Last summer the author had the opportunity to spend several weeks in a sanatorium in Belarus, where fate was destined to meet with a journalist from Georgia Levon Dolidze. He brought me a wonderful man Valery Zhuravskii. It happened during the excursion around the sanatorium, which Levon completely disinterested spent for vacationers, gathering everyone from small to large.

Once the territory of suburban area, Valeriy, amazed at the modesty of his possessions, by the way, he previously held senior positions in the Republic. Admiration also call it the creative work that turned the country into an exhibition gallery of applied art. All exhibits made himself from a seemingly junk materials of Belarusian forests.

The primary working material of the artist and birch wood mushroom cap, but there are bizarre intertwining branches and roots. The main thing – to see in the found similarity with animals, insects and even people.

Birch is an excellent material for the manufacture of the original furniture: chairs, armchairs, and even candlesticks, table lamps and floor lamps, and if you use an additional composition of river pebbles, you can create an entire picture. Or, say, decorative baskets. They are very attractive, but not everyone will guess that it is enough soft wire and pine cones, though not common, and those that grow in the Crimea and feature a flat base.


Valery Zhuravsky and his self-portrait


Valery Zhuravsky and his self-portrait

Valery Zhuravsky and his self portrait


Candlelight, cosy

Candlestick, cosy


A little imagination in the work of birch - from the hands of the master came out of the original table lamp

A little imagination in the work of birch – from the hands of the master came out of the original table lamp


Do not be surprised if, once at the cottage of the wizard, you will see a crocodile

Don’t be surprised if, once at the cottage of the wizard, you will see a crocodile


Decorative fireplace that looks real

Decorative fireplace looks real


Basket of cones

A basket of cones


The lady in the chair from the trunk of a birch growing on it capom. For the convenience of moving such massive structures the author has provided furniture wheels

The lady in the chair from the trunk of a birch growing on it capom. For the convenience of moving such massive structures the author has provided furniture wheels


For the manufacture of Handicrafts made of birch needed only the most common among carpenters tools: a set of chisels and … circular saw, without which it is almost impossible to get a smooth cut on birch. For external finishing, in any case, do not use the furniture and other polishes. The tree must be a tree. Do only sanding with sandpaper. However, there are exceptions, as in the forest sometimes you can find very fancy branches and stumps that are starting to rot already. In this case, without modern preservatives and impregnations are not necessary. But it is mainly in products stored outdoors, where, as a rule, high humidity, for example, in the gazebo.


In conclusion, it should be recalled that birch is not only an excellent material for Handicrafts, but also the healing tree. There is a belief that touching it increases our energy and, therefore, improves health and mood. The case for small – to choose the time and go into the forest to look at the beauty of it through the eyes of the artist, and, of course, to be patient: after all, crafts is a huge work.

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