VISE ON A LEASHBench drilling machines (such as NA-10, NA-12), as a rule, is at any station of young technicians in every school workshop. There are some in our school (I work as a teacher). And once a pupil of the 6th class when drilling holes in small parts dropped it in a vise. Began to turn them over to get the detail, didn’t hold, and the grip fell to the floor. Only by sheer luck that this incident was closed with a foot injury, although the consequences for the child could be much more serious. I think that such incidents are not uncommon: in school workshops and at the premises of technical circles often seen on the floor next to astelinastelin press dents from the clutches of the fallen.

I propose a simple device will save both students, and teachers, and managers of technical circles from such troubles.


Of course, you can just fix the vise on the machine table. And it’s not bad when testing a large batch of parts. But, unfortunately, this option is in the technical circles is extremely rare. Often it is necessary in one part to drill in different places, a few holes, and move the vise on the machine table, putting the center of another hole under the drill.

In these cases, the proposed device is very useful. Is it a U-shaped bracket covers the front of the machine, and the free ends attached to the vise. In this position, the vise free to move around the table and excludes the possibility of their fall.

Is the device manufacture by milling from a sheet steel with a thickness of 30 mm. But this option requires (except for the availability of such a sheet) labour intensive, serious equipment (often in the student’s workshops), and a certain level of qualification of the contractor. So it’s easier to use other technology — bend of steel strip with a thickness of 8 -10 mm. Nominal fixture dimensions in the figure are not specified as they depend on the parameters of bench drilling machine and different models will be different.

Bezopasnye vise

Bezopasnye vise:


1 – bench drilling machine; 2 — fixture bracket (St.Z. strip 30×10); 3 – machine vise

In the manufacture of staples necessary to sustain two conditions:

— the bend radius should be 0.1 mm greater than the radius of the rack of the machine:

Rn = Dc/2 + 0,1;

— the jaws in the right position (see picture). should not be placed to the front of the machine is closer than the spindle:

Dc / 2+ C + B > A.

Compliance with these two conditions will allow the use of the working field of the table and easily move it to the vise. Very convenient to the left of the machine to make the stand at the same height with a table: if needed, the vise can be easily removed by turning them together with your fixture around the stand of the machine.

V. ARKHIPOV, Severodvinsk

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