If science fiction is subject to the future, for a child’s imagination — the surrounding present: it is a folded piece of cloth starts to act up like a child and tilted the chair turns the engine in the plane. Boys, for instance, enough to ride a simple wand, to represent himself as a tamer of wild horse. That’s why we offer Hungarian magazine “Ezer-person” self-made horse-rocking chair at first glance, can be largely loses the store painted handsome, but only— in the eyes of an adult.
The child will give the “wood” all the missing qualities himself. And for parents would be the main availability in the manufacturer; because it would be just a few wooden bars, processed the most simple ways.
Let’s start with the main part— the body (or “grits”), uniting the rest of the rocking. It will require a wooden block with 110×110 cross-section and a length of 600 mm. On its lateral sides closer to the ends of the grooves are made, how to connect vpoldereva— bars under the stands (“legs”). Grooves several daugiausia up, to give the uprights some inclination for greater stability.