The journal “modelist-Konstruktor”, according to my calculations, for a long time can already be entered in the “Guinness Book of world records” for number of published articles on homemade from plastic bottles. Why not just made them attentive readers! Glasses and sockets for jam, glasses and shades, galoshes and beach mattresses, funnels and megaphones, rotary vane and hull models of yachts, hydropneumatic rockets and mentality cylinders under compressed air for aircraft with pneumatic actuators and decorative candle holders.


And here is another product, the main function which performs a plastic bottle. It is a clothes hanger, first and foremost, to one that easily loses its shape or stretched on the sharp edges of the standard “coat hanger”.

To make a hanger, take a couple of bottles suitable for your size and a makeshift Central hook. The latter can be made of 10 mm plywood, sanded and glued in the lower part a couple of bars of semicircular cross section so that the diameter of the nodules was the same as the lids of plastic bottles — 30 mm.

The finished hook is coated with varnish, it ends serverlists two holes for self-tapping screws, and then these two screws for the hook are fixed two cover — you just have to put under the heads of screws washers external diameter of about 20 mm. that’s all. It only remains to wrap the bottle in a cover and hanger ready.


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