MOTOR — IN THE SKY!In the CSC-306 MAI constructed several devices with the power electrical system, but to talk seriously about the problem of creating a workable small elektroleta became possible only after supervising the Department has developed a unique brushless DC motor. It is characterized by light weight, high (95%) efficiency, and specific energy parameters 3-6 times higher than the corresponding characteristics of a known commutator motors.

Our most recent development is tele-piloted the plane with electric drive “Electrolet-2”. Structurally, it is easy delawarefastcash design with a pusher propeller. As shown by experiments and calculations, the apparatus built according to this scheme, has good flow and small turbulent losses. In addition, the lack of a propeller installed in the bow of the gondola allowed him to set her sensors temperature, pressure, and camera.
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. It includes power motor, electronic speed controller, an onboard receiver radio control system and two servos drive the elevators and directions.
For comparative experiments we used two motor — brushless DC with rare earth inductor rotor and celineforeveranangel conventional commutator motor with a serial excitation. Their parameters (in brackets — the characteristics of the commutator motor): efficiency — 91 % (55%), weight — 1 kg (0.95 kg), long-developed power — 200 W (80 W), max power 500 W (170W), speed — 0-10 thousand rpm (0-7500 rpm), voltage — 27 In (27 In).
Block diagram
Block diagram:
1 — battery, 2 — receiver, 3 electronic regulator, 4 — engine, 5, 6 — servos.
A — rudder, B — wheel depth.

The power source that is sort of the fuel tank of our plane — silver-zinc rechargeable battery with a capacity of 4.5 A/h. Its mass is 1.7 kg. total weight of electrical equipment — 2.7 kg.
DESIGN “ELEKTROLETA-2”. The fuselage of the machine includes a nose nacelle, wing, twin tail boom with a two-keel vertical tail and stabilizer.
The nacelle is made of dense foam, reinforced with pine stringers. The surface of nacelle are covered with thick paper.
In the nacelle are the batteries that power the electric motor with the speed controller, an onboard receiver of the radio control and steering mechanisms. At the front of the gondola
there is also a compartment for additional equipment.
The center — stacked design. His skin — tight paper. The wingtips of the wing are attached the tail boom, it is also equipped with pins on which are fixed wing.
Scheme remotely piloted aircraft
Diagram of the remotely piloted aircraft “Electrolet-2”:
1 — nacelle 2,10 — console, 3 — rotor setup, 4 — tail boom, 5 — keel 6 — wheel direction 7 — Elevator, 8 — horizontal tail Assembly 9 — center section.
The tail boom is laminated from balsa plates with transverse set. At the ends there are points of fastening of the stabilizer keels to form beams, the monolithic structure.
Drive rudders and height is from the steering mechanisms located in nacelles. The relationship between the first n second is a flexible nylon thread, passing through the center section and through the tail boom.
Vertical and horizontal tail inlaid design. Control surfaces are hooked up to it on nylon hinges.
CONSOLE. Have large length and square, that’s why their designs must meet high requirements (strength and culture weight). We have produced a console balsa ribs and two pine spars of variable cross-section. Total weight — 0.3 kg. Plating — micuenta paper impregnated with Amalita.
SCREW. Outside of the parameters largely depends on the quality of the flight speed and duration. To the same screw on the elektroleta have to work at different speeds — because of that, his options were selected, focusing on the nominal frequency of the motor shaft.
In the calculation we have taken the velocity of the vehicle is 60 km/h frequency of rotation of the screw — 7000-8000 rpm.
Nacelle elektroleta
Nacelle elektroleta:
1 — propeller, 2 — motor, 3 — electronic speed controller, 4 — servos, 5 — receiver, 6 — battery, 7 — compartment for additional equipment.

Static thrust of the power plant elektroleta is in the nominal mode of 1.2 kgf, with afterburner 3.0 kgs (with brushless motor). With the same screw manifold engine created the draught of not more than 1.5 kgs.
In the process of the test flights it became clear that our “Electrolet-2” can be in the air from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the mode of operation of the engine. The power plant unit has worked very reliably — any equipment failure. The motor is normally turned on and off during the flight, and, in obedience to radioptican of the pilot-operator, changing the speed within very wide limits.
A. PAVLOV, senior researcher, head of SKB-306 MAI

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