THE LAMP WILL HELP BRIDGEWe often hear criticisms about premature burnout of the bulbs. And although they are mostly fair, I’m a pessimist to join not going. Because the solution of this technical problem can be found even in a home workshop.

In particular, their bulbs in the kitchen, in the hallway, the closet and bathroom I turn not directly but through a diode voltage converters, which have already many times wrote to the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” (№ 1’97, 10’98, 9’99 etc.). Convinced that the service life of the light sources in this operation increases many, many times, as the reliability of the lamp is growing mainly due to nedical tungsten filament passing through it “half-wave” current.

To embed the diode of the economy in an electrical circuit commonly used niches switches, special adapters, and even the lamp socket. But all these options require solid state valves designed for a maximum direct current I max and the maximum reverse voltage Umax.. Hence the complexity.

So, a low-power diode Д226Б works perfectly in pair with a 60 watt lamp. But he obviously “does not pull”, when electroputere screw the lamp power of 100 watts. So, we need semiconductor valve is of average power, but he is worth more than any D226.

Offer the option of using the finished semiconductor Assembly diode bridge, in which at least one shoulder properly. For example, are well suited for these purposes, widespread odnomernye КЦ402А, КЦ402Б, КЦ402В, КЦ402Г and КЦ402Д U. max , respectively, 500, 400, 300, 200 and 100 V.

The size of the diode bridge is slightly smaller terminal blocks for embedding easily find additional space. Can all be hidden in the cap that hides the mounting hook of the lamp.


In this connection, any bulb does not burn for a long time even in the unstable power supply

In this connection, any bulb does not burn long, even in the most unstable power supply (insulation in the form of PVC pipe is not shown):

1 — a lamp holder; 2 — “Sustrova” terminal block; 3 — a diode bridge series КЦ402 in housing; 4 — mounting wire

For mounting semiconductor “stop saving” necessary to the pins of a proper shoulder bridge to solder on the cut copper wire with a length of 50-100 mm and a cross section of 1.5 mm2. Wear them (to avoid accidental short circuits) of PVC pipe and connect to the terminal block on the one hand, and on the other— connect the neutral wire and either of the two conclusions of electropathy with a lamp.

The remaining output electroputere need to connect a wire from the switch and insulate the place. If the connection cable is not desirable (especially when in contact electrocorrosion pair type copper-aluminium), it is more appropriate standard “Sustrova” block with three terminals.

Of course, the installation in either case is at a dead network!

V. WOZNIAK, Vitebsk region, Republic of Belarus

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