Preparations for the construction of the fifth battleship in the Baltic sea began in the period is quite difficult for domestic shipbuilding. At that time it was still unclear which path the future development of this class of ships are they going to build a reduced displacement battleships of the “Gangut” destined for action in closed sea theaters, or larger type, “Navarino”, and may not even continue their construction and focus on creating big cruisers?


By September 1890, the MTC was completed to develop a conceptual design of a new battleship. The main prototype was the “Imperator Alexander II”, however, the placement of the armament and the armor protection scheme was closer to the battleship “Navarino”. In September 1890, the MTC sent the draft for review, several well-known admirals. Soon a member of the MTC, had to find many conflicting opinions.


After reading such mixed reviews, the MTC agreed to increase the number of 305-mm guns to four, and the power of machines up to 8500 7320 HP


6 Mar 1891 in MTK has passed the approval of “Specification armored 2 tower ship “Sisoy Great”” (journal of MTK on shipbuilding No. 38).


20 may 1894 squadron battleship “Sisoy Great”, the acclaimed ships of the Baltic fleet, has safely descended into the water.


19 Aug 1896 “Sisoy Great” arrived in Kronstadt. On 17 August the ship was placed in dock, where he remained until September 12.


5 Oct battleship came from Kronstadt on the official sea trials. For five hours “Sisoy Great” was in full swing, there wasn’t observed any problems in the functioning of its mechanisms. Quite satisfied with MTK speed of 15.65 knots, developed by Armadillo, which was immediately sent on his first long voyage.


In 1896, sharply escalated the internal situation in Turkey. A constantly hostile relations between Muslims and Christians has led to struggles between Turks and Greeks on the island of Crete. Landing a small detachment of Greek troops on the island led to the beginning of the Greco-Turkish war.


Trying not to allow this war to escalate into obselescence, the European powers sent to the shores of Crete their ships. Do not stay aside and Russia – HMS immediately decided to reinforce the Mediterranean squadron.

14 Dec 1896 “Sisoy Great” arrived in Algeria, and then after temporary repairs left in Piraeus. “Sisoy Great” was included in a Separate detachment of ships of the Mediterranean sea, commanded by rear Admiral Messer. During the firing on 3 March 1897 followed by a shot from a turret in it there was an explosion. The repair lasted for nine months, and only 12 Dec “Sisoy Great” was again commissioned. At this time, the situation deteriorated sharply in the far East that required the strengthening of Russian naval forces in the region. “Sisoy Great” went out for a hike before the New year, “Navarino” followed him in the first days of January, 1898. The transition battleships to the far East in the conditions of difficult international environment was very successful.


March 16, 1898, both ships arrived in Port Arthur. After arriving in the far East “Sisoy Great” was delivered for repair, after which “Sisoy Great” in the summer of 1 898 year arrived in Vladivostok.


At the end of 1898 in China’s Shandong province has intensified were the antiforeign movement, which Europeans called boxers. Sailors from the battleship “Sisoy Great” arrived in Beijing to protect diplomatic missions. All 1989. the battleship continued to serve in the squadron of the Pacific ocean.


In December 1901, “Sisoy Great” was included in the squad rear Admiral G. P. Chukhnin returning to the Baltic for repairs and upgrades. “Sisoy Great” arrived in Libau at the end of April 1902. In may, he took part in a naval parade on the occasion of the visit to Russia of President of France E. Loubet, and only in June already in Kronstadt started work, walking very slowly.


In March 1904 managing Marine Ministry Vice-Admiral F. K. Avelan signed the order on formation of the 2nd Pacific squadron from the Baltic fleet ships.


August 29, “Sisoy Great” was sent to revel, where they had monthly Parking. September 26, 1904 was held the Imperial review. September 29, 1904, the fleet left revel RAID and rounded the island Nargen, came from the Finnish Gulf to the open sea from where you started the hike. On 21 October 1904 the Russian ships arrived in Tangier.


May 1, 1905, 5 a.m. United squadron left the Bay of kwa-BAA in his last campaign. On the morning of 14 may, the ships entered with the Korean Strait and at 13 h 15 min saw right on the nose at a distance of about 60 km the main forces of the Japanese fleet. In 34 minutes with the battleship “Prince Suvorov” the first shot was fired by the flagship of the Japanese Navy battleship “Mikasa”. So began the tragic battle of the Russian fleet, Tsushima.


SQUADRON BATTLESHIP “Sisoy Great” opened fire simultaneously with the “Prince Suvorov”, and led him first by an armored cruisers “Nisshin” and “Kasuga” and then at the armored cruiser “Iwate”, hit him with 305-mm projectile and causing a fire. Almost an hour “Sisoy Great” was not damage, but at 14 h 40 min shell explosion blew off the lid of nasal torpedo tubes. In the left side of the ship near the waterline in a row hit of 152 – and 305-mm shells. The water flooded bow compartments to the 20th frame. For the next 45 min “Sisoy Great” was struck by one 305-mm, three 203-mm and the same number of 152-mm shells. Out of order the mechanism of rotation of the bow tower, the blazing fire in the cockpit running on battery deck. Turned out to be a broken fire line, and so the fire was extinguished with buckets, scooping water from over the side.


Suffocating gases from the explosion of a 203-mm projectile spread on the living deck, penetrated into the operating room and boiler room had such a psychological impact on the crew of four sailors have jumped overboard… the Fire was growing, and “Sisoy Great”, trying to fix the damage out of Wake columns and joined the rear of the cruiser detachment. Almost half an hour long heroic struggle bilge-fire division for the survival of the ship, and to 17 hours a fire on the battery-deck had been eliminated, but all attempts to plug the holes in the bow were in vain. After flooding the compartment turret battleship got the trim on the nose half a meter and a bit tilted on the left side. Despite this, it took place in the battle convoy of a squadron in the Wake of the “Navarino”. His appearance is the crew of the cruiser “Admiral Nakhimov” was met with a chorus of “Hurrah”. The battleship was put into operation at the time when the Japanese lost in the mist and smoke of the Russian squadron. The fight stopped, and the ships were able to repair the damage. Again revived hope for a successful outcome, and the return of “Sisoy Great” was, it seemed a happy omen.


However, after half an hour, the cruisers Admiral H. Kamimura found the enemy. Another half hour chase and the battle resumed. Before sunset and a half hours 2 squadron ceased to exist as an organized military force. Were sunk “Oslyabya, Emperor Alexander IG’ and “Borodino”, the Japanese destroyers finished off the “Prince Suvorov”. The rest of the ships continued with persistence doomed to follow in Vladivostok course N0 23°…


Shortly after sunset rear Admiral N. And.The poor initiated and tried to collect a squadron. “The Emperor Nicholas G; raising the signal “follow me”, took place in the head of the column. It was getting dark, and immediately started to affect the poor practice of sailing at night without lights.


In addition, the head marching squadron battleship “Emperor Nicholas I” with 20 hours kept the full course, which only he could give, and went all night, and N.And.The rich, apparently, have not the slightest care of whether all the ships coming behind, can keep up with it. However, this move was small, in average about 12-13 KTS, but the Admiral was well aware that the “Admiral Ushakov” of such a move to give not, and he might have foreseen, that although the course of “Admiral Nakhimov”, “Sisoy Great” and “Navarino” and was considered even a little more speed “of the Emperor Nicholas 1,” but all these ships received during a day of battle may 14, quite severe damage and probably could not follow the flagship of this course.


Even when the spotlight became clear that the rear ships behind, and then was not accepted any measures, and “Emperor Nicholas I” continued to take its fullest course. At 19 h 45 min started the first attack of Japanese destroyers. Around 21h armadillos finally broke up with the cruisers of rear Admiral O. A.Enquist, and the column began to fall behind the damaged ships. “Sisoy Great” was one of the first. In the final phase of the daily battle he still got four hits. The trim on the nose and the roll increased, and a maximum speed of, which stood in front of the sunset just 12 bonds decreased.

Stragglers from the fleet, battleship was attacked by Japanese destroyers. The first attack at 22 h 30 min “Sisoy Great” with great difficulty repulsed, but after 45 minutes four destroyers went into a new attack. At this time, to avoid getting failed. The torpedo exploded under the cockpit compartment, damaged the rudder and stripped the battleship of management. And yet the main danger to the ship was water coming through the hole in the nose. The patch, which was able to get about 2 hours of the night, was leaking water; contraceptie stern sections only slowed down dip.


To 3 hours and 15 may over the water stood no more than a third of a meter of the stem. Realizing that the old bulkheads of the battleship would not stand for long, his commander M. V. Ozerov in reverse tried to reach the island of Tsushima.


At 7 h 20 min to the battleship closer three Japanese auxiliary cruisers and a destroyer. By this time the ship finally lost the course. 10 h 5 min “Sisoy Great” capsized and sank three miles off Cape Kissaki.


Fate took pity on the ship, and it sank under the flag of St. Andrew.


TTX battleship “Sisoy Great”.


Founded in St. Petersburg in 1892, launched in 1894


The actual displacement 10400 tons, length ВЛ105,3 m, width 20,7 m, draft 7,6 m.


The power of the machines of 8500 HP, speed of 15.7 KTS.


Armor (Steliana): belt 406-305 mm, casemates 127 mm, 305 mm towers, decks 76-51 mm, cutting 152 mm.


Armament: four 305-mm, six 152-mm, and twelve 47-mm, sixteen 37 mm guns, 6 torpedo tubes.


In the preparation of historical reference materials used:


The magazine “stocks”, No. 1/2004. Squadron battleship “SISOY the GREAT” M. A. Bogdanov.


The magazine modelist-Konstruktor No. 2/1993.


Assembly recommendations


The model is not complicated to make, but requires special care in the Assembly of some parts. Before beginning work read carefully the description, details and their location on the leaves. The model is applied to a rolling Assembly. All the details related to a single element denoted by the same letter. The bottom after Assembly is recommended progruntovat and paint, screws and a binnacle compass cover bronze paint. For best effect, suggest to make full use of retouching: joints, sections, and visible from the outside of the back side of parts should be shaded with appropriate paint. Scale for the manufacture of fore – and mainsail-mast, which have a narrowing in the cone, we recommend you to use thin wooden slats (toothpick). An additional effect of the model will give the installation of glazing in wheelhouse, guard railings and rigging. For the latter, instead of the traditional thread it is better to use a thin fishing line with a diameter of 0.1 – 0.15 mm black color.





1. Build the base model


After cutting check the convergence of the dry and only then put the details on the glue. First glue the main part (det.K, Co.), and then: glue the side ribs (det./1). Next, insert the aft balcony as per drawings instructions: det. P. 4, P2. 6. These items we recommend that you first check dry, and then glue.


Prior to mounting ppub first we cut out the holes for the ladders. Collect the ladders according to drawings from children.Ls.3, Ls1. Next, assemble the frame of the gun deck from det.BP. First, glue the bow part of the deck R1, and further – aft P2. Optionally make the base of the tower swivel. The insert of the box ladders. The direction of descent of ladders at the bow and stern decks to the center deck.


Next, glue the frame of the gun deck. Glue the hull bottom, since the nose of 0.2 in the direction of the stern. Glue the shell plating B. 1-Zr.


Stern tube 0.16 R curl into a tube, and then glued to the bottom at designated sites. Bilge keels 0.12 glued after drying, the trim parts of the bottom.


2. Assembly of deck elements


First, according to the figures collected skylights details marked SI.1-3. Next, collect towers of the main caliber of the children.SK according to the drawings. Collect the average bridge R. 5 and glue it to the strut mount St.1-5 and the wheelhouse Telegraph Rb.2. Collect wheelhouse Rb. 1.3 and armor the cockpit Rb.4.


Collect the bollards in accordance with the circuit drawings from the children.KP.1-3. Collect spotlight WP.


Glue the crane steam boats Sb.1-2, and crane boat means Ld.1-5. The arrow shows the direction of the nose.


Bonded 47mm gun under the plans. Next, collect details of the number of beds nets for R. 1 to 3. The Assembly of the towers of the main fire is shown in the drawings and the complexity will not cause.


3. Assembly of the masts


First, assemble the main mast as illustrated. Please note that in the figures, the mainmast is shown in the collection. You should first paste det.Gm. 1 in the middle of the bridge, and then to build the grotto-a mast according to the drawings.


Fore-mast from the children.Fm collected in order according to the drawings.


4. The Assembly of tubes and baffles


First we glue the parts of the deflectors D. 1 red inside. The Assembly of tubes is carried out in the following order: first, glue the base of the pipe T. 1.1, and then in ascending order of the numbering of the pasted skylights 1.2 Etc., mount T1.3. In the middle of det.T. 1.4 and 1.5 it is recommended to glue a piece of 2mm cardboard. Next, fix the tube T 1.6., T. 1.7. The details So 1.7 should be replaced by ropes of attachment. Det.T. 1.9 is attached to the tube after gluing the pipe to the hull and attaching the cables attaching. Next, fix children.T. 1.8. Det.T. 1.10 should be bent according to the sample and paste it in the middle of the pipe.


5. The bonding of the raised elements on the housing


The assembled elements are bonded to the housing in this sequence. First, fix the pipe, then the box ladders the front of the pipe. Next, glue the middle bridge, mast, turret, crane, steam boats, crane, boat tools. Glue 152 mm and 75mm guns.


6. The Assembly of boats and equipment


Build steam boats of det. And boat 10 shown in the figures and the complexity will not cause. Glue the steering wheels and compasses according to the drawings and place them in this order: 2 wheel on the middle bridge, 2 of the compass on the middle bridge, 1 compass on the aft chassis cabin and 1 compass-bow chassis cabin. Glue assembled 47mm guns on the middle bridge and 2 on the aft balcony.

7. Wiring rigging of the model carried out according to the drawings. Glue the boats on the model.


We wish You a successful Assembly and enjoyment of the result.


The materials to build a model SQUADRON BATTLESHIP “SISOY GREAT” (download)

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