A REFRIGERATOR IN WHICH THE HEATI read in your journal about how to store vegetables in the balcony, and decided to use the invitation wording to share their experiences. Send a description of the vault, more simple in construction and operation, we regularly employee for seven winters without any special maintenance or repair.
First thought, as the authors of the previous articles was to build this box thermostat, used for heat insulation foam or glass wool and a built automatic temperature controller for switching on and off of the heating element. But why produce something that is ready literally lying under their feet — end-of-life refrigerators?
I decided to use the body of the refrigerator “Saratov-2”. It is low and almost does not protrude over the balcony railing, and, therefore, does not violate the aesthetics of the house. To serve because he had “refrigerator Vice versa”, then name it we began to read “inside out”.
Regulator circuit
Regulator circuit:
1 — drum, 2 — biasing spring, 3 — handle, 4 — arm, 5 — spring contacts 6 — contacts 7 — cover, 8 — adjusting bolts.

So, anthologising “Voters”; volume of the refrigerating chamber 85 litres plus 10 litres of extra volume due to the withdrawal of the freezer — a total of 95 litres or more a sack of potatoes! To eye is not cold, need heater. An approximate calculation of its capacity for such a volume, and the average difference of temperatures outside and inside the order of 25-30° gave a value of 30 to 40 watts in continuous operation. In order not to take much space, it was stayed on flat heating element for fotoplaneta capacity of 150 watts. Series connection with him semiconductor diode provided the reducing power, it approached her to design and improve the durability of the item. It was wrapped with sheet asbestos, and placed between two aluminum plates of size 1 X 140 X 400 mm, pulling them by screws and attach the bottom of the camera indented 10 mm from the back wall. By the way, it is possible that it would be reasonable to place the heater on the bottom and cover with a wooden grid.
Schematic diagram of the electrical circuit.
Schematic diagram of the electrical circuit.

For automatic control of modernized under mode on the Thermostat the fridge. It had to extend about 20 mm corrugated cylinder at the regulator (it is filled, Legkov paramasa liquid, the pressure which opposes the urging force of the spring by changing the length of the corrugation, depending on the temperature in the freezer). To configure the triggering of a contact heater at temperature +2… +4° was enough to replace the bolts, tractor rear cover fastening cylinder to the body of the regulator, on longer. Now with the average position of the handle it turn in the direction of positive temperatures given change them to + 9° in the direction negative to — 12°, returning when you need to anthologising function of the freezer.
The second simple alteration — a change in the direction of include contacts. This removed the biasing spring. As experience has shown, without NCH contacts work without burning (they never clean up, and not smeared all 7 years), and the deviations in the temperature adjustment does not exceed ± 1 deg.
A signal block on the fork
A signal block on the fork

In the electric circuit shown anticholinergica diodes, reduces the power of the heating element, and a neon light indicating it is turned on. Together with the quenching resistor placed in a housing fixable to the plug. He was small, taken two diodes at a current of 0.25 A with a reverse voltage of 250 V are connected in parallel.
If you use a fridge with a larger capacity scheme remains the same, only increased the power of the heater by the inclusion of parallel to it an additional element. At the same nominal total current of semiconductor diodes respectively increase.
* * *
It seems that such storage could be mass-produced PA the basis of the production of refrigerators with a minimum, as we see technology change.
K. F. MOROZOV, K. K. MOROZOV, Leningrad

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