It would seem that can be the total electric drill hole puncher, washing rubber (eraser) and a paper clip? But O. Lavrov, who considers himself a graduate of our magazine, was able not only to see it shared, but make stationery to work successfully in a number of original technical solutions. As a result of normal (and battered) drill inquiring of homebrew has expanded its typical “drill-tocil-wide” function. Now she can, if necessary, and tighten screws to Unscrew, and if you really itch — even a jigsaw or hacksaw would work tolerably well. All you need is the right tooling (this material is not considered).
The first thing I did for my old electric drill, equip her with speed controller, which is adapted commercially produced by the domestic industry portable dimmer, SRPSKO-1 “Sveton”. As the latter was designed for a maximum 300 watt load, and consumed my “old” capacity of nearly one and a half times above mentioned, then at the first joint inclusion of “Sveton” went thick smoke. I had to hurry to replace the burnt resistors with new ones (see schematic diagram), with greater power dissipation. And instead of dynistor У436 put КН102Б. This upgraded regulator left dovolen. At least the failures were not observed!
The second improvement workaholic-drills was the reverse. To perform it was able, through rocker switch — toggle switch TP1-2 with 6 pins (3 on each group of switched contacts). Moreover, because the location for its installation in the handle of a drill were found without much difficulty (see Fig.).