ANOTHER PILLOWIn your journal was placed as the material “the Secret three pillows”. I want to offer the conversion option to the standard sofa with a single pillow. Made additionally, it further extends the possibilities of sofas, allowing you to collect from it five types of furniture: in addition to the actual sofa sofa and her regular options and a half and double beds, there’s the corner and bed-sofa and twin armchair.

For a basis I took the sofa Moscow furniture-Assembly plant N° 2 (index products W-53-1471; art. 20, 08, 14/3). Her set includes four small pillows on a spring base (the size of their 420X620 mm) and three large, square (620X620 mm). Sofa is convenient because it is retractable part has a small section, through which it is easy to make corner option.
To get the generic designs first of all be removed, and increasing the side straps so that they form side panels, as tall as the back. You can use boards from an old case or wooden beds, respectively, treating the surface and fit it on the center, to existing the back.
Then you need to make one large pillow. It is easy to perform, using the technology proposed in the KDM (see “M-K”, N° 2, 1985). In this and the final preparatory work.
standard options of unfolding it into a double (1), and semi-double (2) beds and an additional, made use of a large pillow (A) corner sofa (3) and is coupled to a chair (4).

Now it is easy to collect any of the listed options for furniture (see pictures). On the day time comfortably, using the entire set of cushions to make a double chair with padded armrests. Three large and four small pillows form the couch. Of three large and three small get the sofa — bed semi-double. Pulling a small section of the sliding part and laying on a large cushion, will gather corner sofa. And finally, put forward remaining .part and arranging the pillows as shown in the figure, turn the sofa into a double bed.
It seems that used in this design principle is suitable for modification and other types of upholstered furniture.
A. bow-LEGGED, Moscow

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