in solving the main “home” tasks: repel torpedo attacks by destroyers and torpedo boats of the enemy in the waters of the North sea and the Baltic. We should not forget that in other countries to tackle this difficult task at that time was intended mainly small-caliber artillery, often consisting of a patchwork of 37-, 47 – and 57-mm Hotchkiss skorostrel or Nordenfeld. At best torpedo attack was able to meet three-inch plank, gradually displaces from the decks of such a ridiculous “collection”. The Germans have made a very important step of choosing a calibre “oversized”. Indeed, their formidable 105 mm gun remained effective until the First world war, despite a continuous increase in the size of destroyers, “grown up” during this time tripled.
Noting the successful party, the first universal cruiser “Tirpitz”, it is impossible not to dwell on their shortcomings. Chief among them and, alas, almost inevitable, was not too impressive speed. At various units of the series had to establish mechanisms, different power and design: the shipbuilding Germany have not yet gained the proper momentum, with the result that even the most high-speed “Niobe” was able to develop only 22 knots, while the most slow and fell short of 21. It is clear that such runners, as the Russian “shestidesiatniki” could catch up “small Germans” and to deal with them, having a significant advantage in firepower. Much archaic looked for 3000-ton ships, a huge battering RAM on the head “Gazelle” it was decorated and even torpedo tubes (later useless unit still refused.). For obvious reasons — small size — protection was very modest and consisted of the armored deck of a thickness in key parts of 20-25 mm and bevel of 50 mm.
However, the undoubted advantages of a good “universal solution” outweigh its shortcomings, which, moreover, could partly be overcome by slightly increasing the size. On this way and went to the German shipbuilders. The next series are also significant — of the seven units had a displacement of already 3750 — 3760 tons, the increase mainly went to increase the capacity of the power plant, which provided speed up to 23 knots. Has occurred and a change of ideology names: instead of the domination of mythological “ladies” mixed with “gazelles” and “Frauenlob” small cruisers began to receive names and cities of the United Germany, and this naming system is entrenched for many years to come.
The Germans by that time already understood that they are “generalists” may be on the sea routes of the enemy, where they will try to harass the enemy’s cruisers, to oppose which either force or speed. Therefore, the cruiser “Lubeck” from the start of the series “cities” was the first in the German Navy turbine plant with a capacity of 14 400 HP it is Clear that about any gear at that time still could not out of the question, and trying to adapt to the high speed rotation of the shaft, directly connected with the axes of the turbines, the designers have tried to apply a complex system of propellers, the number of which on each of the two shafts has reached four.
Interestingly, in contrast to the General trends, according to which in all other countries from series to series, tried to install more powerful artillery, the Germans decided to leave their 105-of graph paper. Remained almost unchanged and protection. Historically, another important tradition of the Kaiser’s Navy: over a number of years to build homogeneous in respect to weapons and protection of ships, by investing the “extra” tonnes in the mechanics and improve survivability.
Survivability is appropriate to say a few words separately. At first glance, the drawings of the German light cruisers of the early XX century differed little from their contemporaries in other countries. This is not surprising: progress and technical solutions at the time were still fairly open. The secret of sustainability “cities” consisted in reasoning at the level of fine detail and thoroughness of execution. So, the Germans even on these small ships abandoned of doors in the main watertight bulkheads, replacing them with mines, leading to the upper deck. Themselves bulkheads were indeed watertight to greater heights than those of rivals. Traditional cofferdams at the waterline, consisting of small branches, perhaps divided into smaller compartments under the armored deck, sacrificing even the ease of operation of boilers and machinery. From project to project gradually excluded the notorious longitudinal bulkheads and improved water resistant armored deck, resulting in a decreased threat of strong roll or tilting. In conjunction with a balanced arrangement of dewatering equipment (whether existing pumps were supplied, each large compartment) all these measures have yielded results: for the sinking of a small German cruiser was often needed a lot more ammo than a larger opponent.
Since the beginning of the XX century, the annual shipbuilding program included the construction of two, three or even four small cruisers. Thus, the program of 1903 — 1904 was born the four “city”: “königsberg,” “nürnberg,” “Stettin” and “Stuttgart”. They had almost the same characteristics as its predecessors; however, due to the progress in the boilers and the machinery and technology of construction of the building was able to save about 300 tons compared to the predecessors. Moreover, arms has even increased, however, solely due to the 52-mm long-barreled (55 calibers) skorostrel, the real purpose of which at the time of entry into operation of the cruisers (1908), remained a mystery shrouded in darkness. To combat the destroyers, they were too small, and the raiding benefit from them were few. As in previous series, one of the ships, the “Stettin”, received the turbine. This time the Germans tried to solve the problem of the maximum possible efficiency is not due to the “threading” screws on one shaft, and by increasing the number of shafts. Two turbines powered four-shaft, resulting in a range of 12 knots speed of the “Stettin” and “countrymen” with piston machines was about the same.
Germans are really long “eyeing” for turbines. Following a couple of cruisers, built under the program of 1905-1906, again had different types of mechanical installations. The famous “Emden” received steam engine triple expansion, while his almost equally famous “sister ship” Dresden — turbine Parsons. At this time, used the opposite scheme: four turbines rotated only two shafts. “Dresden” has really shown good speed in testing and can support their 24 knots on service, which allowed him to prolong their existence after a fatal for Germany the battle of the Falkland Islands. As for other features, they are almost completely repeated those of its predecessors, though at the expense of increasing the power of the mechanisms of displacement increased again to 3670 T.
But the next four, created by the latest “novel” 1906 — 1907, has grown significantly. Believing, finally, in the turbine, Marine Ministry has supplied them this time all the ships. Comparative tests of the power plant continued, now they were already between “steam fans” of various systems and manufacturers. Although all vehicles were installed in two power units, only one of the four, “Mainz”, had as many shafts, how many and turbines; on the other, each turbine rotated by two shafts.
Almost the entire solid gains displacement (almost a quarter) went to more powerful mechanisms, which provided speed of over 25 knots. An important innovation was the replacement of the 105-millimetrovogo to the new model with the longer barrel and greater range. At the same time and their number increased to two weapons, but impractical 52-millimetrovom more was not.
“Mainz”, “colberg”, “Augsburg” and “Cologne” made “ruler” of the German armored cruisers. For 10 years, since the beginning of the new century, the Imperial Navy added nearly three dozen units, it is highly uniform in terms of armament and size (which was extremely convenient from the point of view of interchangeability in the combat formations of the squadrons), but markedly different in speed. Here from series to series, there was a gradual and steady increase in order to keep up with potential enemies. In principle, any of these small ships were good and for reconnaissance in the interests of the high seas Fleet, and individual action as the raiders. Now it remained only to guess at their distribution the beginning of the war, to the extent possible, to oppose the weak and less powerful units of the enemy your older and new, well-armed — the most rapid and able to just get away from superior forces. In accordance with such considerations the first series of “gazelles” was the most flawed, and left her in the coast defense. But, ironically, it is these “veterans” had to take the first blow.
28 August 1914 British naval staff decided to “touch” the German ships carried a patrol service in the German Bay, and possibly destroy them. The British are not stingy and allocated for this purpose, five battle cruisers with a retinue of a half dozen armored and light, not counting the two fleet’s newest destroyers.
German watch of the old destroyers, except the “peers” — “Hela” and “Frauenlob”, supported modern “Stettin”. Nearby was the “Ariadne” and the new German pronaplucan — “Mainz”.
124. Light cruiser “Emden” (Germany, 1909)
Built at the shipyard of the Navy in Danzig. The displacement of 3665 t; the maximum length 118,3 m; width of 13.4 m; draught 5,45 m. Capacity twin-shaft steam triple expansion installation 13 500 HP, speed 23.5 site. Armament: ten 105/40 mm rapid-fire guns, eight 52/55 mm-caliber, two 450 mm torpedo tubes. Reservations: the deck is 20 — 30 mm (bevel of 50 mm), boards 50 mm guns, fighting cabin of 100 mm. In 1906— 1907 built two units: “Dresden” and “Emden”. Both died in the First world war.
125. Light cruiser “Munich” (Germany, 1905)
It was built by the company “Weser”. A displacement of 3750 tons; the maximum length of 111,1 m; width of 13.3 m; draught 5,60 m. Capacity twin-shaft steam triple expansion setup 11 750 HP, 23 knots. Armament: ten 105/40 mm rapid-fire guns; two 450 mm torpedo tubes. Reservations: the deck is 20 — 35 mm (bevel of 50 mm), shields built seven units: “Hamburg”, “Bremen”, “Luebeck”, “Berlin”, “Munich”, “Leipzig” and “Danzig”. “Bremen” was lost on a mine in February 1915, “Leipzig” — at the battle of the Falkland Islands in December 1914, “Berlin” and “Hamburg” were part of the Navy of Weimar Germany until 1933, and the rest scrapped in 1919 — 1921
126. Light cruiser “Augsburg” (Germany, 1910)
Built at the shipyard of the Navy in Kiel. Displacement 4370 t; the maximum length 130,5 m; width 14.0 m; draught of 5.40 m. the thickness chetyrehbalnoy turbine plant of 20,000 HP., speed 26 knots. Armament: twelve 105/45 mm rapid-fire guns, and two 450 mm torpedo tubes, up to 100 min. Booking: deck 20 — 40mm (bevel 50 mm), boards 50 mm guns, fighting cabin of 100 mm. In 1909 — 1910 built four units: “Mainz”, “colberg”, “Augsburg” and “Cologne”. “Mainz” and “Cologne” were killed in August 1914 in the battle at German Bay, “Augsburg” after the surrender of Germany ceded to Japan and scrapped in 1922, “colberg” scrapped in 1929

The first distinguished “Frauenlob”, whitereplica to “treat” the latest British cruiser “Arethusa” 25 shells, almost vyvedshie it down. Then a lone “Mainz” went into battle with six light cruisers and two dozen destroyers. He managed to survive under a hail of fire, even hit by a torpedo immediately sent a small ship to the bottom. “Mainz” was held on the water half an hour before his commander gave the order about flooding. And time: approaching British battle cruiser. Their victim was “Ariadne”, trapped on a small distance under absolutely deadly salvos of 13.5-inch guns. Contact “suitcases” weighing over half a ton, of course, proved fatal, however, in these appalling conditions old German broadalbin stayed on the water an hour and a half. Despite the complete victory of the English, 100% is due to the huge advantage in strength, they should think of watching the resilience of their opponents.
While in Europe the German “city” served as a target for the British heavy guns, their immediate family members caused a lot of noise in the oceans. In accordance with the plans annual long-distance voyages, the set was quite diverse: in addition to the 23-node “Leipzig”, “nürnberg” and “Konigsberg” in the Pacific ocean at the disposal of Admiral Spee was 24-node “Emden” and the runner “Dresden”, exceeded on the trials of 25 knots. 2-node difference in speed proved decisive during the battle of the Falkland Islands. “Leipzig” and “Nurnberg” are unable to leave British armored “counties”, “Cornwall” and “Kent”, who, after a long battle ended with a desperately resisting enemy. This time the Germans again showed miracles of courage and perseverance, while “Dresden” was able to break away from persecution. As a result, the British had to look for it for another three months along the coast of Chile. In the end, “Dresden” found in the Parking lot in the waters of a neutral state and shot annoying the enemy directly on the anchor, despite the violation of all international laws.
However, the persistence of the ships Spee eclipsed the success of the single raiders. The commander of the “Emden” Mueller convinced the Admiral to let him go the cruiser in the independent campaign. And this was a good solution. “Emden” combed the Indian ocean, and at the same time shelled the oil tanks at Madras. In the Malaysian port of Penang were caught off guard by Russian cruiser Zhemchug, which had more powerful armament (eight 120-mm guns) and sank it by artillery and torpedo almost without resistance. He was added to the list of their victims is not the time tucked under the arm of a small French destroyer “Must”. All in all, this list includes more than two dozen commercial vessels with a lifting capacity of 110 tons, carrying cargo for the sum ten times exceeding the cost of the “Emden”. And that’s considering only direct losses; indirect, due to the growth of insurance premiums on all shipments, it is even difficult to calculate. Only on 9 November 1914 when trying to “restore order” in the English colony on the Cocos Islands “Swan of the East”, as poetically called, quickly became legendary German raider, found his end in battle with the latest British cruiser “Sydney”. Here again the role played by the 6-inch guns, and side armor, which the “Emden” had.
Less fortunate were the “Koenigsberg,” which, however, also caused a lot of noise. Acting off the East coast of Africa, he sank only one ship, but in Zanzibar sank the British cruiser “Pegasus”, formally belonging to the same class. Of course, the main role was played by the suddenness of the attack, but the British had to drink the pill of shame to the end of their 4-inch guns simply had the enemy, who at the same time, quietly poured his seemingly nebezinau the victim of a murderous fire.
Hurt “the mistress of the seas” had to make “insolent” a RAID, which involved about a dozen cruisers and even a battleship. Hunted, in the end, at the mouth of the Rufiji river, “Koenigsberg” continued to resist for another six months, skilfully manoeuvring between the river tributaries and diverting for the blockade so precious cruiser. The British had to drive across two oceans shallow-draught monitors, that could put an end to the career of the raider.
Other victims of the First world war among German armored cruisers suffered mainly from a threat from deep. “Undine” in November, 1915 sunk by British submarine E-19, broke through to the Baltic, and six months earlier in the Jutland battle and the torpedo killed “Frauenlob”. A month after “Undine” sinking “Bremen”, also from the mines and on the Baltic, which became a real “mine cemetery” for German cruisers. Prior to that, he managed to pass the modernization of artillery, during which the bow and stern a few 105-millimetrovogo replaced the impressive 150-mm guns. Similar alterations in 1916 was held and Lubeck, which, moreover, was replaced by a 500-mm torpedo tubes, mounted equipment for laying mines and “build” a more modern sloping stem. Mine equipment received and “Berlin”. After the war, “Lubeck”, “Danzig” and “Munich” were section remnants of the German fleet in the hands of the main enemy — the British, who immediately let the “relatives” of the raiders, which caused them so much trouble, on the metal.
The same fate befell the more modern “Stettin” and “Stuttgart”, which, however, ceased to be actual cruisers. Stuttgart the Germans at the end of the war, was rebuilt in Gidroaviasalon, armed with four 105-mm guns, two 88-mm anti-aircraft guns and carried three seaplanes and “Stettin” was retired as a training ship of the school of submariners.
However, other German armored cruisers still had a second life. The allies didn’t fall on the surviving units of the first series has already been absolutely not stared in the background of dozens of new high-speed light cruisers, who had the same side armor. Therefore, in Navy defeated nits Weimar Republic seamlessly joined “Niobe”, “Nymph”, “Amazon”, “Tethys”, “Medusa”, “Arkona”, “Hamburg” and “Berlin”.
It is clear that such “material” modern ships it was impossible to create, especially since a major upgrade was forbidden by the Versailles Treaty, but the German engineers tried to at least partially bring them “to the decent mind.” The first three were contemporary kleparski the stem was built directly on top of an old-fashioned battering RAM. From the “stuffing” had managed to replace torpedo tubes, increasing their caliber of 500 mm. “the Nymph” and “Amazon” handed over for scrapping in 1931, but the “Niobe” was destined curious and long life. In 1925, the cruiser was sold to Yugoslavia, where he got the name “Dalmatia”. The ship was rearmed with six 85-mm guns of the Skoda factory and the same number of 20-mm anti-aircraft machine guns. After the first disappearance of the country — new owner from the map of Europe in 1941 it was taken over by the Italians and renamed in “, Katarr”. Two years later, followed by another change of flag after the surrender of Italy “Niobe” has returned to the original owners under their own names. They did not fail to convey the long-suffering cruiser of the puppet Croatian government, even though all the officers and most of the crew remained German. The end of the endless alternation of flags put British torpedo boats, sent the “Niobe”-“Dalmatia” -“, Katarr” on the bottom at the end of 1943.
A couple of “cities” first series, “Hamburg” and “Berlin” after the war was rebuilt, arming eight more modern 105-mm guns and a pair of 500-mm torpedo tubes. (“Berlin” later “corrected nose” as “Niobe” with the company.) Both ships withdrew from the Navy in 1935, but they lasted another dozen years. Hamburg went down from allied bombs in 1944, but was disassembled for the metal of only a few years. Perhaps, the saddest fate befell “Berlin”. The ship, bearing the name of the capital of Germany, the British stuffed to the eyeballs with shells stuffed with toxic substances, and sank in the Baltic sea, creating a potential “landmine” that can ruin the lives of future generations.
In General, however modest and unassuming the German armored cruisers were more useful than their pretentious armored “big brother”. Indeed, only one “Emden” has fully justified their construction and maintenance throughout the entire service. The Germans had only to regret that so few units were in the beginning of the war on the oceans.

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