NOT TO THROW BUT TO USE!The so-called “mouse” is an integral part of a modern computer. With the advent of new, old, still working, but outdated morally, as a rule, thrown away or gathering dust idle in the pantry. However, they can be used practically without changing the electronics. Make it a snap.



Original light switches today are nothing new, but presented below – of an optical computer mouse, in my opinion, unusual and comfortable in a city apartment for several reasons:
first, the miniature mouse well is included in the socket under the regular rocker switch on the wall;
second, you do not need direct contact with the switch – just hold your finger (or other object) at a distance of 1.5 cm from the “red eye” illumination;
thirdly, the device initially has the effect of the trigger: one finger – the light is lit, held for the second time – off;
an indicator of the response – when you wire a finger at “light”, it lights three times brighter.
To the optical computer mouse is added the simplest current amplifier transistor with the Executive relay in the collector circuit so that the signals from the mouse ran the lamp power to 200 watts (limited by the parameters of the relay) – more on that below. Since virtually all computer optical mouse built on the same scheme and principle of operation, consider one of them – Defender Optical 1330, shown in photo 1.
Photo 1. The optical mouse Defender Optical 1330 by removing the housing cover
Photo 1. The optical mouse Defender Optical 1330 with the cover removed of the housing
Photo 2. PCB optical mouse Defender Optical 1330 from optical lenses
Photo 2. PCB optical mouse Defender Optical 1330 from optical lenses
Photo 3. Receiver-transmitter RX-9 set of wireless keyboard and manipulator optical mouse
Photo 3. Receiver-transmitter RX-9 set of wireless keyboard and manipulator optical mouse
Photo 4. Install a wireless mouse for the protection of the safe
Photo 4. Install a wireless mouse for the protection of the safe
Photo 5. Siren KPS-4519 as the chime
Photo 5. Siren KPS-4519 as the chime
The main positioning device coordinates – microbore designation U2 А2051В0323, combined with the photodetector (in one case). From terminal 6 of this microbore the red led is constantly receiving pulses with a frequency of about 1 kHz, so even when the optical mouse is flat on the table, visible red, barely flickering backlight. However, the importance of it not only to highlight the position of the mouse – for beauty. The led is the transmitter, and the receiver is microbore with a built-in its case e-node. When reflected from any surface the light signals reach the photodetector, the voltage level at pin 6 of U2 falls to zero, and the led lights up at full strength. It is this reaction we see a mouse on the computer Desk while trying to move it.
Time led is on in full force is 1.3 (if not more long lasting effects on the mouse). One of the main parts of the optical mouse, oddly enough, not electronics, but the plastic lens curved at a certain radius (see photo 2), without it, the mouse “blind”.
Set in a wall niche for the stuff switch the mouse need in the assembled housing, which securely fixes the optical lens from the base (substrate) of the mouse.
When the photodetector receives reflected from an obstacle (your finger, palm) signal at terminals 15 and 16 of U1 microbore НТ82М398А (and, accordingly, the terminals 4 and 5 of microbore U2) changes the logical level of the signal on the opposite. And it does not inverse the conclusions, but independent from each other. The signal change on them is depending on vertical or horizontal mouse movement. Control signal to actuators (low level changes to high, pin 15 of U1 and pin 4 of U2) is connected to the Executive device, to the point A.
Opening the transistor and relay activation occurs when the high logic level at point A. the VD1 Diode protects the relay coil against surges reverse current. Resistor R1 limits the current in the base of the transistor. Relay may control not only the lamp, but any load with currents up to 3 A. the power supply is stabilized, a voltage of 5 V ±20%. The transistor can be replaced by КТ603, КТ940, КТ972 with any alphabetic index, and the actuating relay K1 – RMK-11105, TRU-5VDC-SB-SL or similar to the trigger voltage of 4-5 V.
Fig. 1. The current amplifier with the actuating relay controlling the load on the network 220 In
Fig. 1. The current amplifier with the actuating relay controlling the load in the network 220 V
Fig. 2. The design of the adapter for the audio alarm opening the safe
Fig. 2. The design of the adapter for the audio alarm opening the safe
The four-wire cable is partially otpaivat from the Board in connection with the standard socket and perepevat two wires (green and white to pins 15 and 16 of U1 microbore from the elements (no circuit Board), because otherwise the wires will interfere with the installation process into the housing of the mouse.
The original wiring connector on the motherboard mouse: 1-th output – common wire, 2nd output – power “+5”, 3-th and 4-th-output pulses.
If the schema and the PCB Board, the mouse does not correspond with those on the Defender example Optical 1330, it is enough to take any oscilloscope or logic probe (indicating that at least two basic modes – high and low) and experiment to find the point on the Board with the control signal.
Any suitable optical gaming mouse for PC, so no matter what connector is at the end of the connecting cable of a computer mouse, it will still have to remove. You can also use and wireless mouse (the signal transmission via radio, for example, from a set of A4 TECH – mouse adapter RX-9 5 V 180 mA), in part positioning coordinates they have the same working principle as wired.
Now comes a new wave of generational change common computer manipulator: “tailed” (with cables) optical mouse give way to their wireless counterparts. For example, the actual manipulatory wireless optical mouse RP-650Z complete with wireless keyboard (with an ergonomic arrangement of the main keys and the 19th for more reprogrammable buttons). Sensor company Agilent Technologies, used in the mouse RP-650Z, is a leader in this sector of the market.
Optical resolution of mouse is 800 dpi is quite sufficient for good performance. Receiving a radio signal transmitter and charger AA batteries with a switch for fast charging, placed in a single housing (photo 3). This unit connects to a USB port.
Firm A4Tech marks his manipulators individual electronic code, whereby one channel of reception can coexist up to 256 controller or keyboards. Such a technical solution reduces the bandwidth of data transmission, but with the maximum coverage radius of 2 meters is not critical.
The use of wireless mouse as the alarm opening the safe, operate the washing machine… and even the refrigerator are presented below. All of these options based on micromastia of the subject and even on the effect of detonation. When installing the mouse on a metal door will alarm its opening or exposure (another application).
I should note that the least effective alarm can be obtained, if the mouse be installed on the controlled surface car shock sensor; it also triggered by a shock or mechanical stress on the controlled surface, and its modern models even have multiple levels of sensitivity adjustment. Computer mouse this option is not, by definition, its first and primary purpose, but it does not matter; after all, we have the unusual use.
I installed a wireless mouse RP-650Z (company А4Тес11) on the front wall of the safe that houses the hunting weapon, although store it can be anything (photo 4).
Safe is the walk-in closet (niche in the wall of a city apartment); thanks to wireless technology no need for wires. Within 2 metres of a transceiver radio (see photo 3), which is connected with the device adapter (scheme in Fig. 2).
Pin connector for USB port regarding the above variant is no different. The wireless mouse RP-650Z, the control signal (the displacement of the mouse sub-model changes from high to low) take from terminal 4 only microbore UM1 (notation on Board). Therefore, in this case will require a different amplifier circuit DC (see Fig. 2). Now when opening the box and even any mechanical action on it (the bias of a fraction of a millimeter of the sensor-the mouse) work, device protection.
As HA1 applied audio earpiece with built-in sound frequency generator, to connect it it is necessary strictly in accordance with the polarity. The transistor VT1 of the p-n-p conductivity opens when the voltage at point A is close to zero, that is, at the time of displacement of the mouse. You can use the siren KPS-4519 (photo 5), since the enclosed 12 V power supply it gives sufficient sound volume in order to hear it in neighbouring areas (80 dB). Connect the siren must be in accordance with the polarity (red wire to “+” supply).
Two words about fixing the mouse. On the lower part of her body without closing the led and the lens, glued the magnet (promotional fridge magnets). The mouse is now safely fixed on any metal surface (refrigerator, washing machines, etc.). When you try to remove it also the alarm goes off, notifying the owner of unauthorized access to the safe.
Due to the “besprovodnoy” the user is able to arbitrarily set the mouse, removing it from the receiver at a reasonable distance, not caring about the connecting wires. Applications of this technology can be arbitrarily many, and they are limited only by your imagination.
A. KASHKAROV, St. P etersburg

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