As soon as the baby learned to crawl, they are seized with a desire to explore the surrounding area, where all sorts of interesting things. Here, parents often helps a well — known invention-the playpen. Its wooden lattice or net made of ropes limit the movement of the baby within this fenced area with toys. This allows the mother to leave, for example, in the kitchen, not afraid for a while to leave a nice child. But most often the mother’s care is accompanied by immediately starting crying — the child does not like to be alone. What to do? Not to drag each time to the kitchen arena, and there is no place for him.

But for such a folding, wall — Manege “temporary detention” is a place in any kitchen. While the mother prepares porridge or heats the milk, glancing at the baby, he quietly does his toys, because mother is near. For greater hedging of the folding platform may be enclosed by rope net.
The design of the arena is simple and affordable to manufacture. Directly on the wall, like shelves, hinged wooden frame. To her on any furniture hinges (putsch) attaches wooden or plywood Board (s10 — 12 mm), which is in a raised position closes the frame and that is fixed by a magnetic latch. In the tilted condition of his holding two reliable belt, such as a car. If you pin the straps near the front edge of the platform, then they conveniently skip around of a safety net. On the sides it can be fixed to the ends of the shield and the straps, and the front is lower, so that it was possible to plant and take child.
In the case when the wall frame has a rear wall, the straps can be fastened to it; if not, then to the side panels. To give greater rigidity to the frame without the rear wall, the junction of the panels (corners) are reinforced by the bars.
Making shield a horizontal platform is not difficult. If it is typed from separate boards, they rallied on the two transverse planks, which are nailed or attached with screws.
Wall Manege
Wall riding:
1—frame (Board 100×18); 2 — bearing support (beam 40×40); 3 — loop (2); 4 —pad hinged; 5 — cross member (Board 60s 18, 2); 6 — magnetic latch; 7 —belt-limiter (2 PCs.)
Playpen with mesh fencing
Playpen with mesh fencing.

For greater reliability of fastening and belt loops to perform better, not on the screws, and through-furniture screws and nuts, carefully cut off the protruding ends and process a file so that it was impossible to carpatica.
After Assembly of the playpen, he finally polished with sandpaper and coated with several layers of furniture varnish or enamel paints.
Interestingly, the shield can serve Not only the arena but also a piece of equipment close kitchen, for example, a cutting table. It is very convenient while cooking dinner, he leans back, and at the end of the newly “cleaned” on a wall and does not interfere. With this purpose the inside wall of the frame is easy to install auxiliary shelves for food, spice, grinder or small kitchen utensils.
According to the magazine
“Cultures und Heim” (Germany)

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