We held in the Cup competition. Of the proposed options were selected by simple and at the same time the most effective. The machines turned out trouble free in operation and simple to manufacture.
Their interaction was solved. so witty, that deserved a demonstration, and we made the case transparent, made of plexiglass. When I first was shown this machine one of the technical exhibitions near it were crowded with not only students but also teachers: studied, sketched, to do the same for their schools.
It may confirm any student: pencils and erasers needed for drawing lessons or drawing, you receive the same amazing property — at the right time you can’t find them neither in portfolio nor in the Desk or under the Desk. However, in our school it does not put the big goof was hot enough to go into the corridor and down a penny in the coin slot on the wall will be in the hands of a pencil eraser. Guys often approach these unusual stalls and just wanted to see how they work.
The device machines according to the principle of the interaction of the parts are the same. Therefore, we give a detailed description of only one pencil.