Even if you only have two beds under the window — all the same handling and care of plants requires some set of instruments. And furthermore, if you have a garden or garden. There are different cleavers and choppers, knives and rippers, diggers and rake, and even packets of fertilizer, Yes, banks-bottles with fertilizing or pesticides — typed “baggage”, which would be good in some place, leaving the precinct, not to run back and forth every trifle, and would have everything at hand.

Here is a kind of “bag” and will serve as a simple but convenient “tool” drawer gardener gardener proposed his readers of the Croatian magazine “ABC technique.” In the open basket and on the rack will house all the necessary “Arsenal”, and shoulder strap and a cutout at the front will create additional convenience for carrying to and from work.
It is better to make a “bag” made of light and durable plywood with thickness of 10…12 mm; however, it is possible to combine different material available. For example, the bottom of the box is plywood; its sides — wooden; rack — also from the boards, not necessarily a single shield, and, for example, P-image of the Noi form; Welt shelf — also a plaque. In any case, the Assembly design for greater strength it is appropriate to the screws with the spreading of the glue joints (carpentry, casein, PVA).
Before Assembly, all blanks must carefully sanding, and then cover with several layers of oil paint (preferably yellow or orange, as the most notable even in the midst of the plantations).
Tool kit — “avoska” gardener:
1 — side panel boxes (2 PCs), 2 — back wall boxes, 3 — stand with a hole for carrying, 4 — slotted shelf for tool, 5 — shoulder strap, 6 — bottom, 7 — the front wall of the box

There is another option finish: treated yellow “stain” from the diluted gouache, and good drying after coating parquet lacquer in several layers. If for the manufacture of “shopping bags” used furniture boards with a plastic double-sided finish — additional treatment and protection from alage will require only edge pieces.

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