NEW KITCHENLined with plastic kitchen furniture usually serves for decades, almost without losing their appearance and not leaving the building. However fastidious the fashion time from the time makes us the critical eye to gaze at the rather boring tables, cabinets and tables: and not to replace it all for something new!

This problem, however, is nowadays almost impossible to buy new, and even fashion, kitchen is now very, very difficult.


But let’s look at the furniture that appears as a sample in furniture stores, and the one that is in your kitchen. Most often the difference is not too big, and bring “yesterday” cabinets and tables to the present standard is not so difficult. In this post we will introduce you with the most simple methods of reconstruction of kitchen furniture.


Kitchen before reconstruction (A) and after reconstruction (B).

Kitchen before reconstruction (A) and after reconstruction (B).


Plastic now is not honored. Consumers today are not satisfied with even the plastic “wood” or self-adhesive vinyl “wood” film — give him the natural wood. Now even the kitchen sets off the usual plates, which makes the room more cozy, Sunny, more residential.


Today we will tell you how to make for the kitchen cabinets and tables, doors, panels and other elements, with which the appearance of any headset obsolete you can change.


First you need to pick up the necessary number of the same width and thickness of planks.. Well, of course, to use the new boards (paneling, fence or, best of all, pieces of trim) but it will fit and pallet wood. It is desirable that the thickness of each billet was approximately 20 mm of these boards to make door panels easier. To begin the plank carefully vystragivaetsja a plane, a piece of iron which should literally be sharpened to razor sharpness. Pay very serious attention: the blunt instrument immediately ruin the workpiece. When vystragivanie position the plate so that the plane did not raise a Burr and didn’t do chips. It is also advisable to walk on the surfaces of the boards with a jointer that will get the most smooth surface. Of course, a piece of iron of the jointer should also be razor sharp.

After this kind of treatment plates are joined into panels — blanks for door panels. The easiest way to do this using threaded rods made of steel wire with a diameter of 4…5 mm. Below the holes in each of the plates coincide, it makes sense when they are drilling a conductor device which is shown in one of our drawings.


universal Design doors for kitchen units.

universal Design is doors for kitchen units:

1 — tightening the stud O 4…5 mm, 2 — Board (cross-section approximately 20X70 mm), 3 — washer 4 — nut, 5 — bezel (rack section of 10X20 mm).


Device magazine for the storage of spices from glass jars with a

Device cassette storage spice glass jars with a “screw” cap.



Handle (material — wood).


Device drawers for Cutlery and cooking details.


Device drawers for Cutlery and cooking details.

Device drawers for Cutlery and cooking details.


Before assembling the panels, it is desirable to remove each from the boards of the chamfer. Glue the shield is best using epoxy, thoroughly accurately the narrow sides of each of the planks with glue. Collect the shield should be the simplest device consisting of smooth hardboard, a couple of boards, clamps and two clamps. While smeared with glue boards first strung on the threaded studs and lightly tightened the two pairs of nuts (don’t forget to put the washer!), then laid on the slab of particle Board, which previously Podstrana plastic film. Next, using boards and clamps the workpiece pressed against the plate (under a Board also placed polyethylene) and in the end, tight tighten the nuts on the studs.


The next day when the epoxy finally polymerized, the workpiece is carefully cropped on the contour (it should be done with a hacksaw with the fine teeth or using the “buzz-saws” machine “Skillful hands”). Layout lines trim is made strictly on the doors of your kitchen cabinets — it is only necessary to withdraw the laying of the lines trimming from the contour of the old doors at 10 mm.

After cutting and Stripping edges are facing slats 10 mm thick and width to the thickness of the door panels. Reiki is carefully adjusted to the panels in place and glued all of the same epoxy resin. While it is best to use the slipway: a slab of particle Board where screws or nails are fixed with wooden bars; billet door panels inserted between them along with the smeared glue strips folded and clamped with wooden wedges. Make sure that Reiki is not “squeezed” out of the device, otherwise the whole work will be spoiled. To avoid this, use the old-fashioned way: spread the slats with resin, sprinkle with the plane of gluing coarse river sand (approximately as if you salted bread), then you can safely press the bonding details of each and other. The grains are introduced in one and the other surfaces, playing the role of a kind of spikes or pins.


After curing of the adhesive panel carefully vyshkurivaetsya and covered in several passes parquet varnish with interim grinding their skin. When the varnish is dry, you can transfer the loop ka new doors and hung them on the cabinets and tables.
I hope that in doing this work, you will not stop halfway and continue it. Especially because by this time you will learn the method of manufacture of such wood panels. And with the help of these panels, you can Supplement your kitchen with elements that are composite will combine shelves and cabinets into a single unit. Such panels it is possible to close gaps between cupboards and Desk, with these panels you can alter the Cabinet under the sink, thus completing the transformation of the old kitchen units into a single ensemble.
We offer you complete kitchen furniture several quite interesting adaptations. The first allows the use to accommodate different products (especially spices) at the bottom of any wall Cabinet. For this panel that combines wall Cabinet and kitchen table, inclined fixed carefully sanded and lacquered in the manner described above the Board where the screws fixed screw cap canning jars. The last and will be comfortable and reliable containers for storage of spices.
Recommend you need to equip wall cabinets original pull-out drawers for storing forks, knives and other kitchen utensils. From any other these boxes are different in that they can tilt down and fixed in that inclined position at full extension, which greatly facilitates the access to their content.
Side and rear walls of each of the boxes are cut from 10…12 mm plywood, the front wall is of plank, bottom of hardboard or plywood with a thickness of 4…5 mm. Assembly of the box — on epoxy glue and small nails.
The side walls of the box have longitudinal grooves and the bevel in the back. Guide for nomination serve as a metal or plastic bars fixed on wooden bars. Latest with glue and screws fixed on the bottom panel of a cupboard.
On the pine boards can also have a hanger for towels, hooks for large utensils, cutting boards and other kitchen utensils, and lamps of local illumination (preferably a so-called lamp-“clothespin”, which can be easily fixed in any place convenient for you).
Independent development of “M-K” materials of foreign magazines.

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