HEINKEL He 177 GREIFThe German aircraft manufacturer Ernst Heinkel Flugzeugwerke GmBH was founded in 1922 by E. Heinkel. Its activities started with the design and construction of military hydroaeroplanes, and record-breaking sports aircraft. In 1935, the firm released who later became widely known fighter biplane Not 51 and became famous in the Second world war twin-engine bomber, Not 111. In 1936, took off the float torpedo Not 115.


In 1938 the Ministry of aviation of Germany ordered the new firm Heinkel heavy bomber, designed for the formation of the strategic forces of the Luftwaffe. The designers of the machine went the unconventional way and created her original power plant consisting of four engines DAIMLER-BENZ DB 601, grouped by two, each pair drives the rotation of one air Vit.
First flight of the prototype Not 177V1 was held on 19 November 1939, but the first production bombers entered service trials in July 1942. No-177 participated in raids on England, but the results of their military work had been unsatisfactory.
The bomber was produced in several modifications, which were Not 177A-3/R5 with 75-mm cannon in the gondola under the fuselage, the bomber-torpedo’t 177A-3/R7, but is also Not 177А-3, self-years carrier three Hs 293. In January 1943, bombers were used to deliver food surrounded at Stalingrad Paulus. In the bomb Bay several Not 177 have been installed at 33 rocket launcher.
It was built in 1190 bombers are Not 177.
Not HEINKEL 177A-5/R2 GREIF: wingspan 31 440 mm; length 20 mm 400; height 6400 mm; wing area of 102.00 m2; empty weight 16 900 kg; maximum take-off weight 31 000 kg; inline engines DB 610 A – 1/B-1 2 x 2950 HP; crew 6 persons; maximum speed 488 km/h; ceiling 8000 m; range 5500 km; armament — 3 13-mm cannon, 2 20 mm cannons, 1 7.92 mm machine gun and 6000 kg of bombs.

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