Industry now available good double wire with PVC insulation, which occupies when winding on the bobbin a little space. So there is no need to do cumbersome carrying, about which the magazine wrote some time ago. However, the idea Tihonovich from Kharkov (“modelist-Konstruktor” No. 10 of 1985) good. So I decided to develop it further, making the appropriate changes.

The proposed design was calculated based on the power consumption of such appliances like iron, hot plate, electric drill, and the distance that will be used carrying.

Coil extension cable consists of a base and stand made of shaped metal plates connected by rivets. In the mounted bronze sleeve, which is slidably inserted steel axis of the coil. With one end of the square shank rigidly mounted handle with rotating handle, the other with the printed sides of the coil with the spacer sleeve from the vinyl liner. The sleeve serves at the same time and for the coiling of wire. This, together with the escutcheon firmly tightened with M8 screws, screwed into the axle. The escutcheon screws attached receptacle from which the wire is passed into the hole and wound into a coil. To the second end of the wire attached to the plug.

Coil extension cable
Coil extension cable:
1 — pen, 2 — washer 3 — nut M6, 4 — axis, 5 — Bush, 6 — nut M20x1,5, 7 — coil of the cheeks (sides), 8 — podroze-nick, 9 — socket plug, 10 — M8 screws, 11 screw M5, 12 — base, 13 — foot, 14 — spacer 15, and base stand.

Require insulation parts are made from PCB, vinyl plastic, hard rubber and polished. A stand and base (stainless steel) optional colored powder of Boron. This treatment gives the product not only the necessary strength and safety, but also attractive packaging. Coil dimensions allow you to freely wind it 30 m wire matching section, which is sufficient for use in the household.
The proposed coil-extension will not take much space in the home or workshop; it is convenient to carry in the car to turn on side lights, or lantern emergency stop.
N. VOLODAREM, article Ivanovka, Kyrgyzstan

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