HELP YOURSELFthe Disease of the spine is not spared me. Arose unpleasant sensation of pain is not allowed to operate as before. Numerous visits to doctors, taking the prescribed medicines gave temporary relief, but not enough to feel comfortable even for a short time at the computer made itself felt. Pomaia some time, came to the conclusion that in addition to drug treatments spine you need physical help unloading correction device. It turned out that commercially available special belt designed specifically for the correction of the spine. I have consistently purchased and tried out some different designs. Unfortunately, none of these zones I didn’t significantly help.

The reason, in my opinion, was the fact that they did not possess the necessary parameters: sufficient rigidity individual adjustment, moisturizing the skin in the contact zone. And the amount of their purchase had to pay a lot of that modest prosperity is also important. So then I went a different route: he decided to make the slimming belt for the spine (hereinafter CAT) own design based on the detected disadvantages of the purchased products. Made it from what was at hand. PPC, in my opinion, turned out good, so I decided to share his device with the readers of your favorite magazine.
Device PPC
PPC has a grid structure (Fig.1). Consists of 3 cloth belts, two of which are stationary and form the basis of the CPR, and the third movable and designed to secure the belt on the body and the subsequent adjustment efforts by tightening.
As can be seen from figure 1, the fixed straps are the basic elements. They consist of a cloth shell and power frame — lapenkova polished twine (typically used for household and domestic needs; the breaking load is 13.5 kgs). These belts are located in parallel and are connected by semi-rigid links of 10 PCs To their ends sewed two cloth and one leather strap with fittings, attached with handmade rivets from 3 mm aluminum wire (unfortunately, the finished rivets in that time I have not found).
slimming belt spine
Fig. 2. slimming belt spine:
1 —fabric strap (4 PCs); 2—strap with hardware (2); 3—fixed straps; 4 — movable belt; 5 — semi-rigid link (10 PCs); 6—frame (lepenky string); 7—bandage (cotton thread No extra. 10, 16 places, to cover with PVA glue)

Fig. 2. Semi-rigid link
Fig. 2. Semi-rigid link:
1 —clip (OSV wire O2. 5); 2—case (denim); 3 — strap (denim fabric); 4—swage (galvanized steel s0,7)

Semi-rigid link consists of a curved clip made of wire OSV 2.5 mm diameter, enclosed in a cloth cover, which is sewn to the harness for guiding a movable belt. Holsters and harnesses are sewn from denim. The ends of The brackets are connected with swages are made of galvanized steel with thickness of 0.7 mm. the Ends of semi-rigid links in a fixed sewn straps, twisted twine frame and fixed with a bandage (made of cotton thread coated with PVA glue).
As the movable belt use conventional leather of a suitable size. But you can make it yourself and to your homebrew is not a problem. Removable strap design (Fig.4) are generally similar to the stationary: fabric shell made from denim reinforced frame made of twine. The difference is that the two leather strips at the ends: one is attached to the buckle and another with punched hole for clip. For greater strength and rigidity the ends of the upper and lower cords in areas of the unit is disbanded leather strips woven together and glued with PVA.
Manufacturer of PPC
Start with measuring the circumference of the waist. This value will be main in determining all the other parameters of transmission: length of stationary and movable belts, the number of semi-rigid links, the length of the leather strips, etc. (transmission, shown in figure 1, is designed for 54 — 56 size).
For most parts of the PPC will need fabric such as denim or canvas. It may be an old jacket, cover, or worn pants. To cut out a fabric belt detail (straps, sheath fixed belts and holsters semi-rigid links), but don’t sew them — that comes later.
Next, cut leather strap with rivets fixed on their hardware.
Then we produce metal parts semi-rigid parts (for brackets I used the springs of the old sofa, and swage made of galvanized sheet steel) and put on their cases, which are sewn harnesses.
Fig. 3. Strap with fittings
Fig. 3. Strap accessories:
1 —ring (OSV wire O1,2, 7); 2—strap (leather); 3—holder (galvanized steel s0,7, 7); 4—rivet 3×5 (7 PCs); 5 — a washer (7 pieces)

Fig. 4. Movable belt
Fig. 4. Removable strap:
1—clip (wire O3 salt); 2—retainer (wire OSV, O3); 3 tape staples (skin); 4—shell (denim); 5 — frame (lepenky twine); 6—ribbon clasp (leather)

Lay the prepared elements of the belt on a flat surface, check the alignment of elements, and if necessary, make changes. After that collect semi-rigid links into a single block: threaded through the bracket, the twine that runs the connection using the bandages according to figures, cover them with a thin layer of PVA or BF-2 and allow to dry.
Sew fabric elements of the belt on the sewing machine with nylon thread or, in extreme cases, extra cotton No. 10, but joining leather straps with fittings and belts of the rolling belt is done manually (a kapron thread of 93.5 Tex or harsh cotton). If no sewing machine, it is easy to sew and all the belt manually.
Belt secured over clothes or first use of the movable belt. Further, ring fittings pass through the laces (of shoes) — two or three (depending on the characteristics of the shape). The upper and lower laces are tightened so that the fixed belts make room in against the body. The ends of The laces tied in a bow. In conclusion, a movable belt with a buckle is tightened somewhat tighter than the stationary belts. The result is spring-loaded clamps tightly hug the waist, creating necessary support to the spine.
Such “support” to live and work becomes much easier and more comfortable.

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