Steamer from childhood

Steamer from childhoodWhat is usually associated the term “straight-through”? Of course, with aircraft jet engines to achieve the highest supersonic speeds. And how can become a propulsive ship …? This is what we tell you today. “The heart of The engine,” the proposed mikrosudna is an unusual device, based on the principle of action on convection. Recall that a similar effect is found in the use of liquid cooling devices of some automobile engines ( “Trabant” and others). On these machines, the water circulates independently, as warmer tends to rise up and fall down cold. Thus the cooling system of “pumping” water without using any pump.

On the same principle based and engine steamer. Hot water, warmed and partially in a boiling coil will climb up and then thrown out through the stern section of the top of the tube. A lower intake will be fresh liquid which goes to heating coil. The source of heat is a dry tablet alcohol or a piece of rock wool soaked with gasoline.
The coil is bent from a thin-walled metal pipe section between 4 and 6 mm in length about 650 mm. Mandrel for winding the working part will stem 0 18-20 mm. The number of turns of the coil – from three to five. The total height of it shall not exceed 30 mm and between the turns must remain a clearance of at least 2 mm. Conclusions coil – as soon as not to create unnecessary resistance to the current of fluid. The sections of the tube must be placed so that the height difference between them, at least not more than the total height of the working part of the coil (note: the figures at the height of the coil equal to 22 mm, the sections of tubes are arranged one above the other at a distance of 18 mm). It is important to consider that the upper section of the tube to be recessed below the water level at the floating pattern of not less than 10 mm. Coil tubing is fixed to the terminal on a boat jamming in the housing slot.
Good use of the heat from the combustion of dry spirit tablets provided by “chopping” or arched tin roofing iron, and which is, in fact, the body of the “stove.” Between the fuel element and the coil height should leave a space of about 10 mm to allow free access of air to the flame. Below “chopping” pan placed that extends forward when the alcohol replacement, and in the operating position lies on a heat-resistant lining of asbestos.

Podkopka fishing boats with a once-through steam engine
Podkopka fishing boats with a once-through steam engine:
1 – nasal floor (deck – plate), 2 side hull (or tin roofing iron), 3 mast (pine or birch), 4 cargo boom (wire), 5 Corps (linden and birch), 6 ” cutting ‘(tin or roofing iron) pipe of 7- (tin), 8-tube coil, 9 – boss for propping coil tubes 10 wheel (roofing iron), 11 – pan (or tin roofing iron), 12 – fuel pellet, 13-asbestos gasket, 14 housing board in a wooden performance.
With the completion of all the wooden parts covered with two layers of warm linseed oil and paint in oils. Metal parts not soldered but the elements of the board and deck.


The even pitch immediately after the recess to bend outward at 90a odd - in the assembly with the part 6
The even pitch immediately after the recess to bend outward at 90a odd – in the assembly with the part 6
Developmental model
Developmental model. The engine is open, the tube is attached a wooden wedge.
Model boats with medium situated automatic installation.
Model boats with medium situated automatic installation.
Before you start using medical “pear” tube filled with water and placed on the steamer water. Then, the fuel is ignited, and the tray is pushed into place. When testing models it is necessary to be careful to get burned on the hot metal parts.
Engine with the proposed dimensions suitable for operating any models of 150 to 300 mm.
For working motoustanovki can create a model-stand, represents a simple circuit made of wood. And only then start building halfspear fishing boats which n is shown in the figures. If desired, it is quite possible engine placement is not in the feed mikrosudna, and in the middle of his body. Interestingly universal type solution where model sailboat dooboruduetsya ramjet motoustanovkoy. Of course, there will have to solve the problem of protection of sails and mast of the steam unit flame.

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