COZY MICROPOLLWith the new settler clear: get an apartment, of course, seeks to furnish it with new furniture. Well, the one who starts the General repair of your old home, wouldn’t he want updates? And it is here that both the first and second are in the same difficulty: how to reconcile the dimensions of a particular room dimensions offered by the furniture stores?
It’s especially hard dealing with these issues when it comes to the hall; they often or tight, or uncomfortable. Therefore, it is important to all and the compactness of the structures, and the decision finishes that enhance the first impression of the home.
Not coincidentally, on a hall has to most independent searches home handymen: how to equip what decorative elements to use?
Plan hallway:
Plan hallway:
1 — mirror, 2 — hanger-closet.
Today we introduce two such options offered to our reader.
In a narrow hallway small apartments to arrange the furniture manufactured by the industry, is just impossible. I managed to equip it with a tiny room, not much “sitesnew” his self-made “sets” of two objects: hangers-closet and mirror with a shelf and drawers for small things. All items are adorned with decorative carvings, which gave microhole additional comfort.
Mirror with shelf
1 — mirror 2 — mirror frame. 3 — shelf. 4 — drawer 330X230X60 mm, 5 — the front Board. 6 — side panel.
The basis of hangers-closet are two vertical posts from boards in the thickness 20 mm at the height of the room. The top and bottom screwed to the bars 50 x 50 mm, attached to floor and ceiling. Between the posts hung a removable shelf in the lower part formed an open niche for shoes, and at the top, with doors, decorated with relief carving mezzanine. Below, see the attached figure a Board with hangers for clothing, and the opposite tube to a coat hanger, which serves as both a spacer.
The second item is “headset” from the same boards in the thickness 20 mm. In a customized size frame, put a mirror. The perimeter frame decorated with relief carving. For the manufacture of shelves requires some carpentry skill, as the sides and the front Board are connected to the spikes. The same mount and parts boxes. The bottom sheet of plywood (or hardboard) that are placed on the box and fixed with screws.
1 — timber 50X50X286 mm 2 — shelf mezzanine. 3 — door atraso Lee. 4 — sidewall 5 — Board with hangers for clothing. 6 — lid box for shoes. 7 — shelf bin for shoes, 8 — tube for hangers.
Form the front Board and the side shelves can be arbitrary, but preferably, that they repeated the pattern of the coat-closet, sasdata single stylistic composition.
Wooden parts finished furniture is treated with an alcohol or water stain and coated with furniture varnish or wax compositions. The latter gives a nice matte surface, but unstable, so it’s best to use lacquer.
V. BADANIN, Murmansk

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