For the workman man a good tool — it is, as they say, is half the battle. For cutting tools (e.g., saws) it is important that it was sharp. With a significant amount of grinding you have to do periodically, and if the material is solid and hard, it is time for this, in General, support the operation, spent even more than the work itself. But, making edits “on the knee”, and get tired quickly and the quality suffers.
In order to facilitate the process of sharpening the saws and to ensure the quality of this operation, I had to come up with a device that is easy to make yourself.
The main part of the clip. It consists of a support and clamping straps. Both parts of equal size: 25 mm. 400х150х I have made from beech wood, but you can use other hardwood species (e.g. oak) or laminated plywood.
In both parts near the end faces and, parallel slotted grooves of the same size 50×9 mm (for screws M8).