Pre-charged functional element in the battery pack on their poles will show the voltage close to nominal, which is about 1.2 V. “scissorsa” elements, the potential difference close to 0 V.
By successively measuring the voltage on each battery element and the internal resistance (with appropriate devices) can be easily identified batteries unfit for further use (the greater the variation in the voltage at the elements, the worse the quality of the entire battery).
In case of emergency, battery I left for the continued operation of those elements, the voltage of which was 1 to 1.2 V. the Rest are culled. In place of faulty elements, or, better say, lost the energy -connected to preserve energy items from another CRA.
In the next phase, using side cutters (or pliers) I removed the metal jumpers between the elements, removing the elements of that lost capacity. Then in their place they installed an old, but usable item from another party (AKB).
To solder the jumper to the “new old” (model) element, you will need a soldering iron at least 40 watts soldering acid.
The ordinary solder type POS-61 and rosin are not enough: soldering is broken by bending of the jumper. And with the help of soldering acid can be well tinned with stinging contacts before soldering the jumpers and to achieve greater reliability.
After replacing all the lost capacity of elements is collected in reverse order in the case of battery screwdriver.
In completing the work set in place the lid of the battery case and carefully fixed it with glue “Super Moment” (you can use another suitable).
The open circuit battery cells
A well-tinned contact
Collected and revived “old-new” battery for the screwdriver and Hammer ACD120A DWT and the remnants of battery the DWT ABS-12
After that the tool will serve for a long time. I have reinstalled battery provided enough intensive work of the screwdriver about a year and a half.
A similar method can restore battery for portable radios, for example, I also rebuilt the battery box for the radio Som V8, consisting of nine Ni-CD elements of AA and a rated voltage of 1.2 V is just replacing items lost capacity, new, newly acquired penlight batteries. Thanks to this battery BP-207N not had to throw out (almost new costs 1200 rubles).
In this case, such saving is justified given the fact that the intensive care unit (recovery) takes really little time: only 30 to 40 minutes.
In the old, battered battery faulty items can be several. During the examination of lying without use for two years the battery to DWТ worthless turned out to be a good half of the elements.
After the operation of replacing the remaining usable rechargeable battery cells a donor can be preserved for future resuscitation procedures.
A. KASHKAROV, St. Petersburg