LARGE AND SMALLUnder this title in one of last numbers we published a compendium of universal furniture for school workshops. Judging by the reader reviews she has received with great interest the letters to the editor, in replies to our questionnaire there were many proposals to continue such publications.

To meet these wishes, we are opening a new section — “CUT in large and small” and introduce two interesting works— equipment of the workplace masters of industrial training, were shown at the Central exhibition NTTM-74 at VDNKH, where it attracted the attention of many managers of technical circles, and layout of classrooms of young technicians — offer our readers, the chief engineer of the Kiev Palace of pioneers A. Narnina.
Various tables, shelves, stands, heterogeneous column tables (often just stationery), cabinets — everything is haphazard and unsuited to agriculture, common to many educational workshops and club rooms, beyond any thought-out organization of the working space, especially if the room is small. Equipment, tools, electric saw Sadko, wood, materials are in different places, which of course is not convenient neither for the leader to lead the lesson or for the students themselves.
Not casually therefore on NTTM-74 was popular among the organizers of technical creativity modest exhibit, whose name was indicated on the explanatory label as “workplace training in the workshop joiners”. However, interest to it was shown that the ideas contained in this development that is applicable to other workshops and groups.
Fig. 1. Workplace training officer.
Fig. 1. Workplace training officer.
Fig. 2. The scheme of the Cabinet-wall and designation of sections
Fig. 2. The scheme of the Cabinet-wall and appointment sections:
1 — a working tool of the master; 2 — technical training; 3, 4, 7, 8,9 — visual tutorials themes; 5 — mobile chalkboard and screen; 6 — drawers with educational posters; 10 — medium safety work wear.

Tartu vocational school name Helena Coleman who submitted this piece in the exhibit, workstation master decided in a sectional Cabinet-wall. This allowed to collect in a single ensemble, all that is usually dispersed in different areas of the room. Now “set” of maser compactly fit behind it sliney. In front of him — working two-column table, in which set comfortable swivel chair with upholstered seat and back.
Wardrobe-a wall, consisting of ten sections of different sizes and purposes, includes the whole Arsenal of technical training. His entire layout is designed taking into account the elaborate systematization of these tools and comfortable using them.
Each section is an independent thematic cell, a working tool of the master, in another demonstration, a third — visual AIDS and so on. The drawers of the Cabinet — educational posters; in some sections, funds safety, workwear masters.
The middle part of the upper half of the Cabinet is an original chalkboard from sheet glass. Mobile it: for it is the mirror-reflector for projection equipment, screen.
Part of the technical means built in Desk master: overhead projector, tape recorder.

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