If the room is stuffy, just open the window. Well, if it’s cold — tightly close it. To do the same so that the air in the room was always warm and fresh, is almost impossible. Even stylistically it’s hard to put those words together — warm and fresh. As for the style, this irreconcilability is still possible to reconcile. But the issue is much more serious: the process of ventilation of the room is a heated the space around us. Judge for yourself: opening the window, we issued into the street the hot air and let in the room chilled. Then the window is closed, the cold outdoor air is heated to room temperature… But by that time the room becomes stuffy again, and again we open the window!
And is it possible, releasing warm air outside, away from his warmth and warm at the same time entering into the room the cold air? Of course, you can. For this purpose there are special devices-heat exchangers. True, no one yet thought of using these devices to save fuel. I think, however, that the owners of private houses who have to heat their homes for “real” money, are interested in a simple device that allows you in winter to effectively ventilate the room, while not Victoria it.
We offer our readers a simple heat exchanger, whose design allows you to position it in the window opening, and in a specially provided niche.