AEROBATIC New built training model aerobatic aircraft surprised everyone, ourselves including. So successful was the combination of spectacular appearance (which is very highly valued by only pilots, as well as time of flight affects the evaluation of judges), the extraordinary simplicity and manufacturability, durability and good flight properties. Therefore, while the new aerobatic machine and is “preseminary” character, we named it “Extra”. It should be noted that the potential flight performance of this model is enough to perform the second sports category.

Almost all the main advantages of pilotage obtained through unusual aerodynamic and power circuit of the wing. Because it has no frame as such! Any Reiki spar, no ribs — all replace only one power circuit of a metal tube of constant cross section. Thanks to this the opportunity to make full use of advantages of “pliable” skin, made from metallic Mylar film with a thickness of 0,021—0,03 mm. It is the paneling, wrought in the figures, allows to achieve good handling characteristics in the absence of the pronounced profiling of the wing and its mechanization. By the way, the effect is more pronounced at high values of the specific load on the supporting surface and is particularly pronounced in the modification of the “heavy” class with an engine displacement of 6.5— 1 cm3.
Another important factor that has a significant impact on the choice of model type today, unfortunately, is often the availability of materials. This is also our model has no equal. After all, the Power circuit of the wing is bent… gymnastics rings (for doing hula Hoop), which you can find in any store. Forming circuit requires considerable effort. Maybe at first you’ll spoil the blank, but then the next will surely meet the highest requirements. Before forming need to cut the connection part of the ring and initially only to straighten the pipe in the zone of the leading edge of the wing. Small radii of bending in the “endings” better to fit together, around be firmly attached to the round tower.
In principle, it is permissible to replace tubular contour shaped by the same beam pattern of many thin layers of wood. It is on this principle was created by successful, widely known, only recently fighting model “Kakhovka”. The advantage of the wooden construction — the ability to elevate the rear edge and immediately ask the front section, the right to an elliptical profile. However, if you want to save time a few times — use a metal pipe. In addition, of equal stiffness and strength in the finished wing is simply no. Note that even rough calculations say the margin on a heavy “Milotice” in comparison with the most famous domestic and foreign samples of the championship machines have higher at least half time.
Control line aerobatic model with the engine working volume of 2.5 cm3
Control line aerobatic model with the engine working volume of 2.5 cm3.
Central part of the wing
The Central part of the wing:
1 —forehead (Linden or foam PVC with cording paper PVA), 2 — power circuit (tube or AMC AMH diameter 16X1 mm), 3 — rib (lip thickness 10 mm), 4 rocking control, 5—plating ribs (plywood 1,2 mm from both sides), 6—wedge insert (Linden), 7 — connecting tube (birch or hornbeam). In areas “a” and “b” pipe degrease and tightly winding a cotton thread round to round. The winding is impregnated with resin in the process of gluing wooden elements of the wing.

Fuselage (A — nose, B — tail)
The fuselage (A — nose, B — tail):
1 – jumper (lip thickness 14 mm), 2 — top beams motor (thick basswood or birch section 11X 14 mm), 3 — bolts MZ engine mounts (glue impregnated with resin before installing the sheathing on the port side), 4— skin starboard side (plywood 1.2 mm), 5 — arc (Linden section 3X14 mm), 6 — contour of the workpiece (machining allowance gradually cut off when centering the Assembly model), 7—bulkhead (lip thickness of 4 mm), 8 — frame (Linden 6 mm), 9— bottom rail Mogami, 10 — stringers (Linden secheniem 3X14 mm) 11 insert (lime, or dense plastic foam with a thickness of 14 mm), 12 — cabin starboard (plywood 0.8 mm or cardboard), 13,16 — klavye elements (balsa 3 mm ILN easy lnpa 2 mm), 14 — frame (lnpa thickness of 3 mm), 15 — postepisiotomy plane (lip section 5X 14 mm).

Control system
Control system:
1 — tronc 0.8 mm diameter, 2 — spring, 3—insert (OVS with a diameter of 0.5 mm), 4 — loop (OBC diameter 0.8 mm), 5 rocking (D16T 2 mm), 6 — bushing, 7 —axis (OVS with a diameter of 3 mm), 8 — pull (aluminum 3 mm in diameter), 9 — pylon (plywood 2.5 mm with brass “piston”).

Horizontal tail (A metal option B — whole-plywood)
Horizontal tail (A metal option B — whole-plywood option):
1 – front solitaire (Linden 4 mm), 2 — rib (Linden 4 mm), 3 — circuit (aluminum knitting needle with a diameter of 3 mm), 4 — spars (pine section 4 X8 mm, at the ends of the 4X4 mm) 5 scarf (lime 4 mm), 6 — hinge, 7—rib helm (lnpa 8 mm). Wire the circuit in zones “a” n “b” before Assembly, degrease and tightly winding a cotton thread round to round.

Fuel tank
Fuel tank:
1 — fuel line (copper 0. 3X0. 5 mm), 2 corps (tin), 3 — a drainage and filling tube.

Control line aerobatic model with a engine capacity of 6.5—7 cm3, made by the same force diagram
Control line aerobatic model with a engine capacity of 6.5—7 cm3, made by the same power circuit.
If you use metal pipes it to the front edge necessarily coprophiliac by adding a light purple Reiki. If exactly fit the “fairing” to the pipe will be difficult, it is better to apply for these purposes, the PVC foam stamps (in this semicircular groove with a chisel, make and modify using notched cylindrical “kurilka”). In this case, before applying Mylar covering the forehead sure hang tissue paper.
In the style design of the new wing done and the tail — wire circuit. While this is by mass, and more advantageously telefonanlage, its weight data is inferior to balsa structures. But in this version of the model it is not important.
Otherwise, the manufacture of new drinking-taki is fully consistent with the traditional methods of modeling and so simple that does not require any further explanation.
The only thing you should add: attaching the Mylar film covering the metal frame should be conducted only on the glue “Moment”. Overlap the edges of the film, as with close-fitting wooden structures (it is sometimes called among modelers “locks”)
V. SHUMEEV, group leader, master of sports

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