LONG LETTERCopies of the first decade of the twentieth century was for all the sailors of Europe, and the English, in particular, is very tense. The terrible specter of a future war and an elusive championship in the world forced the admirals “mistress of the seas” require for growing, by leaps and bounds, the Grand fleet more ships of all classes, not just battleships. To provide intelligence for action last and to protect them from enemy light forces had the latest high-speed cruisers, and several dozen. In such situation on the foreground the luck incorrectly designed version managed to replicate even before the defects would manifest itself in the service. Fortunately for Britain, at the disposal of designers there was quite a decent naval project leader-scout “Aretusa”. The Admiralty has taken the path of least resistance (in this case it is wise) is ordered by 1913 six more cruisers of the same type, making the project only a small change. A young talented engineer, Stanley Goodall, which was led personally by the shipbuilder to the Navy, Eustace Tennis d Ankort, prepared sketches in just a few days.

It was agreed that a series of new type the letters of the alphabet and units of the program in 1913 got to the third, “si”. Six “Carolyn has given” names beginning with that letter, the benefit in the history of the fleet lacked the appropriate historical ships. But who would have guessed that the series will stretch so much that by the end of it with the new items there will be some problems, although the “si” in the English language, the letter is very common: it starts a large number of words.
The greatest debate was caused by service. Some of the sailors insisted on a uniform of the artillery of the six-inch, while others believed that much more preferable over rapid-chetyrehmetrovy as to cope with a heavy 45-pound “blanks” on the swaying decks of small ships gun workers will be difficult. The result went on the compromise “mixed” way, by installing both the caliber and the number 102-millimetrovogo increased to eight. The most original was the replacement of the bow six-inch gun (available on the “Arethusa”) two four-inch. The main consideration was the high density of fire in the forward sector, which for reasons of admirals “could be useful in the prosecution of the destroyers”. The waste also had two six-inch guns (“legal” food and moved from the nose to the superstructure), and one or two chetyrehmetrovy that was almost equal to the weight of a broadside of the standard German light cruiser. In the case of the enemy’s superiority in forces scout, before leaving, could still “treat” it with heavy fire. I must say that all these tricks are not met with understanding among sailors, who did not like defective nasal volley. After a year or two after the entry into operation a few four-Dujmovic was replaced by the third restituisce. And after a year ashore passed the rest 102-the graph paper setting of the fourth 152-mm gun on the superstructure behind the smokestacks. The vacant place on the deck took two additional twin-tube torpedo tubes, with the result that the number of torpedo tubes has reached eight. At the same time a high forward mast was replaced by tripod, the top of which posted fire control, and anti-aircraft artillery, consisting of only 76 mm gun, greatly increased. So “firstborn of the letter” has acquired a final form and become very similar to their more recent “relatives”. The only disadvantage of such rearmament has become a significant overload, so after the war, the cruiser began to slowly unload
Important changes have affected the forms of the buildings. Although already on the “Arethusa” lines were very perfect, the designers drove a lot of models of different variants of underwater part of “si” in hydraulic canals and achieved outstanding results. The larger ships at the same power mechanisms could develop half knot more than their predecessors! The “passport” of 29 knots is usually able to maintain the service that was provided by the British scouts a slight advantage in running over the cruisers of the enemy — Germany up to the end of the First world war.
Only the first series of “si”, “Caroline” and “sisters” consisted of six units, but at the same time they built a couple more — “Kaliopa” and “champion”, which had almost the same characteristics, but in fact, were experienced by the ships. For the first time on cruisers mounted gear reducer, reducing the angular velocity of the output shafts of the turbines exceeding 300 rpm at full speed, to more optimal to work the screws. “Kaliopa” had four propeller shafts, and the gear was too bulky and heavy but a two-shaft installation “Champion” was considered very successful. As a result, he developed a 29.5 host — a very good indicator by itself, but. importantly, about half a knot more direct drive record sisterships. In addition to such important modifications of the mass, has changed little and appearance. Two front tubes combined into one, wider than the remaining race back. It is this silhouette caught on in the subsequent “Sistah”.
On the fields of Europe was already raging world war, when in late 1914, private firms and the Navy shipyard in Pembroke started to build a following Quartet which became the standard cruisers. By the time “Kaliopa” and “champion” hasn’t even launched, so the Admiralty “blindly” chosen for the “newcomers” chetyrehbalnoy installation with reducer. On the head “Cambrian” managed repeat “protivogelmintnoe” couple 102-millimetrovogo on the forecastle, but the other three immediately got restituisce. This model was the replacement of the surface coupled torpedo tubes on single tube underwater. Shoot from a high angle to the direction of movement of gross proved impossible, even in the middle course, not to mention max combat torpedoes were just broken by the flow of water. In the end, this Quartet has acquired almost the same weapons, and upgraded predecessors.
In addition, the original draft after he laid another two units, “Centaur” and “Concord.” Extra pair owes its origin to the turbine is almost ready for installation on ordered Turkey cruisers are scouts. Clear. what to build ships to their new enemy the British were not going to, but do not use an excellent and powerful mechanisms would be sinful. So “around the turbines” created, in essence, a prototype of the second subtype of “si”. This time, developers took into account the wishes of the sailors and made the appropriate changes to drawings. Did not disappoint and builders, the benefit of ordering got famous Armstrong, allied by that time with the equally well-known firm “Vikkers”. The result is a significant “refreshing” has already become a standard light cruiser. The main innovation was the armament now consisted of five 152-mm guns. They are located in the diametrical plane, so that the Board could fire all the artillery for the first time on the light cruisers. Because of the homogeneous heavy (for this class) guns, and the couple was nicknamed “dreadnoughts of Tarmita”. After joining the system they did in order Gurwitsch of detachment, commanded about goth is known to the officer. I must say that the location of the extended “threads” of the (six-inch not too long housing has created certain problems, Nasal superstructure is maximally pushed forward, and the tips of the mast literally “planted” on it. so just behind this “Bush” to post the additional fifth instrument of Some vneplanovo construction manifested itself not only in the use of requisitioned mechanisms, but in the anti-aircraft artillery Deficit in protivoavariynykh the trehdyuymovok at the time, was forced to borrow a couple of pieces… British cavalry.
If confiscation mechanisms have fallen into the camp of the enemies of the Turks is quite understandable, the fact that their traditional opponents, and even then the allies of the Entente Greek punished for anything. The thing is. that the strengthening of the Greek Navy insisted “hired” chief of naval staff UK Admiral mark Kerr. It was on his insistence of not the rich in Greece have ordered in 1914, two modern cruisers of the “town”. Initially, the construction of the plant j. Brown in Fairfield continued in a normal mode and at a good pace. The customer paid the money, and in early 1915 “Alineware Condorito” safely descended into the water. It is here that the Admiralty could not resist and confiscated housing “Contourites” and another were on the stocks “Lombrosa Katsonis”. At the same time cleaned their hands and artillery, although it did not comply with British standards. Undersized Greeks preferred not the usual 6-inch switchblade stiletto with their 45-pound shell, and specially designed 140 mm gun, lighter with less “weighty” shells but more rate of fire. On standard housing “town” managed to place a dozen of these guns in service were quite “at hand” and British sailors, Some experts believed confiscated “Chester” and “Birkenhead,” the most successful British cruisers of the First world war, especially the first, more powerful turbines which exclusively oil-fired boilers are allowed to develop 26,5 node is less than series C but more traditional “town”. Both actively participated in major battle of the war, in Jutland, and the former “Katsonis” – “Chester” got into a fight with literally piping hot in less than a month after joining the system, and its sister ship by that time could already be considered a veteran, he managed to build a little more than a year.
Meanwhile, by 1916 the need for light cruisers, which had already completed the fourth decade, not decreased. The commander of the Grand Fleet Admiral Deepika believed that two dozen, at its disposal, not enough for a General engagement. At the beginning of the year, followed by the advanced tab four: “Caledon”, “Calypso”, “Keratosa” and “Cassandra.”
This time managed to already take into account all the useful innovations and not to repeat previous mistakes. The cruiser received a “champion” two-shaft turbine installation with gearbox, four double-tube surface torpedo tubes, a pair of 76-mm anti-aircraft guns and, of course, jednotkou armament of five 6-Dujmovic. Under the same 40 000 HP, and Carolina, these great ships could reach 29 knots, even without boost. Interestingly, the increase in displacement, compared with the first units, was quite insignificant: the designers, in fact, finally “licked” a few shrill the project.
133. Light cruiser ‘Caroline’ (England, 1914)
It was built by the firm “Cammel Laird”. Displacement 4220 t; the maximum length 135,92 m; width of 12.6 m; draught of 4.9 m Power chetyrehbalnoy steam turbine 40 000 HP, speed 28.5 per node. Armament: two 152/45-mm and eight 102/45 mm guns, one 76-mm anti-aircraft guns, four 47-mm small-caliber, two twin 533-mm torpedo tubes. Reservations: the Board 76-51 mm, 25 mm deck, the cabin of 152 mm. All in 1914 — 1915 built six units: “Caroline”, “Carysfort”, “Cleopatra”, “Komus”, “conquest” and “Cordelia”. At the end of the First world war, was modernized with the replacement of the 102-mm guns and 152 mm (only four guns), 76-mm anti-aircraft gun or substituted with one or two 102-mm or two new 76-mm, and some additionally installed two 40-mm machine gun. The number of double-tube torpedo tubes increased to four. “Cordelia” scrapped in 1923, the rest in 1931 — 1933, except for “Caroline”, converted in 1924 into a training ship and survived to the present.
134. Light cruiser “Chester” (England. 1916)
First built by “John brown”, then “Cemmap Laird”. Displacement 5235 t; the maximum length 135,9 m; width of 15.21 m; draught 4,89 m. Capacity chetyrehbalnoy steam turbine 31 000 HP speed 26.5 per node. Armament: ten 140/50 guns, one 76-mm anti-aircraft, two 457-mm torpedo tubes. Booking: deck 51 — 19 mm, cutting 76 mm Only in 1915 — 1916 built two units: “Chester” and “Birkenhead”. Both scrapped in 1921
135. Light cruiser “Calcutta” (England, 1917)
It was built by the firm “Vinkers”. The displacement of 4290 tons, the maximum length 137,6 m; width of for 13, 31 m; draught of 4.72 m. the thickness chetyrehbalnoy steam turbine 40 000 HP, speed 29 knots. Armament: five 152/45 guns, two 76-mm anti-aircraft guns, four 47-mm small-caliber, two 40-mm antiaircraft gun, four twin-tube 533-mm torpedo tubes. Reservations: the Board 76-51 mm, 25 mm deck, cabin 152 mm. Only in 1918 — 1919 built four units: “Cairo”, “Kolkata”, “Carlisle” and “Colombo,” and in 1922 completed the fifth, “Caption”. All except the last, in late 1950s, rebuilt in the cruiser defense. “Calcutta” and “Cairo” sunk in 1941 and 1942, respectively, and the rest scrapped after the Second world war.

However, shifted forward superstructure was somewhat weighted forward section of the hull, and the sailors had very hard times to maintain the tank restituisce in the streams of water poured deck. Therefore, in the next series (and the requirements of the fleet remained as insatiable) engineers went on a radical change. The add-in moved to the stern, and on the nose he looks to have a couple of 152-mm guns, firing one on top of another. Same for the location of the pair is located in the stern. At all angles of attack on the “Cardiff”, “Ciresa”. “Coventry”, “Curacao” and “Carpio” are impressive: a full volley could meet the enemy in almost any side of the horizon.
Not surprisingly, the sailors all of the enhancements liking. In fact, they had only one wish: to improve working conditions for calculations of bow guns. Designers responded with the introduction of “has an upturned” nose, with a strongly tilted forward by a bow — a characteristic feature of almost all modern ships. So was born the last of five “b” — type “Cape town”. According to the “stuffing” they are almost completely repeated predecessors, rising to the bow, the forecastle was not only reduced splashing the gun, but gave the cruisers a more elegant look.
The only drawback of these robust, fast and powerful ships became… their age. And, contrary to custom, not old and unwanted youth. If “certify” still managed to enter into operation before the end of hostilities, “captainy” just theoretically, could not participate in the battles of the First world war: the first of them, “Carlisle”, raised the flag after the ceasefire and the surrender of Germany.
But their predecessors fought very actively. However, in the main battle at Jutland to vary the type “C” failed, mostly due to the rather passive action of the commander of the light forces of admirals, repeatedly dispassionately watching the passing enemy. But the former “Greek” Dodge failed. “Chester” was part of the veil of the detachment of rear Admiral Hood and got under the hand 150-mm shells from the cruisers of Vice Admiral Hipper, which in a few minutes wiped out half the gunners. The “Greek” version of the gun installations had a small and too-short panels, covering from shattering only the torso above the knees, so that the majority of the victims received their wounds in the leg and could not stand on deck. However, side booking saved the ship from the worst. Survived and other light cruiser of the British, had in a pitched battle with only minor damage.
To make up for the forced passivity they had during the long years of war. And with varying degrees of success. In “regular” battles “si” continued not to drive. So, in November 1917, light forces of the British Navy, covering the fast battle cruiser, tried to repeat his success early in the war and to “clean” the Bay from the German minesweepers of the enemy, and at the same time, if possible, to “grab” the cover ships. It went half a dozen fresh cruisers “si”. In reality, in a battle with the German light cruisers took part flagship just “Caledon”. The great success he had, but he came under a 12-inch switchblade stiletto came to the aid of their German battleships and “took” one of “suitcases.” Surprisingly, even a thin side armor proved to be useful: the injuries were minor and “Caledon” successfully escaped from the battlefield. There’s also got his share of “Calypso” and “Cardiff”. As a kind of award a year later was awarded a very honorable mission, leading to build ships of the Grand fleet, taking delivery of his most important enemy Fleet on the open sea. One of the representatives, “Coventry”, became the flagship of the disarmament Commission, engaged in the development of the practical conditions of the German surrender.
In General, the “C” stood the exam of stability is very good, tactical success at Helgoland has not reached. Had to justify its existence “small things.” Cleopatra soon after the entry into operation in 1916 dashing ramming attack sank the destroyer G-194. Her sister ship “conquest” a year earlier finished the auxiliary cruiser meteor, and two years later have with the “Canterbury” recessed destroyer S-20. To fighters destroyers in 1917, joined “Centaur”, recorded on your account S-30. To collective production “sisek” you can also add a few German minesweepers. I must say that these are quite small achievements, not quite worthy excellent speed and powerful ships, and even got them not in vain. At least five times the units of that class exploding mines, several times faced each other and sat on the cliff Mine was the cause of death, “Cassandra”, a very unlucky ship, after serving only a year and a half and only “si”, not survived the war. However, already not the world. Less than a month after the entry into operation, as he was on the rocks at the island Fair off the coast of Scotland. After the end of hostilities with Germany, the English introduced their best cruisers and destroyers in the Gulf of Finland in order to ensure the transfer of power to the national governments of the Baltic countries and to support the Estonian and white guard troops, the bursting of the Bolshevik Petrograd. In November 1918, the cruiser, along with other ships of the British forces without any intelligence and trawling proudly cut the waters of the Gulf of Finland, brought the Russian and the German mine productions to the state “soup dumpling”. The result is clear. Most likely, the cause of death of the cruiser, which sank within 20 minutes, was the German boom, while many domestic books indicated that the mine was Russian.
Anyway, the loss of the newest ship badly embarrassed the British However, the “relatives” of the Cassandra managed to recoup: “Kerdos” and “Calypso” showed their performance, when combined with the latest destroyers tried to catch up published on investigation to Revel the destroyer Spartak. Although mechanisms of the latter were in poor condition, the sailors squeezed them high, and the distance between the pursuers and the “game” ceased to decrease. The British had decided to terminate the pursuit when the destroyer at full speed and jumped ashore. Resistance became hopeless, and “Avtroil” followed by the prisoner, together with a member of the Revolutionary Council of the Navy F. Raskolnikov, whom the British had risen to “Communist as Minister of the Navy”. A few hours later, trapped between the British ships wandered the second destroyer, “Spartacus”, also surrendered to the former allies.
Many of the representatives of the third letter of the Latin alphabet actively participated in the actions of the fleets of the Entente in the Black sea, where the French and the British tried unsuccessfully sweets “white matter” until the evacuation of the Crimea.
So on a very dubious note, participation in a foreign civil war ended for cruisers “si” zatyanuvshayasya fighting. Came the peaceful years. Thoroughly suffered during “the great war” England was left with a large number of ships of this class, perfectly suited to the action together with the main forces of the fleet, but not too vodivshihsya for a traditional service: control of world trade routes. In this role, “si” first of all, but enough range, as they were originally intended for “home pool” of the North sea. In addition, the small size does but contributed to the comfort on Board, and in heavy seas in the open ocean, relatively low body was filled with waves, exhausting the crews and depriving cruiser combat capability, to serve as the open six-inch guns with manual submission in such conditions became impossible. However, the “mistress of the seas” could not afford just to erase from the composition of its fleet four dozen “not quite suitable” ships and replace them with something new. As you know, “for want of a stamp, write a simple”. So “C” was the basis of the cruising forces of Britain and throughout the 1920s and 1930s years. Gradually the oldest and least strong and successful units of the first series began to withdraw into reserve and sent to be scrapped, but “Caledon”, “Cardiff” and “Kolkata” was served until the Second world war and actively participated in it. Most of them fought often in dramatic circumstances and has repeatedly received heavy damage, and six failed to survive the fights. But that’s another story.

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