ARSENAL HOME MASTERToday’s “unobtrusive service”, which have to apply for the small problems of household systems, effectively “bite”. Even the call an electrician, technician or plumber to diagnose, not to mention the simple elimination of minor faults, is quite expensive.
Therefore, minor damage or imperfections is much better to perform on their own. But to do this at home worker should be at least the most basic set of working tools. But if the head of the family or children, there is also passion, desire something to make with your own hands, you will need an Arsenal of tools.


It’s a good start to have their minimum (Fig. 1) to perform electrical work with wires, switches, chandeliers, irons, lamps, etc.. This is primarily a screwdriver (1). It is advisable to handle them was medium size, not short, with width of the working sting or blades 2, 4, 6 and 8 mm. It is necessary to add clamp (2) and wire cutters (side cutters, 3) ease of use, for example, with wires and a wire. Assistant are universal pliers (4). And very often in the home also required electric soldering machine (5) to begin a power of about 60 watts.

Fig. 1. The tool of the electrician

Fig. 1. The tool of the electrician


Good help he will serve as the tweezers (6), preferably large, so-called anatomical — it will help, for example, to keep the soldered ends of the wires. And prepare them, to release from isolation and clean up will be possible with an ordinary penknife (7).

For the subsequent a variety of works will be required and other tools.

It is better to purchase them gradually as the need arise.

Good to have in your home Arsenal a set of tools for processing of metal parts, plastic and wood (Fig. 2). It is primarily a scissors for cutting metal sheet blanks (1) and a small chisel (2) for thicker metal, household vise (3) with the length of the jaws 50 — 80 mm (such that they can be screwed on any table), machinist hammer (4), handsaw (5) with changeable cloths; jigsaw (6) with saws for metal and wood, files (7) flat, triangular and semicircular; files (8) of such profiles.

Fig. 2. Arsenal home master

Fig. 2. Arsenal home worker


It is necessary to have a drill manual (9) or electric with a set of drills and a core (10) for marking the place to drill. For threading in the holes will need tapping (11) knob (12), and for executing the thread on the rods of the die (13) and plasmodesmatal (14); in many cases, is also very handy Allen wrench (15), pliers (16), an adjustable wrench.

For marking and measuring you will need a metal Scriber, compass, and sometimes a Vernier caliper, micrometer 0 to 25 mm, metal ruler.

At home there is often a need to repair something, and sometimes simple furniture. In this case it would be good to have at least a minimal set of tools for working wood: planer, semi-circular and flat chisels, and a mallet (wooden hammer); brace. And to embellish or completely refresh the decoration of furniture is a small set of diverse paint brushes.

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