FROST ON THE WINDOW SILLthriftily whether the spent energy for heating homes, to spend it on… then lowering the temperature for storing food in the fridge? Especially when the window — frost. A hang out of shopping bags or bags with eatables, arrange for the window boxes, like flower. But not all products need to be frozen. And the exterior of the house from such “decorations” are suffering. So I went the other way.

With the onset of cold weather I use a simple device mounted on the kitchen windowsill.
The idea is to isolate the part of the window from the warm room air. This can be achieved in several ways. The easiest way is to put on the window-sill a box with the width with the window open and a height of about 250 mm from plywood or plastic. Here will drain from the glass the cold air, filling volume and maintaining the lowered temperature sufficient for storage, such as dairy products.
For greater capacity of the refrigerator may need to increase the width of the sill, increasing its timber tongue and groove coupling at the butt, or putting it on top of the workpiece from a sheet of chipboard. If the frame is standard, dual, then such a cover will be included under the projecting lower edge of the sash Windows, and you don’t need to come up with additional bracing. But first, the workpiece must be luted and in several layers to cover the white enamel.
Perhaps something else the solution — suspension of the box without relying on the window sill. The tab displays the versions of the bracket for a suspension. The first — bent rod O 4-5 mm or from steel strips with a thickness of 2 mm and a width of 40 mm. Both of them are fastened with screws directly to the PA frame sash Windows, but so that, if necessary, the window could be open. The second tier is for products in small packages. If the structure is made of thick Plexiglas, mounted without bracket.
From bunk fridge, if necessary, the bottom compartment is easy to turn into a freezer: just drill it and the frame through holes, through which will come the frosty air. Of course, it is desirable to go Rob a chalk cover.
Film insulation window
Film insulation Windows:
1 — the ledge 2 — a protective bar, 3 — film, 4 — lower bracket.

If the sill is wide enough, you can do without boxes. Is above window to hang curtain rod for plastic curtain and on the window sill — second bracket for the tension. To reduce circulation of air in this vault, in front of the ledge must be secured to the ceiling adjacent a wide bar: it will serve as both a barrier and a decorative element that hides the ledge. Pushing the shutter, you can adjust the temperature in the window the refrigerator.
The space under the sill is also not hard to adapt a repository — for example, vegetables. Several shifting a radiator, equip a shallow chest of drawers, which isolates the part of the wall, taking her from the cold.
When the device Cabinet, it is first necessary to separate it from the battery vertical bar stand. In the lower part of the sidewalls of the Cabinet itself, close to the front edge, cut a hole under the axle-joint. The fact that the front panel — not the door: the Cabinet doesn’t open, and tumbles forward. This makes it more convenient to use, enables a nightstand in a box, more adapted for filling of potatoes, beets, carrots. The side panels have upper deep, and below a small corner. Back wall made much shorter front and perforated — this improves the cooling capacity.
a Variant of the refrigerator compartment Plexiglas.
A Variant of the refrigeration compartment of the Plexiglas.

Wardrobe storage
Wardrobe storage
1 — front panel 2 — handle. 3 panels-front, sides tables, 5 rear panel, 6 — grille-bottom, 7 — axis. 8 — 9 — damper.
The bottom cabinets — lattice, which ensures the necessary ventilation. The space between the bottom and door covers damper installed under the last-mount the side racks Cabinet.
For the manufacture of such storage will fit chipboard covered with foil or painted with enamel. They are interconnected using plug-in round thorns O 6 mm-carpentry or casein glue or PVA emulsion. On the front panel is fixed with screws from the top handle of duralumin channel. The bottom is mounted on two bars attached to the side or to the front and rear panels and, if necessary, can be removed for cleaning the space under it. The same purpose is removable and valve cabinets.

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