WARM DRAFTSIf the room is stuffy, just open the window. Well, if it’s cold -tightly close it. And to make the air in the room was always warm and fresh is almost impossible. Even stylistically it’s hard to put those words together – warm and fresh.

However, if it was in style, with this irreconcilability could still somehow be reconciled. But the issue here is much more serious. From the point of view of thermal process room ventilation is essentially heating the space around us. Judge for yourself: opening the window, we issued into the street the hot air and let in the room chilled. Then the window is closed, the cold outdoor air is heated to room temperature… But by that time the room becomes stuffy again, and we re-open the window!

Diagram of the heat exchanger

Diagram of the heat exchanger

And is it possible, releasing warm air outside, away from his warmth and warm at the same time entering into the room air outside? Of course, there are special devices-heat exchangers. True, no one yet thought of using such devices to save fuel.


I think, however, that the owners of private houses who have to heat their homes for “real” money, are interested in a simple device that allows you in winter to effectively ventilate the room, without Victoria it.

Configuration even (A) odd and (B) channels of the heat exchanger

Configuration even (A) odd and (B) channels of the heat exchanger


Readers are invited to a simple heat exchanger, whose design allows you to position it in the window opening, and in a specially provided niche.

The apparatus has no moving parts and is assembled from readily available materials. Its principle of operation is simple. The part that is outside, has air intake and outlet. The air flow moving along the walls of the house, gets into the intake and directed by the deflectors, rushes into the room, creating within it a certain excess pressure. At the same time the outlet of the heat exchanger creates a vacuum and air from the room rushes over him on the street.

Heat exchanger

The Assembly of the heat exchanger:

1,3 — spacers-delegacy;

2 stud M5;

4 — plate (duralumin s0,5);

5 — washers;

6 — M5 nuts

It should be noted that the channels through which cold air enters the room, and the channels through which warm air is discharged outside, alternate. Streams of warm and cold air move towards each other, separated only by a thin plate of aluminum-a metal with high conductivity. When this cold air is heated, respectively, cooling warm.

Heat exchanger Assembly

Heat exchanger Assembly

It should be noted that the heat exchanger of this design works well in “one-sided” apartments where all the Windows overlook one side of the house. The fact that “bilateral” apartments almost always there is a flow of air from one side of the house to the other through the tightly closed Windows or cracks in them, so the heat exchanger will operate as a conventional window.

The heat exchanger design is simple – it will require from 40 to 100 plates cut out of sheet aluminum with a thickness of 0.5 mm and the appropriate number of reducers-deflectors out of any sheet plastic or metal with a thickness of 5 mm. assembled with four threaded M5 studs, nuts and washers. With street-side heat exchanger is closed with cover made of any sheet material. On the inner side of the heat exchanger should provide the sash, closing the intake and outlet openings.



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