With the magazine “modelist-Konstruktor” sign not the first year. Mainly as a diligent reader and a little less like a homebrew, trying in conditions of simple home workshop to put into practice some of the promoted ideas and solutions. Now offer one of their own developments. Its essence is in the equipment standard plug led indicator. Upgraded fork gives you the ability to visually monitor a current flow in the load. When specified in the schema the values of the total capacity of devices connected to the plug-signalling device shall not exceed 500 watts. Well, if the load is solid, will have to replace the placed in the fork diodes КД208А to the semiconductor counterparts with higher energy parameters.

In any case, for embedding a light-coindicator standard plug NF4 can not do without changes in cap last. Any complicated operations are necessary. It is only necessary to remove three (of four available) plastic ledge of the retainer and in front of the rest (where was located the recessed stop for the contact pin) drill a hole for the led.
Printed circuit Board fabrication of the 1.5-mm foil fiberglass too, as they say, is simple. For final finishing it is mounted on the cover plug, is inserted in the appropriate socket pins, and perform a trial Assembly of the plug with operational Troubleshooting to identify the parts of inaccuracies. Followed by a disassembly and final Assembly.
“Firefly” in the standard plug:
a — schematic diagram of a device b — printed circuit Board with the completed installation — plug after the upgrade.

Placing properly on the cover circuit Board, soldered (in a foil parcel with breeding hole), the first contact pin Post other details of the scheme. The diodes КД20ВА slightly rasp (top and bottom) to lower the height of the installation. And in the case of the 100-UMNO-th resistor put on the segment of PVC tube for insulation of the second contact pin inserted into the charge of the latter and connected to the wire that goes to the load, with the help of standard screw with washer, MZ. As for the second load wire, it is simply soldered to the PCB conductor.
The plug-signalling device is ready for operation. As practice shows, does not matter. Reliability — absolutely.
V. KEDROV, G. Rostov-na-Donu

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