SPROUTS IN THE COUCHOur readers were drawn to an article by A. Christmas “Cellar, on the balcony.” Is it possible to simplify the design and to do without special heating devices and temperature control? Is there a simple way of maintaining zero temperature in balcony vegetable store?
The source of heat for heating vegetables found. And absolutely, unexpected. Experiment on its use, according to the author, was a success.
Needless to say, the design of greenhouses A. Christmas interesting. However, it is difficult, in my opinion, the stabilisation of the difficult production of “the cellar” at home.
Offer more simple variant. It is available for repetition and does not require special knowledge in electrical engineering as it allows to dispense with heating devices. It turned out that the heat from room radiators is sufficient to maintain zero temperature in the compartments vegetable store, located in the loggia on the other side of the window (with appropriate insulation). To arrange a “cellar” can be almost any balcony or balconies of large houses.
In addition, our design has the additional purpose — it serves as a comfortable sofa on which to relax. This is an important advantage. The balconies of other houses are not large enough to keep things performing one single function.
Sofa-vegetable store
Sofa-vegetable store:
1 — wall with Central heating,2 — sofa, 3 — cover of sofa, 4 — foam gaskets, 5 — baffle, 6 — exterior wood trim, 7 — the frame element, 8 — inner plastic shell, 9 — foam.
Sofa-vegetable store we use for the second year. Experience has shown that potatoes, apples, cabbage fresh cabbage and sauerkraut in glass jars successfully carry it quite a severe winter, when the temperature falls to -25°.
The sofa frame is assembled from wooden slats with a cross section 50 X 50 mm and attached to the wall with screws and plugs. The inside capacity is sheathed with sheets of plastic (or at least plywood) with a thickness of 5 mm outside the plates, then annealed by the flame of a blowtorch or covered the puck. The space between the skins is filled with foam (you can use any insulation material with thickness 50 mm). The bottom is also lined with a layer of foam and lined with plastic.
In the middle of the resulting box set partition. The resulting compartments can store not only vegetables, but fruit in different packaging.
Compartments with lids made of chipboard or plywood with a thickness of 13 mm.
dimensions 1200 x 480 mm. Lid, covered the top with foam thickness of 20 mm and a rubber sheet are simultaneously the seat of the sofa. They recline on the window hinges.
To improve the thermal insulation cover covered on the inside by contour strips of foam (or felt) cross-section 10 x 15 mm.
The back of the sofa size 1200 X 250 X mm attached to the wall by the same screws with dowels as the frame.
L. BUBNOVA, g, Mogilev

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