NOT TO POUR, BUT TO INCLUDEMy invention is very simple, but quite important as regards health. The practical need for it — there. It is known that in the sinus, the number of colds and other diseases requires the heating of the nose and maxillary sinuses. Better suited for this UHF-therapy. However, at first, excessive exposure to currents of UHF may prove harmful to the body, and secondly, this equipment is complicated and cumbersome road. Therefore, this method of treatment, despite its advantages (depth of penetration, and disinfecting effect), not very applicable.

For these purposes, medical homes often use a reflector (“blue lamp”). But its effect is that it “fried” mainly the eyes, as they’re close. Long and uncomfortable to hold the device in his hands during a session,
trying to focus the radiation at the desired point. In addition, the procedure time is doubled because you can heat each side at a time. So often to the inflamed place apply different heated objects. In childhood I also had to “survive” and paraffin masks, and bags of heated salt, but unbearably hot when first applying, they quickly cooled off.
However, if used as heating elements conventional 2-watt resistors, it is possible to make a device, allowing to carry out heat treatments much more convenient and efficient. Simple device it is clear from the figure. The Assembly of four resistors (two on each side) stitched to the case of thick or quilted fabric for a more uniform distribution of heat and avoid exposure of the voltage supply to the skin.
Miniature heat pad
Miniature heat pad:
1 — heating element (resistor OMLT 18 Ohms, N = 2 watts); 2 — mounting wire mgshv-0,5; 3 — wire from a power source; 4 — fabric cover

I draw readers ‘ attention to one feature of the installation. Any radio Amateur knows that the stripped and soldered mounting quickly breaks off the wire: solder coated lived and insulated part of the wire quite hard. And nabludenia part of the end insulation is very flexible, the wire bends are strictly in this place. Therefore, the findings of the internal resistors is formed so that they form a ring, the retaining wire over the unstripped part of the wire is long and reliable.
Now about energy. The resistance of each resistor is 18 Ohms, and the total in this circuit is the same. From the power supply voltage of 9 V, the device consumes a Maximum of 0.5 A. power dissipation — 2 watts for the resistor is achieved at a voltage of 12 V. But, judging from experience, this heat is already too great. I use for the device power supply with adjustable output voltage, but there may be options. So, the heater can be powered by alternating current from step-down transformer, and adjustment of the heating done by using thyristor controller or switching the taps of the secondary winding.
Using resistors of different resistance, it is possible to adapt the device for operation from power sources with virtually any voltage and amperage, if only the power was sufficient. Good health to all.
A. LISOV , Ivanovo

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